Grishkovets named the possible reason for the rejected claim from Zemfira

Grishkovets believes that because of the apology he made, the court dismissed Zemfira's claim … This is reported by “Gazeta.Ru” Grishkovets believes that the Ostankino court of Moscow dismissed the claim because of his apology. “Probably, this could have influenced the court, the judge – in the sense that I do not take a confrontational position and am ready for dialogue. How Zemfira herself reacted to this – I do not know. I was ready to apologize personally, but there were no contacts, “the writer noted. He explained that he is currently on tour, so he does not know the details of the court's decision. Grishkovets admitted that he was happy with the end of the court proceedings. The reason for the singer's appeal to the court was Grishkovets's statement about her album “Borderline”. He called Zemfira a “drug addict”, and her songs – “drug addict.” On June 18, it

The Hague Court Receives 301 Claims for Compensation from Families of Victims of MH17 Crash

The Hague received 301 claims from relatives of victims of the MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine The Hague court received 301 claims for compensation from families of the victims flight MH17 in the east of Ukraine. This was announced by the presiding judge Hendrik Steenhuis, RIA Novosti reports. Related materials13: 56 – September 17, 2018 Clear sky Russia called of those responsible for the Boeing crash in Donbass00: 02 – July 17, 2019 : What else is known about the disaster five years later? “To date, 301 claims for compensation have been filed in court,” the judge said, without naming the defendant in these claims. Previously, it was assumed that the claims of relatives the dead will begin on November 9. The trial of the MH17 crash began in the Netherlands on March 9, 2020. The investigation believes that former DPR Defense Minister Igor Girkin (Strelkov) and three of his

The court sent the director of the department of the administration of the Russian city to the pre-trial detention center

The court arrested the director of the Tyumen administration department on suspicion of fraud five million rubles allocated under two municipal contracts. This is reported by TASS. The court arrested Frolov. He will go to the pre-trial detention center until February 2. As was told by the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, in February 2020 and in February 2021 he, together with an employee of the department, his relative and the director of a commercial company stole money allocated for the maintenance and cleaning of the city's highways. He is suspected under part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale”). Frolov said that he was ready to compensate for the damage caused.

SberBank Online has a service for the purchase and sale of precious metals

“Sberbank, buy me gold!” – new voice service in SberBank Online sell precious metals using virtual assistants of the Salyut family. To complete a deal, just call one of the Salyut assistants in the SberBank Online mobile application and ask him, for example, to buy 10 grams of gold for you … If you have an account in the desired metal and the card has the necessary funds to purchase it, the virtual assistant will display the operation parameters. All that remains is to say: “I confirm” – and the operation will be completed. Metal can be sold in the same way. The assistant also “knows” at what price it is now possible to buy or sell metal – you just need to ask. “The new service makes it easy to manage a portfolio of precious metals, spending a minimum of effort on routine purchase and sale operations. We see

Analysts of “MegaFon” announced the entry of TikTok into the top three popular social networks

Research by MegaFon: TikTok entered the top three most popular social networks in Russia TikTok entered the top three most popular social networks in Russia “Odnoklassniki” and taking the third place in the rating, which was prepared by analysts of “MegaFon”. The first place went to Instagram, the second – to VKontakte. MegaFon experts analyzed the mobile Internet traffic of users of social networks in 2021. According to a study by MegaFon, the total volume of mobile Internet traffic doubled over the year in social networks. Instagram accounts for 35.5 percent of consumed traffic, followed by VKontakte and TikTok, with a share of 28 and 24 percent, respectively. The highest growth was shown by TikTok – in 2021, mobile Internet traffic on platform has more than doubled. MegaFon analysts attribute the increased interest in TikTok to a general trend towards the growing popularity of short videos. The metrics on Instagram

Russian military will switch to buggy

Izvestia: Russia will create airborne units in light vehicles Subdivisions of Russian reconnaissance, paratroopers and marines will switch to ultralight vehicles. The Russian Ministry of Defense is working on the organizational structure of new units that will receive buggies. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to sources in the defense department. The reconnaissance units of the Ground Forces, the airborne assault formations of the Airborne Forces (Airborne Forces) and the marines of the coastal forces of the Russian Navy will receive the new vehicles (Navy). Sources of the publication noted that new models of buggy will be created for the paratroopers. Airborne units will receive light fire support vehicles with machine guns, grenade launchers and flamethrowers, as well as buggies with anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM). Logistics divisions will equip buggies for transporting spare parts and supplies, and anti-aircraft gunners will be armed with vehicles with portable anti-aircraft missile systems

Latvia refused to expand payments to victims of totalitarianism to Latvians and gypsies

The Latvian Seim Commission refused to expand the program of payments to victims of totalitarianism This is reported by the Telegram channel of the Baltnews portal. The Commission rejected the proposal of the national association “Everything for Latvia” to expand payments for the local Jewish community to other victims of totalitarianism, in particular to Latvians and Roma. It is noted that a similar decision was made by parliamentarians due to the shortage of 40 million allocated for the corresponding payments to distribute the program to other categories of citizens. Earlier, the Latvian Seim adopted a bill banning the public use of St. George's ribbons. The restriction will apply to entertainment and holiday events, meetings, processions and pickets.

Gordon accused Zelensky of persecution

Journalist Dmitry Gordon said that Zelensky launched a campaign to persecute him Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon accused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of he began a campaign to persecute him. He stated this on the air of the program “Hour Golovanov” on the channel “Ukraine 24”. A fragment of the program is available on YouTube. According to the journalist, Zelensky is unhappy with Gordon's open criticism of the government. However, he noted that he does not understand why he should lie and keep silent about important issues. “Why is our corruption so severe? And I ask questions that hang in the air. But the president was very offended, I know that for sure, “Gordon said. The journalist is convinced that the head of state has given a command to the tax and special services to check him thoroughly. According to Gordon, work is already underway to search for incriminating evidence on

The European Union approved sanctions against PMC Wagner

About & nbsp; plans to impose restrictions against a Russian PMC because of & nbsp; its activities in & nbsp; Mali and & nbsp; other African countries earlier said Foreign Affairs of France Jean-Yves Le & nbsp; Drian. He & nbsp; noted that & nbsp; The European Union will compile a list of possible restrictions for & nbsp; Russian mercenaries who can be deployed in & nbsp; Sahel countries (Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger and & nbsp; Chad). September has become it is known that & nbsp; the authorities of Mali appealed to & nbsp; a Russian PMC with & nbsp; request for & nbsp; assistance in & nbsp; fight against & nbsp; terrorists. The & nbsp; & nbsp; what kind of PMCs the authorities of the republic turned to was not & nbsp; specified. Subsequently, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov confirmed this information, but stressed that & nbsp; official