British doctors named early signs of dementia in 40-year-olds

Alzheimer & # 39; s Research UK: Vision problems are early symptoms of dementia UK Dementia Research Charity ( Alzheimer's Research UK) stated that the disease increasingly affects people over the age of 40, writes Express. Doctors have named the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The first alarming sign can be considered vision problems, due to which the patient acquires difficulties in recognizing objects. Another sign of developing dementia, experts called aphasia – a condition when a person cannot find the right words to convey what he wants to say. Changes in personality and behavior have also been considered early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, but they are noticed hard. Often such people are not in a mood, irritable, unsure of themselves, they lose interest in the activities they loved. Doctors believe that the cause of the early onset of dementia is a combination of lifestyle and genetic factors. Smoking, heavy

The bridesmaid heard the unpleasant truth about herself and surprised everyone at the wedding

The girl lost 15 kilograms for the wedding of her friend, who called her full 15 kilograms for the wedding of a friend who called her full a few months ago. At the celebration, where the heroine of the story was a bridesmaid, she surprised all the guests with her transformation. The author of the post said that she and her friend had not seen each other for about two years, but talked on FaceTime. At the same time, according to the girl, she was chosen for this role for one reason: the groom decided to invite eight witnesses, so the bride needed the same number of witnesses. The heroine noted that she and her friend also discussed all the details of the upcoming wedding online. Six months ago, the narrator accidentally overheard the conversation between the bride and the groom and learned the unpleasant truth about herself. She thought

The bridesmaid heard the unpleasant truth about herself and surprised everyone at the wedding

The girl lost 15 kilograms for the wedding of her friend, who called her complete 15 kilograms for the wedding of a friend who called her full a few months ago. At the celebration, where the heroine of the story was a bridesmaid, she surprised all the guests with her transformation. The author of the post said that she and her friend had not seen each other for about two years, but talked on FaceTime. At the same time, according to the girl, she was chosen for this role for one reason: the groom decided to invite eight witnesses, so the bride needed the same number of witnesses. The heroine noted that she and her friend also discussed all the details of the upcoming wedding online. Six months ago, the narrator accidentally overheard the conversation between the bride and the groom and learned the unpleasant truth about herself. She thought

Four countries condemn Iran's refusal to pay compensation for Ukraine's Boeing

Britain, Canada, Ukraine and Sweden condemned Iran's refusal to pay compensation for Boeing compensation for the downed Boeing plane of Ukraine International Airlines, according to a joint statement of the four countries, quoted by TASS. Citizens of these countries were on board flight PS752, which crashed. Deep disappointment was expressed over Tehran's refusal to meet on 22 November 2021 to discuss the issue of reparations. “We remind the Islamic Republic of Iran that, in accordance with international law, it is obliged to pay reparations in full group of countries, and we reiterate our call to begin negotiations in good faith before the end of this year, ”the ministers of the four countries said in a statement. The UK, Canada, Ukraine and Sweden will continue to pursue Iran's accountability and will consider the issue on possible measures to resolve the issue within the framework of international law if Tehran continues to

The United States spoke about the ongoing work of a nuclear reactor in North Korea

38 North: North Korea continues to operate its Yongbyon plutonium production reactor continues to operate a plutonium-producing nuclear reactor at the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Complex. The resource 38 North, which monitors the activities of the DPRK, writes about this. Related materials 00:05 – 13 December 2019 Kim for Kim North Korea even after death. They have been feared and revered for 80 years now 00:02 – May 10 “I am the leader!” country to complete isolation He refers to satellite images taken recently. Steam escaping from the reactor's generator room indicates that at least one of the generators is working. “In addition, water continues to be discharged from the auxiliary pipe into the channel leading to the Kuren River,” the resource writes. It is noted that the reactor with a capacity of five megawatts can produce up to six kilograms of plutonium per year. On August 30, it became known

Sobyanin urged to reduce the number of migrants in the housing sector

Mayor Sobyanin urged to reduce the number of migrants among district utilities in Moscow Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that there is a reserve to a decrease in the number of migrants, despite the fact that there are practically no migrants in large enterprises of housing and communal services, RIA Novosti reports. “After all, we have practically no migrants in large urban communal enterprises. They remained at the level of housing GBUsheki, where there is a lot of janitorial work, rough and low-paid. But even there, it seems to me, there is a reserve where to move, “Sobyanin urged. Earlier, Sobyanin said that the number of labor migrants in the construction sector has more than halved a few days after the corresponding instruction. On November 17, while inspecting a new house under the renovation program on Baumanskaya Street, the mayor of the capital said that “people of a different quality,

Sobyanin urged to reduce the number of migrants in the housing sector

Mayor Sobyanin urged to reduce the number of migrants among district utilities in Moscow Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that there is a reserve to a decrease in the number of migrants, despite the fact that there are practically no migrants in large enterprises of housing and communal services, RIA Novosti reports. “After all, we have practically no migrants in large urban utilities. They remained at the level of housing GBUsheki, where there is a lot of janitorial work, rough and low-paid. But even there, it seems to me, there is a reserve where to move, “Sobyanin urged. Earlier, Sobyanin said that the number of labor migrants in the construction sector has more than halved a few days after the corresponding instruction. On November 17, while inspecting a new house under the renovation program on Baumanskaya Street, the mayor of the capital said that “people of a different quality, with

The blogger revealed a way to keep a pleasant smell of clothes in the closet for a long time

Chantelle Mila: cotton swabs with oils will help keep clothes smelling good in the closet pleased netizens. The corresponding post appeared on her TikTok account. Blogger Chantel Mila regularly shares posts with subscribers in which she talks about life hacks used when cleaning the house. In one of the latest videos, a woman gave subscribers advice on how to preserve a pleasant scent of clothes while storing in a closet or dressing room. The woman took several cotton swabs and moistened them with lavender and mint oils. Then she put them in a small muslin bag and hung it on a hanger along with her clothes. This combination of smells gives things a pleasant scent and helps repel insects such as moths, she said. At the same time, the Australian assured that the smell will last for three months. The video went viral and got 73.9 thousand views and 4.5