«Может стать живой вакциной». Вирусологи рассуждают о новом штамме «омикрон»

По словам ученого, несмотря на возможность стать «природной» вакциной, новый штамм может вызвать больше осложнений после болезни. Также, по мнению Ризванова, новый вариант COVID-19 может легче передаваться от человека к человеку. «Действительно, есть вероятность, что омикрон и подобные ему штаммы коронавируса потеряют в тяжести вызываемого ими заболевания, то есть станут менее патогенными, но более заразными. И это сделает их похожими на аттенуированные вакцины — препараты, содержащие в своем составе живой, но ослабленный вирус», — объяснил специалист. Однако Ризванов подчеркнув, что, несмотря на это, называть новый штамм «панацеей» не очень корректно, потому что существует много медицинских противопоказаний к вакцинации подобными препаратами. Тем не менее, по мнению ученого, вакцинация пока что остается самым эффективным и безопасным способом в борьбе с пандемией. Российский вирусолог Петр Чумаков также предположил, что новый штамм «омикрон» может выступить «живой» вакциной для людей. Благодаря этой способности штамма иммунитет станет более «устойчивым к болезнетворным вариантам». По мнению сотрудника ЦНИИ эпидемиологии Роспотребнадзора Камиля Хафизова, человек может заразиться и двумя штаммами коронавируса одновременно. Он заявил, что оба вируса способны попасть в организм человека, но скорость их распространения может быть разной, из-за чего один из вирусов «начнет побеждать». Накануне профессор Центра

New versions of the incident with the nearly crashed S7 plane announced

Honored Pilot Sytnik: the co-pilot of the icy S7 plane made a mistake Magadan – Novosibirsk, which nearly crashed and made an emergency landing in Irkutsk. His words are quoted by REN TV. As the pilot explained, during takeoff, the co-pilot allegedly interfered with the control of the airliner, which is a serious violation of existing instructions. “Firstly, they had to get out of the icing zone, and they tried to go to the second loop in Magadan. They did not turn off the autothrottle, but they had to immediately turn off the engine and fly all the way, “he commented. Aviation expert Roman Gusarov agreed with his colleague and added that another mistake of the pilots was that they stayed too long at low altitudes. “The stages when takeoff and landing take place, when the plane passes through dense layers of the atmosphere and clouds, where there is high

New versions of the incident with the nearly crashed S7 plane announced

Merited Pilot Sytnik: the co-pilot of the icy S7 plane made a mistake Magadan – Novosibirsk, which nearly crashed and made an emergency landing in Irkutsk. His words are quoted by REN TV. As the pilot explained, during takeoff, the co-pilot allegedly interfered with the control of the airliner, which is a serious violation of existing instructions. “Firstly, they had to get out of the icing zone, and they tried to go to the second loop in Magadan. They did not turn off the autothrottle, but they had to immediately turn off the engine and fly all the way, “he commented. Aviation expert Roman Gusarov agreed with his colleague and added that another mistake of the pilots was that they stayed too long at low altitudes. “The stages when takeoff and landing take place, when the plane passes through dense layers of the atmosphere and clouds, where there is high

President of Kazakhstan announced amnesty

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev signed an amnesty law anniversary of the independence of the republic. This was reported by the press service of the head of state. Related materials 00:04 – 20 August Talk here. Language patrols, prison and persecution: how are Russians oppressed in Kazakhstan? 00:01 – October 3 “Don't forget who you are here” language. Why is it considered a threat to the country? It is noted that the law will affect socially vulnerable categories of citizens, as well as persons convicted of crimes that do not pose a serious threat to the security of the population and the state. In particular, the amnesty will apply to veterans, minors, elderly women and men and people with disabilities of the first and second groups. According to preliminary estimates, the law will affect 2,236 convicts and 11,310 persons registered with the probation service … It is noted that about

Rare “Volga” will be sold in Russia for a million rubles

A 1969 black Volga released in Moscow for a million rubles was put up for sale A rare Volga ( GAZ-22) for almost a million rubles (999,999 rubles). The corresponding announcement appeared on the Avito platform. This is a unique five-door retro car in black, which is being sold in Moscow. According to the description, the 1969 Volga is equipped with a 75 horsepower gasoline engine capable of a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour. The machine is equipped with a manual transmission. According to the author of the ad, the vehicle's mileage is 45 thousand kilometers, it has three registered owners according to the TCP. It is known that five- and seven-seater station wagons with a transformable interior were produced at the GAZ plant in Gorky from 1962 to 1970 year. The main advantages of the model were a spacious trunk and a high carrying capacity (400 kilograms).

President of Kazakhstan announced amnesty

President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev signed an amnesty law anniversary of the independence of the republic. This was reported by the press service of the head of state. Related materials 00:04 – 20 August Talk here. Language patrols, prison and persecution: how are Russians oppressed in Kazakhstan? 00:01 – October 3 “Don't forget who you are here” language. Why is it considered a threat to the country? It is noted that the law will affect socially vulnerable categories of citizens, as well as persons convicted of crimes that do not pose a serious threat to the security of the population and the state. In particular, the amnesty will apply to veterans, minors, elderly women and men and people with disabilities of the first and second groups. According to preliminary estimates, the law will affect 2,236 convicts and 11,310 persons registered with the probation service … It is noted that about

Rare “Volga” will be sold in Russia for a million rubles

A 1969 black Volga released in Moscow for a million rubles was put up for sale A rare Volga ( GAZ-22) for almost a million rubles (999,999 rubles). The corresponding announcement appeared on the Avito platform. This is a unique five-door retro car in black, which is being sold in Moscow. According to the description, the 1969 Volga is equipped with a 75 horsepower gasoline engine capable of a top speed of 120 kilometers per hour. The machine is equipped with a manual transmission. According to the author of the ad, the vehicle's mileage is 45 thousand kilometers, it has three registered owners according to the TCP. It is known that five- and seven-seater station wagons with a transformable interior were produced at the GAZ plant in Gorky from 1962 to 1970 year. The main advantages of the model were a spacious trunk and a high carrying capacity (400 kilograms).

Mishustin announced an increase in the incidence of COVID-19 in 11 regions of Russia

Mikhail Mishustin: an increase in the incidence of COVID-19 was recorded in 11 regions of Russia An increase in the incidence of COVID-19 was recorded in 11 regions last week Russia. This was stated by the Prime Minister of the country Mikhail Mishustin, his words are reported by TASS. “The situation with the incidence of covid in the whole country remains tense,” he said during a meeting of the Presidium of the Coordination Council for the fight against coronavirus.