CSTO peacekeepers from three countries left Kazakhstan

Il-76 aircraft took off from & nbsp; Almaty airport. The military from & nbsp; Armenia fly with three sides, and & nbsp; Tajik & nbsp; & mdash; one, since they did not & nbsp; took military equipment to & nbsp; Kazakhstan. On a plane, together with the & nbsp; military from & nbsp; Tajikistan, a group of & nbsp; 31 cadets of the Military Institute of the Ground Forces of Kazakhstan went home for a vacation. This & nbsp; & nbsp; educational institution housed the headquarters of the CSTO operation. A little earlier this morning, the units of the Kyrgyz armed forces guarding TPP-2 went home, but & nbsp; not & nbsp; on & nbsp & nbsp; planes under its own power. In & nbsp; CSTO peacekeeping operation in & nbsp; Kazakhstan, contingents of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and & nbsp; Tajikistan participated. Peacekeepers were entrusted with the protection of

Kazakhstan confirmed that Samat Abish holds the post of the first deputy chairman of the KNB

NUR-SULTAN, 14 & nbsp; January./TASS /. The National Security Committee (KNB) of Kazakhstan confirmed that & nbsp; Samat Abish continues to hold the post of first deputy chairman of the department. & Nbsp; This was reported on & nbsp; Friday by the press service of the KNB of Kazakhstan. “ In & nbsp; in connection with & nbsp; incoming requests, we inform you that & nbsp; Samat Abish continues to hold the post of the first deputy chairman of the KNB of Kazakhstan. At & nbsp; currently, he is & nbsp; on & nbsp; annual leave & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; said in & nbsp; message. Samat Abish is the nephew of the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Robert Kennedy’s killer was left in prison in defiance of human rights activists

“She recently ruled that Sirhan meets the criteria for early release. I disagree,” he said. According to him, Sirhan has not developed a sense of responsibility for what he has done and the worldview necessary for his safe reintegration into society. Robert Kennedy was assassinated on June 5, 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles during the days of triumph — the presidential candidate was celebrating his victory in the primaries in California. The murder came as a shock to Americans who had not yet recovered from the assassination of Robert’s brother – President John F. Kennedy – in 1963. Sirhan was arrested at the scene of the crime with a gun in his hand. At the trial, he claimed that he did not remember anything because of a memory lapse. The man was sentenced to death, but three years later the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. Over

Former Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu has died

TOKYO, January 14. /tass/. Former Japanese Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu has died at the age of 91. This was reported on Friday by NHK. According to him, the former head of government died on January 9. Kaifu served as premier from August 1989 to November 1991. He became the first head of the Japanese government to approve the sending of units of the Self-Defense Forces abroad. The servicemen were engaged in mine clearance operations after the war in The Persian Gulf.

Portugal has begun checking the legality of issuing a passport to Abramovich

Portuguese authorities have launched an investigation into the legality of issuing a national passport to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich, according to Reuters and Portuguese radio station Renascença. The investigation is conducted by the Institute of Registrations and Notaries (IRN). The Portuguese Ministry of Justice told the media that such an investigation is a standard procedure when information about “any possible violation” is received. “IRN intends to establish, excluding any doubts, whether there has been a violation,” the Ministry of Justice quoted Reuters as saying. A representative of Abramovich told the agency that the billionaire and his staff “welcome any verification, as it will demonstrate that citizenship was obtained in accordance with the rules.” The fact that Abramovich received Portuguese citizenship under the law on naturalization of Sephardic Jews, RBC was told in December by a source and later confirmed by Millhouse, which manages the businessman’s assets. According to the source,

US Senate rejects Nord Stream 2 sanctions bill

WASHINGTON, January 13 & nbsp;/TASS /. The Senate of the US Congress on & nbsp; Thursday rejected the proposed by Republican Ted Cruise (from the & nbsp; Texas) bill on & nbsp; sanctions against Nord Stream & nbsp; & mdash; 2 ''. The vote was broadcast on the & nbsp; website of the upper house of the American legislature. The senator's initiative failed to & nbsp; get the required 60 votes for & nbsp; approval. The Politico newspaper previously reported that the & nbsp; Senate most likely will not & nbsp; approve this initiative. According to the & nbsp; edition, the Democrats, who spoke out in & nbsp; support for new restrictions in & nbsp; regarding the gas pipeline, “ signaled about & nbsp; a change in their position. '' In & nbsp; in particular, on & nbsp; Monday, US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland and &

Sullivan called useful this week's talks with Russia

WASHINGTON, January 13. /TASS/. The US administration believes that the consultations held on Russian security proposals were useful. Jake Sullivan, National Security Adviser to the President of the United States, said this at a briefing for journalists                We completed a week of intense diplomatic engagement in a number of formats: Strategic Stability Dialogue, Council of Russia — NATO and  OSCE. Russia expressed its concern, we — its own, including with regard to the actions of the Russian Federation that undermine European security <…>», — he noted. “The discussions were frank and direct. They were helpful. They gave us reasons to think, and they gave Russia reasons to think, — Blinken said. — Now we will consider and consult with the allies on how to proceed». The timing of the new talks between the United States and Russia on security has not yet been determined, Washington intends to first consult with  ;by its allies and partners, Sullivan said. “There is no set date for any further talks. We must first consult

US congressmen pass electoral reform bill

WASHINGTON, January 13 & nbsp;/TASS /. The House of Representatives of the US Congress approved on & nbsp; Thursday the Democratic electoral reform bill in & nbsp; the country, but & nbsp; it has practically no chance of & nbsp; approval by senators. & Nbsp; is referred to in an & nbsp; article published in & nbsp; The Washington Post. This initiative, as the Democrats say, is designed to protect the right of Americans to & nbsp; free expression of will. In & nbsp; a number of American states, where Republicans have & nbsp; authorities, in & nbsp; last year they tightened the rules regarding control during & nbsp; voting, in & nbsp; including by & nbsp; mail. Republicans explained this by the need to prevent election fraud. The Democrats claim that & nbsp; these steps are being taken by their opponents to make it difficult for certain categories of

Erdogan announces Turkey's intention to join the European Union

“I urge not to allow individual countries to sabotage the dialogue between Ankara and the EU under the pretext of ensuring “solidarity” within the European Union», — said the politician. Erdogan added that Turkey is the key to settlement of the problems that the EU countries are facing today. Earlier, Erdogan in during negotiations with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said that his country sees its future in the EU. The         Erdogan called the renewal of the migration agreement the most important tool that can be used at the first stage for a positive agenda in relations between Turkey and the EU.

Prince Andrew has lost his military ranks and royal patronage

“With the consent and approval of the Queen, the Duke of York resigns his military posts and royal guardianship duties,” the statement said. He also loses the right to be called “His Royal Highness”. A civil lawsuit has been filed against Prince Andrew in the United States. American Virginia Giuffre accuses the prince of sexual abuse. “The Duke of York will no longer perform any public duties and is defending himself in this case as a private individual,” the statement said.