В Москве выявили минимум новых заболевших COVID-19 за два месяца

За последние сутки в России выявили 33 558 новых случаев заражения коронавирусом, сообщил в Telegram-канале оперативный штаб. Это минимум более чем за месяц — после 16 октября. Второй день подряд прирост числа заболевших оказался меньше 34 000. Общее число подтвержденных случаев заболевания достигло 9 434 393. За день от коронавируса умерли 1240 человек, следует из данных оперативного штаба. Это минимум за восемь дней, но девятый день подряд смертность от COVID-19 в статистике штаба превысила 1240 летальных исходов за сутки. Всего с начала эпидемии оперативный штаб зарегистрировал 267 819 летальных случаев. Это почти вдвое меньше данных Росстата: он сообщал о более 460 000 умерших за период с апреля 2020 года по конец сентября 2021 года. Росстат объяснял разницу в статистике смертности разными методами сбора данных. В Москве 2533 новых зараженных за сутки. Это минимум после 22 сентября (тогда был 1991 новый случай заболевания). Третий день подряд прирост числа заболевших в столице держится ниже 3000. За сутки от коронавируса в Москве умерли 93 человека, следует из данных оперативного штаба. Это минимум за четыре дня, но смертность в городе держится выше 90 случаев в сутки с 27 октября. В Подмосковье за сутки зарегистрировали 1842 новых заболевших, в Санкт-Петербурге —

Tinkoff shares soar

Shares in Tinkoff rose 4.36 percent after the release of the report Shares in TCS Group – parent company of Tinkoff Bank – skyrocketed after the release of the quarterly report. During trading on the Moscow Exchange on Wednesday, November 24, global depositary receipts (GDRs) rose at a peak to 7355.8 rubles per share (plus 4.36 percent compared to the close of the evening trading session on November 23). At 12:00, the securities dropped to 7139.8 rubles. According to the report, TCS's net profit in the third quarter of 2021 increased over the last year from 12.6 to 16.5 billion rubles (plus 31 percent). The group's revenue increased from 48.3 to 71.7 billion rubles (plus 48 percent).

Described a way to hack any Windows

Security Specialist Naseri learned how to access any version of Windows Security Specialist Abdelhamid Naceri described how to hack any version Windows. This is reported by Bleeping Computer. Naseri learned how to access an OS from Microsoft through a series of steps that he outlined on GitHub. Using a zero-day vulnerability, hackers can elevate their own privileges and take control of the system. Microsoft has previously responded to the issue by assigning the identifier CVE-2021-41379 to the vulnerability and also releasing a fix in the November update. However, Naseri believes that the Windows patches did not fix the problem. According to the expert, the system flaw allows you to hack Windows 10, Windows 11 and Windows Server. The Bleeping Computer journalists tested the method described by the expert and were able to quickly elevate the privileges of a user who did not have administrator rights. When asked by the authors

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation disclosed Zyuganov's position on the letter of doctors to anti-Axis

Communist Party Secretary Yushchenko: Zyuganov is not opposed to vaccination Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov is not opposed to vaccination against COVID-19. The politician is unfairly among the addressees of the letter from Russian doctors to the anti-Axis. This position was revealed by his press secretary, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Yushchenko in a conversation with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. He noted that Zyuganov was grateful for the invitation to covid hospitals, which he would most likely use. At the same time, the politician added that if you visit the hospital in Kommunarka, headed by Denis Protsenko, it will be difficult to find out the “general temperature in the country” and get an idea of ​​the situation in the red zones. This is a privileged medical institution of a fairly high level, he reminded. In turn, Yushchenko drew attention to the fact that the letter

Tinkoff shares soar

Shares in Tinkoff rose 4.36 percent after the release of the report Shares in TCS Group – parent company of Tinkoff Bank – skyrocketed after the release of the quarterly report. During trading on the Moscow Exchange on Wednesday, November 24, global depositary receipts (GDRs) rose at a peak to 7355.8 rubles per share (plus 4.36 percent compared to the close of the evening trading session on November 23). At 12:00, the securities dropped to 7139.8 rubles. According to the report, TCS's net profit in the third quarter of 2021 increased over the last year from 12.6 to 16.5 billion rubles (plus 31 percent). The group's revenue increased from 48.3 to 71.7 billion rubles (plus 48 percent).

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation disclosed Zyuganov's position on the letter of doctors to anti-Axis

Communist Party Secretary Yushchenko: Zyuganov is not opposed to vaccination Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov is not opposed to vaccination against COVID-19. The politician is unfairly among the addressees of the letter from Russian doctors to the anti-Axis. This position was revealed by his press secretary, first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Yushchenko in a conversation with Rossiyskaya Gazeta. He noted that Zyuganov was grateful for the invitation to covid hospitals, which he would most likely use. At the same time, the politician added that if you visit the hospital in Kommunarka, headed by Denis Protsenko, it will be difficult to find out the “general temperature in the country” and get an idea of ​​the situation in the red zones. This is a privileged medical institution of a fairly high level, he reminded. In turn, Yushchenko drew attention to the fact that the letter

Political scientist explained the statement of the German party against the sanctions on Nord Stream 2

Political scientist Markov: German Green Party has toughened its position against Nord Stream 2 Despite the fact that the expert of the German Green Party Omid Nuripur opposed the US sanctions on Nord Stream 2, this does not indicate that the organization suddenly began to take an anti-American position, political analyst Sergei Markov said. In a conversation with Lenta.ru, he explained that the party, on the contrary, has toughened up its positions against Nord Stream 2 and opposes only those restrictions that may affect the German economy. The political party of the Federal Republic of Germany ” Soyuz-90 “/” Greens “, which is a member of the Bundestag and previously opposed the implementation of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, called the new US sanctions against the project unacceptable. Omid Nuripur, an expert of the political association on foreign policy, said this. Tightening of positions Markov recalled that the Green Party

Latvia ordered to take COVID-19 test regardless of vaccination

In Latvia, starting from December, workers will be tested for coronavirus twice a week The Latvian authorities have introduced new rules to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. From December 6, all workers in the country who have possible contact with other people at work will be required to undergo testing for the presence of antigens to COVID-19. Reported by ERR. Workers will be tested twice a week, regardless of the fact of vaccination. At the same time, the Latvian authorities will bear the costs of testing, said the director of the State Chancellery and the head of the operational management group Janis Tsitskovskis. For eight weeks of testing, the state will have to spend 14-15 million euros. Related materials 00:05 – 17 September “I will not leave my land!” 30 years ago the Baltic States became independent. How did the collapse of the USSR change the life of the

Latvia ordered to take COVID-19 test regardless of vaccination

In Latvia, starting from December, workers will be tested for coronavirus twice a week The Latvian authorities have introduced new rules to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. From December 6, all workers in the country who have possible contact with other people at work will be required to undergo testing for the presence of antigens to COVID-19. Reported by ERR. Workers will be tested twice a week, regardless of the fact of vaccination. At the same time, the Latvian authorities will bear the costs of testing, said the director of the State Chancellery and the head of the operational management group Janis Tsitskovskis. For eight weeks of testing, the state will have to spend 14-15 million euros. Related materials 00:05 – 17 September “I will not leave my land!” 30 years ago the Baltic States became independent. How did the collapse of the USSR change the life of the

Urgant ridiculed the acquisition of French citizenship by Pavel Durov

Ivan Urgant compared Pavel Durov, who became a French citizen, with Depardieu the founder of Telegram Pavel Durov. An excerpt from the episode is available on YouTube. Urgant also compared Durov to actor Gerard Depardieu, who had previously received a Russian passport. “Telegram owner Pavel Durov has become a French citizen. Since Gerard Depardieu became a citizen of Russia, we had to give something to France. We paid off the debt, “the TV presenter said. After that, he showed the audience a shot from the film” Asterix and Obelix “, in which Depardieu's face was replaced by Durov's. “In this regard, a new part of the film“ Asterix and Obelix ”is coming out. And let Franskomnadzor deal with Pavel Durov now, ”concluded Urgant. Earlier it became known that the founder of Telegram received French citizenship in August 2021. The corresponding decree was published on the website of the Government Gazette