Peskov responded to Nuland's words about Putin's restoration of the Soviet Union

Kremlin spokesman Peskov said that the reconstruction of the USSR in modern conditions is impossible The reconstruction of the USSR is impossible in modern conditions. Thus, to the words of US Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland that Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to recreate the Soviet Union, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov replied, writes TASS.

US activists prevent veterans from attending Pearl Harbor memorial ceremony

US protesters have blocked veterans from accessing a commemorative ceremony in Colombia a ceremony in Colombia to mark the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. This is reported by The Western Journal. Related materials02: 02 – November 22 Russia has been polluting nature with emissions for years. saving the country from a climate catastrophe? 00: 02 – 30 November “The world has not yet faced the disappearance of the country due to climate” Minister of a sinking state – about life knee-deep in water Demonstrators blocked access to the National Memorial of Friends of World War II. The veterans got to the commemoration ceremony only at the time of reading out the names of the victims, being late for the beginning. The Heritage Foundation member Lindsay Fyfield condemned the protesters for blockading the roads and said that she helped the veterans bypass the rally and get to the

Flight attendant revealed unknown facts about work

An American flight attendant spoke about the mandatory check of smoke detectors on the plane American Airlines employee Tommy Cimato, who became famous on social networks thanks to videos about the profession, he revealed facts about his work unknown to many passengers. He shared them in his personal TikTok account. The flight attendant explained that on every flight, even the earliest, the crew members are required to check the smoke detector for serviceability – in the video he showed that this is done using a special rod. The American also said that if necessary, you can easily remove the seat from the chair and use it as a floating device – for this, the cushion on the back side has two loops that are comfortable to hold with your hands. “We can also add extra space in the aisle by placing a seat between two adjacent seats in the same

Russian private space company gathered on the stock exchange

Success Rockets wants to go public via SPAC Russian private space company Success Rockets wants to go public within two to three years. She was going to do this through a merger with a SPAC company, said the general director of the enterprise Oleg Mansurov, RIA Novosti reports. “” ). We are now looking more at European sites. All space companies go through SPAC because they need a lot of funding at an early stage, “he said. SPAC (special purpose acquisition company) is a special purpose acquisition company that is being set up to merge with a private firm. to put the latter on the stock exchange without an IPO. If the entire unified holding is taken out on the IPO, the capitalization will amount to $ 10 billion, Mansurov said. If only the core (rockets, satellites, software), then about three billion dollars, added the CEO of Success Rockets. The

The Federation Council assessed the consequences of the election of a new Chancellor of Germany for Russia

Senator Jabarov on the election of Scholz: we have always found a common language with his party The Federation Council hopes that after the election of Olaf Scholz Germany, Russia and Germany will manage to maintain a constructive agenda of relations and not go over to confrontation. Vladimir Dzhabarov, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, shared this opinion in a conversation with “We hope that the new Chancellor, representing the Social Democrats, will also treat our country constructively … That is, it will base its policy not on confrontation, but on the solution of certain problems. So, I think we will work with the new German government, “he said. Dzhabarov recalled that historically, Russia and the USSR managed to build good relations with the FRG chancellors who belonged to the Social Democrats, for example, A significant improvement in relations between the countries was achieved

More than 12 billion rubles were allocated for salaries of state employees in Russia

Prime Minister Mishustin: the Cabinet of Ministers has allocated more than 12 billion rubles to raise salaries for public sector employees This was announced by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, his words are quoted by RIA Novosti. “Today we will allocate over 12 billion rubles to raise the wages of public sector workers,” the head of the Cabinet stated. He instructed the head of the Ministry of Labor Anton Kotyakov to take the execution of this decision under his personal control and make sure that the money reaches the addressees in all regions of the country.

В Японии запустят автобусы на рельсах

World-first road/rail-traveling bus to enter use on Christmas Day — Pedro Rodrigues Costa (@pmmrcosta) December 7, 2021 С 25 декабря в Японии начнут курсировать необычные гибридные автобусы, которые будут передвигаться как по обычным дорогам, так и по рельсам. Новый городской транспорт, рассчитанный на 23 пассажира, будет ездить по маршруту протяженностью 123 километра. Особенность этого транспорта в том, что он может двигаться по обычной дороге, а затем переходить на железнодорожные рельсы и ехать, как поезд. Благодаря нажатию одной кнопки резиновые шины будут втягиваться внутрь корпуса, а вместо них появятся колесные пары. Весь процесс перехода занимает лишь 15 секунд. Будучи на рельсах, автобус может разогнаться до 80 км/ч. Из соображений безопасности для нового автобуса построили отдельные рельсы. Разработка нового двухрежимного транспорта началась еще в 2002 году, а летом 2021 года завершились его последние испытания. Сейчас готово три таких гибридных автобуса, но если этот транспорт станет популярным, то компания Asa Coast Railway запустит их массовое производство. По словам разработчиков, такой вид транспорта будет более экономичным и экологичным, чем традиционные автобусы. Кроме того, он может стать незаменимым в случае землетрясения или другой катастрофы,

В Ленинградской области появились световые столбы

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от Cate T Archer (@lady_noname) Листайте, чтобы увидеть больше В окрестностях Санкт-Петербурга очевидцы сфотографировали яркие световые столбы. «Такие эффекты гало в морозную ночь оставляют на иголках инея любые яркие источники света. Если наблюдать столбики от машин — они перемещаются. Облака морозного тумана разной плотности надувает ветер, картинка меняется на глазах, зрелище прекрасное. Световой лес будто танцует, переливается разными цветами с разной интенсивностью, не удивительно, что его часто путают с северным сиянием», — написала астрофотограф, которая известна в соцсетях как Cate T Archer. Ранее необычный столб света заметили в Швеции. Он появился в самом северном городе страны, когда солнце почти исчезло за горизонтом. Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram Публикация от ЛенТВ24 – Новости (@lentv24_news) Листайте, чтобы увидеть больше Анна Лысенко Еще больше интересного о природе