In Japan, a 14-year-old schoolboy killed a peer during an argument

Japanese police arrested a teenager who stabbed a peer during an altercation at school school peer during a quarrel. This is reported by Tokyo Web. Related materials 00:01 – 11 November “Warm up each other in their machismo” Clashes Caucasians and Russians are happening more and more often. Who is to blame? 00:01 – May 15 “This is a transformation of violence.” … Why – scientists explain At about eight in the morning, that is, even before the start of classes, the police received a call from the director. A conflict arose between the students of the third grade of the middle stage of a comprehensive school, which corresponds to the ninth grade of a Russian school, as a result of which one of the students stabbed another with a kitchen knife about 20 centimeters long. The wounded teenager was taken to the hospital, where he died from blood loss.

58 offices “My Documents” will become even more convenient for residents after renovation

58 offices of “My Documents” will become even more convenient for residents after the renovation work public services. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Anastasia Rakova. “It is very important for us that visits to public service centers evoke pleasant emotions among residents. That is why we strive not only to constantly improve the quality of customer service and introduce new services and services, but also to improve the office premises themselves, making them more convenient and comfortable. We take into account all the nuances and the fact that completely different categories of citizens come to us: residents of the older generation, people with limited mobility, parents with small children. Therefore, we are taking another step in the development of the infrastructure of the offices of “My Documents” – 58 centers of public services will be updated as part of large-scale renovation work, “-

The USA wanted to make a mandatory “booster” dose for vaccinated against COVID-19

Reuters: in the US, COVID-19 vaccinees may be required to have a third vaccine COVID-19. Those vaccinated will be required to additionally receive a third shot of Pfizer and Moderna and a second shot of Johnson & Johnson. This is reported by Reuters with reference to the director of the National Institute of Allergic and Infectious Diseases of the United States, Anthony Fauci. Related materials 00:01 – July 31 Test-tube pandemic. Could coronavirus have leaked from a Chinese laboratory and why is this version gaining popularity? 00:01 – September 8 “Lack vaccines are a shame. ”The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? According to the infectious disease specialist, changes are already being discussed. So the American authorities intend to introduce the concept of “complete” and “complete” level of vaccination. The latter implies the introduction of an additional vaccination for those

58 offices “My Documents” will become even more convenient for residents after renovation

58 offices of “My Documents” will become even more convenient for residents after renovation work public services. This was announced by the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development Anastasia Rakova. “It is very important for us that visits to public service centers evoke pleasant emotions among residents. That is why we strive not only to constantly improve the quality of customer service and introduce new services and services, but also to improve the office premises themselves, making them more convenient and comfortable. We take into account all the nuances and the fact that completely different categories of citizens come to us: residents of the older generation, people with limited mobility, parents with small children. Therefore, we are taking another step in the development of the infrastructure of the offices of “My Documents” – 58 centers of public services will be updated as part of large-scale renovation work, “- said

Game of Thrones star talks about her husband “sticking his fingers in supermodels”

Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner ridiculed husband Joe Jonas for the ring of purity British actress Sophie Turner, star of Game of Thrones , appeared in the Jonas Brothers special on Netflix's Family Roast, dedicated to the Jonas Brothers. The actress made fun of her husband, musician Joe Jonas, for the “ring of purity,” writes the New York Post. “Look, Joe didn't just stick his finger in some idiotic piece of metal ring. He poked his fingers into co-workers, actresses, even a couple of supermodels, ”Turner joked. The actress noted that the “purity rings” that symbolized the sexual puritanism of the Jonas Brothers were not a good idea. Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas have been dating since 2016 and got married in early May 2019. In February of the following year, it became known about the pregnancy of the actress. She gave birth to her first child in July

In the suburbs, a couple of young criminals killed a Russian

Suspects in the murder of previously convicted Russians were detained in the Moscow region … This is reported by the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). According to the investigation, on November 20 in the city of Khotkovo, a 22-year-old girl and a 25-year-old man were drinking alcohol while visiting a man who lived in a private house. Due to personal hostility, the gatherings turned into a quarrel, which ended in a massacre – the girl stabbed her victim in the thigh and neck, and her boyfriend struck the wounded man a strong blow in the chest. The Russian died at the scene, and the murder suspects fled. The TFR opened a criminal case under Article 105 (“Murder”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Hot on the heels, the couple managed to detain. A number of expert examinations have been appointed, recordings from external surveillance

Sukhoi Superjet rolled off the runway in Norilsk

Sukhoi Superjet 100 flew off the runway at Norilsk airport Sukhoi Superjet 100 took off outside Norilsk airport when landing at Norilsk airport – a landing strip at a distance of approximately 30 meters. Information about this appeared on the website of the Krasnoyarsk Transport Investigation Department. It is clarified that the incident took place on Wednesday, November 24, on the Chelyabinsk – Norilsk flight. There were 81 passengers and six crew members on board, there were no casualties. Currently, the Krasnoyarsk Investigation Department on the transport of the Eastern Interregional SUT of the Investigative Committee of Russia is conducting a check on the fact of the incident, during which the actions of the crew members will be assessed and aerodrome ground services.

The groom complained about the harassment of the bridesmaid and disrupted the wedding

Potential bridesmaid molested the groom and thwarted the wedding The guy complained to his beloved about the harassment from the girl, whom she chose for the role of the bridesmaid, but did not meet with his friend's understanding. She refused to change her bridesmaid, leaving the couple on the verge of breaking up. According to the author of the post, his beloved decided that her sister would be the bridesmaid at their wedding. The hero of the story clarified that several years ago she lived with them and regularly molested her sister's beloved. For example, she went into his shower several times, pretending that it was by accident, and said phrases like “I wish I could find someone like you.” The guy complained to his lover about this, but she did not take his words seriously. “When my fiancee mentioned the fact that she wanted to make my sister a