Russians began to pay better on mortgages

Kommersant: the share of overdue mortgage loans in Russia fell to 0.6 percent “Arrears” in the total volume of mortgages by November 1, 2021 dropped to 0.6 percent, a year ago it was 0.9 percent, Kommersant reports, citing data from the Central Bank. The publication notes, however, that the statistical improvement in the payment discipline of mortgage holders was probably a consequence of the mortgage boom – immediately after receiving a loan, citizens almost always make payments on time, the situation usually begins to deteriorate several years later. In general, as evidenced by the Central Bank's data, in the country there is a decline in the volume of mortgage lending: in September it was 5.3 percent, then it worsened to 8.4 percent. In total, mortgages worth 501 billion rubles were issued in October (a year ago in the same month – 546 billion). The transition of the mortgage market to

Kazakhstan will get rid of the Russian language in the service sector

Signboards and price tags in Kazakhstan will be translated into Kazakh The Parliament of Kazakhstan approved amendments to the bill “On Signboards”. This is reported by “Sputnik Near Abroad”. Now the bill, according to which the country will get rid of the Russian language on signs and price tags, will be sent to the president for signature. Related materials00: 01 – October 3 < img src = "/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/d5b8bce6169a4551332779b9dad013f0.jpg" /> “Do not forget who you are here” In Kazakhstan, declared war on the Russian language. Why is it considered a threat to the country? 00: 04 – 20 August ? The changes will affect the service sector. The new amendments will oblige entrepreneurs to place advertisements, price lists, price tags, menus, signs and signs only in Kazakh. Bilingualism will remain in government agencies. According to the current legislation, letterheads, signs, advertisements and other visual information are presented in Kazakh and Russian

The woman took revenge on the mother of her lover and delighted netizens

Reddit user took revenge on her lover's mother and ruined Thanksgiving your lover. The 30-year-old woman decided to take original revenge on her boyfriend's mother for constantly calling her by another name. Her act delighted netizens. The author of the post said that she had been dating the guy for three years and during this time his mother had never gotten used to her. According to the woman, the boyfriend's parent became very attached to his previous girlfriend and even hoped that he would one day propose to her. “At first I reacted to this with understanding. I thought my boyfriend's mother needed time to get to know me better, ”she said. At first, the man's mother called his new lover by the name of his ex-girlfriend. “This continued until my boyfriend got angry with her and asked her to be polite. She laughed it off, saying that she just

Disclosed the change in prices in Turkish hotels after the fall of the lira

ATOR: the fall of the lira did not affect the cost of accommodation in Antalya hotels Istanbul and Mugla province has grown. The impact of the changes was revealed by the specialists of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR), who compared the current prices in the country in correlation with the exchange rate. Thus, ATOR evaluated the data of the analytical agency Turizmdatabank, which compared the cost of hotel accommodation in various provinces of Turkey … It was noted that in the resorts of Antalya the average cost of a night in November 2021 increased from 257 to 338 lira, in Istanbul – from 313 to 454 lira, in the Mugla province (Aegean coast of Turkey – Bodrum, Marmaris, Fethiye) – from 226 to 323 lira. It is noted that foreign tourists pay for accommodation in euros. Comparing the dynamics of the euro against the Turkish lira, which

The former head coach of “Rostov” has died

Former head coach of “Rostov” Igor Gamula died at the age of 62 The former head coach of “Rostov” Igor Gamula died at the age of 62. This was reported by the club's press service. “Igor Vasilyevich devoted most of his life to Don football, remaining a patriot of our club,” the message says. The reasons for the death of the coach were not reported. During his playing career, Gamula changed several clubs. He achieved the greatest success with the Rostov SKA, with which he won the USSR Cup in 1981. Gamula worked at Rostov as a coach from 2011 to 2020. He led the youth team, and from August to December 2014 he was the mentor of the main team. In 2017, he left the post, but spent two more years at the club as a breeder. On November 26, at the age of 96, the former head coach

Russians started buying luxury goods after watching “Gucci House”

Demand for goods associated with the Gucci brand increased by 60 percent after the release of the movie Russians began to massively buy luxury goods and designer items after watching the film “Gucci House” directed by Ridley Scott. The corresponding press release came to the disposal of “” on Wednesday, December 8. It is reported that after the release of the picture, users of the platforms “Yula” and “VKontakte Ads” began to be interested in goods that are associated with the Italian brand Gucci. Experts note that searches on portals with the words Gucci from December 3 to 6 increased by 60 percent compared to the same period last week. According to the study, the most popular product was the book “In the Name of Gucci. Memoirs of a daughter “, written by the illegitimate daughter of Aldo Gucci Patricia, the demand for which among domestic users has increased by

There are details about who shot people in the Moscow MFC

TASS: Glazov, who arranged the shooting at the Moscow MFC, was not prosecuted has not been tried before. Details about the detainee are reported by TASS, citing a source in law enforcement agencies. According to him, the attacker was also not registered with a psychiatrist and a narcologist. According to preliminary data, Glazov had no debts either. The man will be indicted today. At the stage of the preliminary investigation, Glazov will be sent for a psychiatric examination. Earlier it was reported that investigators would check the version of a planned attack on the MFC. The man had all his savings with him – 27 thousand euros, 10 thousand dollars and 20 thousand rubles. There was no money left in the detainee's apartment. This prompted the investigators to think that Glazov was not going to return home. The shooting at the MFC on 1st Novokuzminskaya Street took place in the