US Air Force exercises were assessed in Russia

Military expert Shurygin: US Air Force exercises could lead to a new war appreciated in Russia. Military expert Vladislav Shurygin told Izvestia about the consequences of the actions of the United States. “We are moving with the speed of an express to a new big, at least European war. I believe that all the preparations that have now been launched in the West lead to a clash, “Shurygin noted. According to the expert, the activity of the US and NATO military is returning to the level of the Cold War. He compared the current situation with the situation before the First World War. “In 1914, it was a launched mobilization mechanism. In the end, they could not stop him, and the mobilized armies began a war. Now there is a similar race of military measures, “the expert added. Earlier, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the US Air Force had

In Cyprus, children are obliged to be tested for COVID-19 to save Christmas

Reuters: in Cyprus, children from 6 years old were obliged to wear masks and be tested for COVID-19 older to be tested for coronavirus every week. This is reported by Reuters with reference to the country's Ministry of Health. The Minister of Health of Cyprus, Mikalis Hadjipantelas, indicated that children will also have to wear masks in schools and public places. “Only through cooperation and individual responsibility can we overcome the threat of the virus and save Christmas without taking additional measures,” he stressed. Earlier, the Director of the European Bureau of the World Health Organization (WHO) Hans Kluge predicted the death of half a million people in Europe due to COVID-19. He stressed that the next wave of coronavirus in Europe is observed due to the approaching cold weather, low vaccination rates in a number of countries and the emergence of more infectious strains.

More than 50 projects have been developed in Nalchik to attract tourists

Natella Duguzheva: more than 50 projects for the development of the city and tourism have been developed in Nalchik tourist attraction. This is reported by TASS with reference to the deputy head of the administration of the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, Natella Duguzheva. It is known that at the moment the city has implemented projects worth more than four billion rubles. “We plan to reach 400 thousand tourists, this task is ambitious, but achievable, because up to 600 thousand tourists go to the Elbrus resort today, and our goal is to take these tourists to Nalchik,” Duguzheva explained. She also noted that they expect to develop gastronomic and nostalgic tourism in Nalchik. Earlier in November it became known that a Russian-Kabardino-Circassian dictionary had been published in Nalchik. Its volume was 792 pages, while it included more than 75 thousand words and expressions. In particular, the publication includes both the vocabulary of

Apple suspends sales in Turkey due to collapse of lira

Apple has suspended online sales in Turkey due to collapse of lira shop. According to RIA Novosti, this decision was made against the backdrop of a sharp drop in the lira. Due to the depreciation of the national currency, Apple products have become cheaper in the Turkish market than if they were privately imported from the United States. The selling price of Apple products in Turkey includes several taxes and fees that significantly increase the final cost to the consumer. Because of this, many citizens bring Apple products from abroad, including the United States, or order them through acquaintances – in the case of the iPhone, this is 35 percent cheaper compared to buying a phone in Turkey. But now, due to a sharp drop in the lira, the total cost of many Apple products has become lower than in the United States. Currently, purchases on the Apple website are

Posner spoke about the open letter of Russian doctors to opponents of vaccinations

Pozner supported the idea of ​​doctors to conduct excursions to anti-vaccinations in the “red zones” hospitals, which approached the opponents of vaccinations and offered to give them a tour of the red zone. In an interview with TASS, Posner called the treatment addressed to anti-vaccine patients a correct and necessary step. “Of course, I believe that this step on the part of our doctors is the right one. In the sense that every effort should be made to convince opponents of vaccination of how dangerous what they are doing. How irresponsible it really is, ”he said. The TV presenter also considered that opponents of vaccinations should be shown what awaits those who have not been vaccinated if they become infected. “And I am generally amazed at the liberality of our authorities. In other countries, it is much more harsh, one might say, forcing people to vaccinate on the basis that

More than 50 projects have been developed in Nalchik to attract tourists

Natella Duguzheva: more than 50 projects for the development of the city and tourism have been developed in Nalchik tourist attraction. This is reported by TASS with reference to the deputy head of the administration of the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, Natella Duguzheva. It is known that at the moment the city has implemented projects worth more than four billion rubles. “We plan to reach 400 thousand tourists, this task is ambitious, but achievable, because up to 600 thousand tourists go to the Elbrus resort today, and our goal is to take these tourists to Nalchik,” Duguzheva explained. She also noted that they expect to develop gastronomic and nostalgic tourism in Nalchik. Earlier in November it became known that a Russian-Kabardino-Circassian dictionary had been published in Nalchik. Its volume was 792 pages, while it included more than 75 thousand words and expressions. In particular, the publication includes both the vocabulary of

A teenager's discontent with a car bought by his parents angered netizens

The girl complained about the minivan donated in honor of the 18th anniversary and was criticized on the network honoring 18th birthday, and pissed off netizens. The corresponding video and comments appeared on TikTok. Priscilla Von Webber posted a short video on the social network, in which she expressed her displeasure at the gift from family members on the occasion of her birthday. This is an unspecified brown minivan with a personalized license plate. “Today I turned 18 and pray that my family will say that a car as a gift is a stupid joke.” – the girl signed the video, which went viral and gained 1.6 million views and almost 300 thousand likes. Netizens thought that the heroine of the material was too spoiled, and shamed her in the comments. “I am very sorry that the present in the form of a new car hurts you so much”, “I

A teenager's discontent with a car bought by his parents angered netizens

The girl complained about the minivan donated in honor of the 18th anniversary and was criticized on the network A teenager complained about the car that her parents gave her in honoring 18th birthday, and pissed off netizens. The corresponding video and comments appeared on TikTok. Priscilla Von Webber posted a short video on the social network, in which she expressed her displeasure at the gift from family members on the occasion of her birthday. This is an unspecified brown minivan with a personalized license plate. “Today I turned 18 and pray that my family will say that a car as a gift is a stupid joke.” – the girl signed the video, which went viral and gained 1.6 million views and almost 300 thousand likes. Netizens thought that the heroine of the material was too spoiled, and shamed her in the comments. “I am very sorry that the present