Russian pensioners have their teeth knocked out for profit

In the Nizhny Novgorod region, criminals snatched gold crowns from pensioners for profit and tore out their gold dental crowns for profit. Komsomolskaya Pravda writes about the incident. The robbers, who hid their faces with medical masks, stunned the owner of the house and her 73-year-old disabled husband. Then the criminals beat pensioners with sticks, took off the gold jewelry from the married couple and knocked out six teeth for the sake of gold crowns. In addition, they took out 20 bottles of moonshine and vodka, as well as prescription psychotropic drugs from the house. < p> The police have arrested the criminals. They were charged with robbery and face up to 12 years in prison. Earlier, five bandits in police uniforms beat and robbed a married couple in New Moscow. A 62-year-old man was returning home in a Lexus, on the road he was stopped by a traffic police

Poland will repair the Soviet complexes “Osa”

Defense24: The Polish Ministry of Defense ordered the repair of Soviet short-range air defense systems “Wasp” short-range “Wasp”. The combat readiness of Soviet weapons will be maintained until new anti-missile defense (air defense) systems are created. This is reported by Defense24. The contract for the repair of the air defense system was received by the enterprise of the PGZ consortium (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa). The contract is valued at PLN 100 million (about $ 24 million). The agreement provides for the completion of work until 2023. The enterprise will repair 9A33BM2 combat vehicles of the 9K33M2 Osa-AK complexes. The publication notes that the Polish armed forces have been using the Osa air defense system since the 1980s. The complex on a wheeled chassis allows for the protection of troops on the march. Subsequently, the Soviet complexes will be replaced with promising air defense systems, which are being developed as part of

A new chancellor has been determined in Germany

In Germany, they signed an agreement on a coalition government, Scholz will become the new chancellor coalitions with the parties “Union90/Greens” and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), as evidenced by the report of the publication Die Welt. Now a new chancellor has been defined in the country – it will be the head of the SPD Olaf Scholz. Related materials 00:02 – 28 September Deficit of democracy .Germany is changing power. Who will lead the country to the future and what will it be? 00:01 – 26 September “Merkel leaves bedlam behind” … How will Germany change after the elections? The procedure for his election will take place in about two weeks. The deadline is December 8, Deutsche Welle notes. In the coalition agreement reached, the German government promises to return to the debt brake in 2023, not to introduce any new taxes, to abandon coal in 2030, to modernize

Poland will repair the Soviet complexes “Osa”

Defense24: The Polish Ministry of Defense ordered the repair of Soviet short-range air defense systems “Wasp” short-range “Wasp”. The combat readiness of Soviet weapons will be maintained until new anti-missile defense (air defense) systems are created. This is reported by Defense24. The contract for the repair of the air defense system was received by the enterprise of the PGZ consortium (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa). The contract is valued at PLN 100 million (about $ 24 million). The agreement provides for the completion of work until 2023. The enterprise will repair 9A33BM2 combat vehicles of the 9K33M2 Osa-AK complexes. The publication notes that the Polish armed forces have been using the Osa air defense system since the 1980s. The complex on a wheeled chassis allows for the protection of troops on the march. Subsequently, the Soviet complexes will be replaced with promising air defense systems, which are being developed as part of

Russian pensioners have their teeth knocked out for profit

In the Nizhniy Novgorod region, criminals snatched golden crowns from pensioners for profit and tore out their gold dental crowns for profit. Komsomolskaya Pravda writes about the incident. The robbers, who hid their faces with medical masks, stunned the owner of the house and her 73-year-old disabled husband. Then the criminals beat pensioners with sticks, took off the gold jewelry from the married couple and knocked out six teeth for the sake of gold crowns. In addition, they took out 20 bottles of moonshine and vodka, as well as prescription psychotropic drugs from the house. < p> The police have arrested the criminals. They were charged with robbery and face up to 12 years in prison. Earlier, five bandits in police uniforms beat and robbed a married couple in New Moscow. A 62-year-old man was returning home in a Lexus, on the road he was stopped by a traffic police

The timing of the WHO inspection on “Sputnik V”

RDIF: WHO inspection on Sputnik V may arrive in Russia in December Sputnik V may arrive in Russia as early as December 2021. Such terms were named by the head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) Kirill Dmitriev. This was reported by RIA Novosti. According to him, the Ministry of Health conducted negotiations on the arrival of the inspection in Russia. Dmitriev also noted positive trends in the process of recognition of the Russian vaccine against coronavirus by the international community. Earlier it became known that the San Marino authorities approved the drug “Sputnik Light” as an independent vaccine, as well as as a booster dose for revaccination … The RDIF also said that more and more countries around the world approve Sputnik Light as a booster vaccine.

In Kyrgyzstan, deputy with fake higher education diploma removed from elections

The current deputy of the Kyrgyz parliament, Mombekov, was removed from the elections because of the forged diploma about higher education. After examining the materials of the case, the country's Central Election Commission (CEC) recognized the document as fake and decided to remove the candidate from the elections. This was reported by the agency. Bakyt Zhanaliev, chairman of the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security, filed a complaint with the CEC against Mombekov. He said that a criminal case has been underway against the candidate since 2020 for forging documents. According to investigators, Mombekov did not study at the Kyrgyz National University: he is not on the lists of enrolled or on the lists of alumni. Related materials 12:00 – 23 November The authors of Kyrgyz textbooks made a mistake and “gave” two villages to Tajikistan 00:01 – 7 October 2020 And the thunder struck the Kyrgyzs again smashing

The journalist described Lukashenka's reaction to questions about Putin

BBC journalist Rosenberg: when I asked Lukashenko about Putin, he was annoyed British journalist BBC si ”Steve Rosenberg, who interviewed President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, spoke about the most nervous part of the conversation with the head of the republic. He mentioned this on the air of the radio station “Echo of Moscow”. Thus, the reporter drew attention to the fact that the Belarusian leader could talk at length about the migration crisis or the events of 2020, while his statements about the Russian colleague Vladimir Putin were laconic. “When I asked questions about Putin, he was annoyed. The topic of relations with Russia is clearly quite sensitive for him, “he described the interviewee's reaction in the BBC Russian Service podcast. Rosenberg also assessed Lukashenko's behavior during the interview in general. According to him, the conversation began rather abruptly – the president came, the interlocutors sat down and began recording

Russian beat two-year-old son to death because of crying

A resident of the Kaluga region threw a two-year-old son on the bench because of crying crying, according to the website of the regional investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. It is noted that at first the Russian threw a two-year-old child on the bench, and then began to beat him. The boy died in the hospital from his injuries. The court sentenced a resident of the Kaluga region to 13 years in prison in a maximum security colony. After that, he will be restricted in freedom for another year. Earlier, an elderly resident of Chelyabinsk beat a ten-year-old boy who lives next door. The conflict began on the street of the 40th anniversary of Victory. A post published on the network shows how a Russian grabs a student at the entrance, after which he falls to the ground. Then the pensioner strikes the minor several times, raises

In Kyrgyzstan, deputy with fake higher education diploma removed from elections

The current deputy of the Kyrgyz parliament, Mombekov, was removed from the elections due to the forgery of a diploma about higher education. After examining the materials of the case, the country's Central Election Commission (CEC) recognized the document as fake and decided to remove the candidate from the elections. This was reported by the agency. Bakyt Zhanaliev, chairman of the Kyrgyz State Committee for National Security, filed a complaint with the CEC against Mombekov. He said that a criminal case has been underway against the candidate since 2020 for forging documents. According to investigators, Mombekov did not study at the Kyrgyz National University: he is not on the lists of enrolled or on the lists of alumni. Related materials 12:00 – 23 November The authors of Kyrgyz textbooks made a mistake and “gave” two villages to Tajikistan 00:01 – 7 October 2020 And the thunder burst out. Why