Shushkevich called “the one who pulled the trigger” of the collapse of the USSR

Shushkevich: Gennady Burbulis pulled the trigger of the collapse of the USSR in 1991-1992 Gennady Burbulis. Stanislav Shushkevich spoke about this in an interview with within the framework of a special project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to Shushkevich, it was Burbulis who proposed the phrase “The USSR as a geopolitical reality and a subject of international law is terminating its existence. ” “ When I heard it, I instantly realized that it was a wonderful formulation. Then we acted on the basis of including this phrase in the preamble of our resolution, “he said. According to the politician, the words of Burbulis made a huge impression on him, since he himself” did not have general humanitarian training and over such global I didn’t think about problems ”. “After I heard them, I even began to respect Soviet philosophers,” Shushkevich admitted.

The body of another person was raised from the Listvyazhnaya mine

Ministry of Emergency Situations: a human body was raised from the Listvyazhnaya mine, the search for another miner continues »In the Kemerovo region. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Ministry of Emergencies. According to a statement from the emergency services, the search for the body of another miner continues at the moment. A methane explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region has occurred in the morning of November 25th. As a result, 51 people died, including five mine rescuers who went in search of miners. One of the rescuers, Alexander Zakovryashin, who was considered dead, managed to leave the mine – he went to the rescuers himself the day after the emergency. The Russian said that he managed to get out thanks to a stream of fresh air from the surface.

It became known about the salary slavery of half of Russians

InDepth: 50.6% of Russians did not have the opportunity to choose a salary bank when applying for a job. for a new job. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to a study by the InDepth agency. Experts found that half of Russians (50.6 percent) did not have the opportunity to choose a salary bank when looking for employment. The main reasons for this decision were the employer's unwillingness to pay a commission for an interbank transfer, an additional burden on the accounting department and tacit agreements with a certain bank, the study emphasizes. In addition, only in 15 percent of cases, the employer explained this by the fact that the salary bank card provides additional bonuses to the employee and the organization itself. It is also noted that 73 percent of Russians have never changed their salary card, 14 percent did it according to of their own free will,

It became known about the salary slavery of half of Russians

InDepth: 50.6% of Russians did not have the opportunity to choose a salary bank during employment for a new job. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to a study by the InDepth agency. Experts found that half of Russians (50.6 percent) did not have the opportunity to choose a salary bank when looking for employment. The main reasons for this decision were the employer's unwillingness to pay a commission for an interbank transfer, an additional burden on the accounting department and tacit agreements with a certain bank, the study emphasizes. In addition, only in 15 percent of cases, the employer explained this by the fact that the salary bank card provides additional bonuses to the employee and the organization itself. It is also noted that 73 percent of Russians have never changed their salary card, 14 percent did it according to of their own free will, 13 percent –

The body of another person was raised from the Listvyazhnaya mine

Ministry of Emergency Situations: a human body was raised from the Listvyazhnaya mine, the search for another miner continues »In the Kemerovo region. This was reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Ministry of Emergencies. According to a statement from the emergency services, the search for the body of another miner continues at the moment. A methane explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region has occurred in the morning of November 25th. As a result, 51 people died, including five mine rescuers who went in search of miners. One of the rescuers, Alexander Zakovryashin, who was considered dead, managed to leave the mine – he went to the rescuers himself the day after the emergency. The Russian said that he managed to get out thanks to a stream of fresh air from the surface.

Ukraine predicted the end of gas reserves in a few months

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Kinakh: gas supply interruptions will begin in the country by January-February Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Anatoly Kinakh predicted that by January-February 2022, gas supply interruptions will begin in the country. He stated this on the air of the YouTube channel UkrLife. According to him, Kiev has failed the program of filling the storage facilities with gas, which will lead to the rapid end of reserves. He noted that now the storage facilities are 30-40 percent less volume than what should be according to regulatory requirements. Kinakh added that this will primarily affect housing and communal needs. Earlier it was reported that the price of imported gas in Ukraine soared four times in a year, to more than $ 730 per thousand cubic meters. At the same time, the average price of imported natural gas in the country as of November last year was about

Ukraine predicted the end of gas reserves in a few months

Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Kinakh: gas supply interruptions will begin in the country by January-February Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Anatoly Kinakh predicted that by January-February 2022, gas supply interruptions will begin in the country. He stated this on the air of the YouTube channel UkrLife. According to him, Kiev has failed the program of filling the storage facilities with gas, which will lead to the rapid end of reserves. He noted that now the storage facilities are 30-40 percent less volume than what should be according to regulatory requirements. Kinakh added that this will primarily affect housing and communal needs. Earlier it was reported that the price of imported gas in Ukraine soared four times in a year, to more than $ 730 per thousand cubic meters. At the same time, the average price of imported natural gas in the country as of November last year was about

The expert called the products prohibited after vaccination against COVID-19

Expert Ignatikova: Alcohol inhibits the production of antibodies after vaccination against COVID-19 from COVID-19, you should pay more attention to the diet. For example, alcohol inhibits the production of antibodies. She named the products prohibited for this period in a conversation with Sputnik radio. The expert noted that for the formation of immunity, nutrition must be balanced. “It is advisable to stop drinking alcohol for at least three days after vaccination, and even better – for the entire period between vaccinations, if we are talking about” Sputnik V “. Any alcohol, regardless of its strength, always negatively affects the immune system, lowers the activity of immune cells, “she said. After vaccination, you should also refuse foods that can cause allergies. At the time of exacerbation of allergic reactions, vaccination is even recommended to be temporarily postponed until the patient's condition returns to normal, Ignatikova said. The nutritionist added that during

The expert called the products prohibited after vaccination against COVID-19

Expert Ignatikova: Alcohol inhibits the production of antibodies after vaccination against COVID-19 from COVID-19, you should pay more attention to the diet. For example, alcohol inhibits the production of antibodies. She named the products prohibited for this period in a conversation with Sputnik radio. The expert noted that for the formation of immunity, nutrition must be balanced. “It is advisable to stop drinking alcohol for at least three days after vaccination, and even better – for the entire period between vaccinations, if we are talking about” Sputnik V “. Any alcohol, regardless of its strength, always negatively affects the immune system, lowers the activity of immune cells, “she said. After vaccination, you should also refuse foods that can cause allergies. At the time of exacerbation of allergic reactions, vaccination is even recommended to be temporarily postponed until the patient's condition returns to normal, Ignatikova said. The nutritionist added that during

Australia joins diplomatic boycott of China Olympics

Australia, following the United States, announced a diplomatic boycott of the Olympic Games in Beijing Australia joined the diplomatic boycott of the Olympic Games in China. This was reported by RIA Novosti. Earlier, the White House said that the US leadership would not go to the Olympics, which will be held in Beijing from 4 to 20 February 2022. American athletes were allowed to make their own decisions about participation in the Games. After the International Olympic Committee (IOC) commented on the US statement on the refusal of the American leadership to attend the Olympics. Representatives of the organization clarified that they respect Washington's decision. The IOC explained that the presence or absence of government officials and diplomats at the Games is a private matter for each country. In the matter of the diplomatic boycott of the Olympics, the IOC decided to maintain political neutrality.