The losing woman set fire to a slot machine and was shot by another gamer

Frustrated by the failure, a resident of the United States was shot for setting fire to a slot machine A resident of the American city of Houston, Texas, upset by the loss, set fire to a slot machine and bullet from another gamer. This is reported by Click 2 Houston. According to police, two women were playing a slot machine. The losing American woman was furious over the failure, doused the machine with flammable liquid for a lighter and set it on fire. The second gamer was upset because she could not continue playing on this machine. The women made a scandal in the parking lot, as a result of which the arsonist was shot. The victim was hospitalized, her condition is assessed as stable. Her opponent fled the scene before the police arrived. Earlier it was reported that a resident of the English city of Oldbury, West Midlands, lost

The losing woman set fire to a slot machine and was shot by another gamer

Frustrated by the failure, a resident of the USA received a bullet for setting fire to a slot machine A resident of the American city of Houston, Texas, upset by the loss, set fire to a slot machine bullet from another gamer. This is reported by Click 2 Houston. According to police, two women were playing a slot machine. The losing American woman was furious over the failure, doused the machine with flammable liquid for a lighter and set it on fire. The second gamer was upset because she could not continue playing on this machine. The women made a scandal in the parking lot, as a result of which the arsonist was shot. The victim was hospitalized, her condition is assessed as stable. Her opponent fled the scene before the police arrived. Earlier it was reported that a resident of the English city of Oldbury, West Midlands, lost his

Apple suspends sales in Turkey due to collapse of lira

Apple has suspended online sales in Turkey due to collapse of lira shop. According to RIA Novosti, this decision was made against the backdrop of a sharp drop in the lira. Due to the depreciation of the national currency, Apple products have become cheaper in the Turkish market than if they were privately imported from the United States. The selling price of Apple products in Turkey includes several taxes and fees that significantly increase the final cost to the consumer. Because of this, many citizens bring Apple products from abroad, including the United States, or order them through acquaintances – in the case of the iPhone, this is 35 percent cheaper compared to buying a phone in Turkey. But now, due to a sharp drop in the lira, the total cost of many Apple products has become lower than in the United States. Currently, purchases on the Apple website are

Posner spoke about the open letter of Russian doctors to opponents of vaccinations

Pozner supported the idea of ​​doctors to conduct excursions to anti-vaccines in the “red zones” hospitals, which approached the opponents of vaccinations and offered to give them a tour of the red zone. In an interview with TASS, Posner called the treatment addressed to anti-vaccine patients a correct and necessary step. “Of course, I believe that this step on the part of our doctors is the right one. In the sense that every effort should be made to convince opponents of vaccination of how dangerous what they are doing. How irresponsible it really is, ”he said. The TV presenter also considered that opponents of vaccinations should be shown what awaits those who have not been vaccinated if they become infected. “And I am generally amazed at the liberality of our authorities. In other countries, it is much more harsh, one might say, forcing people to vaccinate on the basis that

A new chancellor has been determined in Germany

Germany signed an agreement on a coalition government, Scholz will become the new chancellor coalitions with the parties “Union90/Greens” and the Free Democratic Party (FDP), as evidenced by the report of the publication Die Welt. Now a new chancellor has been defined in the country – it will be the head of the SPD Olaf Scholz. Related materials 00:02 – 28 September Democracy deficit .Germany is changing power. Who will lead the country to the future and what will it be? 00:01 – 26 September … How will Germany change after the elections? The procedure for his election will take place in about two weeks. The deadline is December 8, Deutsche Welle notes. In the coalition agreement reached, the German government promises to return to the debt brake in 2023, not to introduce any new taxes, to abandon coal in 2030, to modernize the industry and decide social issues related

The United States pointed to the approach of Iran to the creation of nuclear weapons

US Chief of Command Mackenzie: Iran is very close to developing nuclear weapons … This was stated by the head of the Central Command of the US Armed Forces (AF) Kenneth Mackenzie, reports Time. According to the officer, at the moment Tehran is very close to the creation of nuclear weapons. He pointed out that the Iranian side likes the very idea of ​​a breakthrough as part of the approach to obtaining nuclear weapons. On October 27, a State Department official said that the United States was ready to return to negotiations on a nuclear deal with Iran. According to him, the American side is ready to return to Vienna, reach agreements on the JCPOA and implement them. The JCPOA agreement on Iran was signed between Tehran and six mediating countries in the summer of 2015. Later, Iran was caught in gross violations of the agreements. In early May 2018,

A ghost village flooded decades ago appeared from under the water

“BBC”: in Spain from under the water appeared the village of Aceredo, flooded dozens ago In Spain from- under the water appeared the village of Aseredo, which was flooded several decades ago due to the closure of the hydropower plant locks. This is reported by the BBC. The position of the ghost village was threatened in 1968 by an agreement between Spain and Portugal on the common use of the Lima River for the construction of the Lindoso Dam. As a result, by 1992, the Portuguese side closed their locks, and Aceredo was under water. There were 70 houses in the village, a total of about 120 people lived there. When the parties struck an agreement, the Portuguese hydroelectric company EDP offered money to locals to relocate, which sparked discontent and in some cases led to hunger strikes. As a result, the population of Aceredo was persuaded to leave the

A ghost village flooded decades ago appeared from under the water

“BBC”: in Spain from under the water appeared the village of Aceredo, flooded dozens ago In Spain from- under the water appeared the village of Aseredo, which was flooded several decades ago due to the closure of the hydropower plant locks. This is reported by the BBC. The position of the ghost village was threatened in 1968 by an agreement between Spain and Portugal on the common use of the Lima River for the construction of the Lindoso Dam. As a result, by 1992, the Portuguese side closed their locks, and Aceredo was under water. There were 70 houses in the village, a total of about 120 people lived there. When the parties struck an agreement, the Portuguese hydroelectric company EDP offered money to locals to relocate, which sparked discontent and in some cases led to hunger strikes. As a result, the population of Aceredo was persuaded to leave the