Apple sues iPhone jailbreak software

Apple will demand to ban Pegasus software for jailbreaking iPhone and spying on users Pegasus iPhone jailbreak software. This is reported on the company's website. Related materials00: 02 – May 26 Safety factor. Apple released iPad with a processor from a computer. Why does he need such power? 00:02 – March 18 More expensive than moneyThe company demands a ban on the distribution of Pegasus software in order to prevent illegal surveillance of iPhone users. In a statement, Apple claims that the software was created by a government order and purposefully collected information about the actions of the victim. “Organizations like the NSO Group, sponsored by the state, are investing millions of dollars in the development of sophisticated spy technology, in fact, without accounting for their activities. This practice needs to change, “said Apple Senior Vice President Craig Federighi. In a statement, the hackers exploited the already fixed ForcedEntry vulnerability.

Morgenstern's lawyer responded to rumors about the rapper's escape from Russia

Morgenstern's lawyer Sergey Zhorin did not confirm rumors about the rapper's escape from Russia on rumors that his client fled Russia after the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Alexander Bastrykin was accused of selling drugs on social networks. “I can neither confirm nor deny this message, simply because I don't know anything about Morgenstern's whereabouts, the human rights activist said. “Whether he contacted me after Bastrykin’s statement, I can’t say, since it is a lawyer’s secret.” Earlier, the lawyer said that he was afraid of pressure from law enforcement officers on his client.

Apple sues iPhone jailbreak software

Apple will demand to ban Pegasus software for jailbreaking iPhone and spying on users Pegasus iPhone jailbreak software. This is reported on the company's website. Related materials00: 02 – May 26 Safety factor. Apple released iPad with a processor from a computer. Why does he need such power? 00:02 – March 18 More expensive than moneyThe company demands a ban on the distribution of Pegasus software in order to prevent illegal surveillance of iPhone users. In a statement, Apple claims that the software was created by a government order and purposefully collected information about the actions of the victim. “Organizations like the NSO Group, sponsored by the state, are investing millions of dollars in the development of sophisticated spy technology, in fact, without accounting for their activities. This practice needs to change, “said Apple Senior Vice President Craig Federighi. In a statement, the hackers exploited the already fixed ForcedEntry vulnerability.

Morgenstern's lawyer responded to rumors about the rapper's escape from Russia

Morgenstern's lawyer Sergei Zhorin did not confirm rumors about the rapper's escape from Russia on rumors that his client fled Russia after the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Alexander Bastrykin was accused of selling drugs on social networks. “I can neither confirm nor deny this message, simply because I don't know anything about Morgenstern's whereabouts, the human rights activist said. “Whether he contacted me after Bastrykin’s statement, I can’t say, since it is a lawyer’s secret.” Earlier, the lawyer said that he was afraid of pressure from law enforcement officers on his client.

The Kremlin appreciated the phrase of Patrushev “Ukraine can blaze”

Peskov called a well-reasoned assessment of Patrushev's phrase “Ukraine may blaze” blaze, – a reasoned point of view, which is based on an analysis of the department's data. Such an assessment was made by the representative of the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov, reports TASS. “This is the point of view of the head of the Security Council, who has a very wide range of information, [a representative of] a body that analyzes this information and simulates various development scenarios. And so he expresses his point of view, which is clearly not a point of view that does not rely on anything. This is a well-reasoned point of view, “- Peskov clarified. Earlier, Patrushev in an interview with Argumenty i Fakty said that in conditions when Ukraine was under the protectorate of the West, when the country's economy was destroyed, and society was reduced to lawlessness , the country could flare up

Lavrov spoke about attempts to destroy the civilizational identity of peoples

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: the world is trying to destroy the civilizational identity of peoples Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that today there are attempts to destroy the cultural and civilizational identity of peoples. This was reported by RIA Novosti. Materials on the topic00: 01 – November 6 “White is not culture!” with racism in the United States led to harassment of white people and a split in society? 00: 02 – 20 November The United States and Europe endure poverty and humiliation. Why are small peoples not being protected there? “The use of Internet technologies for this purpose, including social networks, poses serious challenges. Such factors must, of course, be taken into account, “the Russian minister said at the 37th meeting of the Council of Heads of Subjects of the Russian Federation under the Russian Foreign Ministry. At the same time, Lavrov stressed that Moscow advocates depoliticized cultural

In Russia, they proposed to increase the age in the queue for housing

Ombudsman Moskalkova suggested not to remove the family from the queue for housing upon reaching 35 years “Young family” should be increased. Such a proposal was made by the ombudsman for human rights Tatyana Moskalkova, according to the website of the Russian Agency for Legal and Judicial Information (RAPSI). According to her, circumstances often develop in such a way that families register, wait several years and hope for housing, but upon reaching 35 years of age they are removed from the queue. “Can you imagine the emotions with which they come to our reception,” the ombudsman explained. Moskalkova suggests not to remove such people from the queue until they receive housing, and to increase the age limit in the program to 36-40 years. “Otherwise, it carries huge reputational costs for all institutions of state power,” she concluded. On February 18, the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina said that

Roszdravnadzor instructed to report false information about vaccination to the prosecutor's office

Roszdravnadzor: those who disseminate false information about vaccinations will be reported to the prosecutor's office that spread false information about COVID-19 vaccinations. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the department. We are also talking about medical workers who spread deliberately false information about the dangers of vaccination. Information about such people will be collected through monitoring media and social networks. It is clarified that false information about vaccinations will be regarded as an offense under Articles 207.1 and 207.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. “We will be able to announce the number of applications submitted after analyzing the information provided by the territorial bodies of Roszdravnadzor,” the press service of the department reported. Earlier it was reported that Roszdravnadzor identified 37 anti-vaccination agents calling for refusal of vaccination against coronavirus. They may face criminal liability.

Lavrov spoke about attempts to destroy the civilizational identity of peoples

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: the world is trying to destroy the civilizational identity of peoples Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that today there are attempts to destroy the cultural and civilizational identity of peoples. This is reported by RIA Novosti. Materials on the topic00:01 – November 6 “White is not culture!” with racism in the US led to harassment of white people and a split in society? 00:02 – November 20 Indigenous people have no place here. The United States and Europe endure poverty and humiliation. Why are small peoples not being protected there? “The use of Internet technologies for this purpose, including social networks, poses serious challenges. Such factors must, of course, be taken into account, “the Russian minister said at the 37th meeting of the Council of Heads of Subjects of the Russian Federation under the Russian Foreign Ministry. At the same time, Lavrov stressed that Moscow

Roszdravnadzor instructed to report false information about vaccination to the prosecutor's office

Roszdravnadzor: those spreading false information about vaccinations will be reported to the prosecutor's office that spread false information about COVID-19 vaccinations. This is reported by TASS with reference to the press service of the department. We are also talking about medical workers who spread deliberately false information about the dangers of vaccination. Information about such people will be collected through monitoring media and social networks. It is clarified that false information about vaccinations will be regarded as an offense under Articles 207.1 and 207.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. “We will be able to announce the number of applications submitted after analyzing the information provided by the territorial bodies of Roszdravnadzor,” the press service of the department reported. Earlier it was reported that Roszdravnadzor identified 37 anti-vaccination agents calling for refusal of vaccination against coronavirus. They may face criminal liability.