Opposing Nord Stream 2 Berbock appointed German Foreign Minister

The head of the Union90/Greens party, Berbock, has been appointed head of the German Foreign Ministry The head of the Union90/Greens party, Annalena Berbock, has been appointed foreign minister Germany. The corresponding appointment was made by the President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The broadcast was published on the YouTube channel WELT. As a representative of the Greens, the new Foreign Minister advocates abandoning coal energy and developing renewable energy sources. RIA Novosti points out that Berbock also opposes the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and accuses Moscow of “blackmail” using gas prices. The head of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Olaf Scholz was officially elected the new chancellor of the country. He received the majority of votes in his favor among the deputies of the lower house of parliament (395 of 736). The SPD managed to finally sign a coalition agreement with the Soyuz90/Green parties

Russian woman has achieved the demolition of the house of a large family

In Astrakhan, bailiffs demolished a two-story house of a large family neighbors. This is reported by “Point-A”. A mother of three children bought an old house on the site, demolished it and built a new one. The citizen did not have an official building permit, and the distance from the erected building to the neighboring house was less than three meters. The neighbor went to court with a statement of claim. According to other residents of the street, the woman decided to achieve the demolition of the house due to the fact that the building was blocking the sun for her. The court ruled to liquidate the illegally built house. The homeless owner emphasizes that the house she bought initially was badly worn out, which is confirmed by certificates of its unsuitability for habitation. “When I bought the building, my neighbor began to demand money from me for what I

The Kremlin spoke about NATO's attempts to “crush” Ukraine

Peskov: NATO is trying to crush Ukraine for itself, for the Russian Federation actions are a “red line” actions for Russia are a “red line”. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov spoke about these attempts, Izvestia writes. According to him, Russia does not threaten anyone, but only takes measures against the “creeping threat” spreading towards its borders. “But in any case, Russia, everything that it does – everything is done within the territory of the Russian Federation,” he stressed. The press secretary of the head of state added that non-Russian soldiers come, for example, to Latin America, and American. Previously, Peskov also said that Russia is extremely concerned about the possibility of deploying NATO troops in Ukraine. He noted that this situation forces Moscow to take measures to protect its interests and to insure against what is happening.

Chubais warned of radical losses for Russia in relations with the EU

Chubais warned about tenfold problems in Russia due to the “green course” of the European Union Russia must follow the path of energy will have to face radical losses in the export of their goods to the European Union. Anatoly Chubais, Special Representative of the President for Relations with International Organizations on Sustainable Development, warned about this at the annual conference “The Future of Renewable Energy in Russia”, TASS reports. In his opinion, the current problems in relations with Europe are due to for the upcoming cross-border carbon tax cannot be compared with those that will arise due to the entire “green course” of the EU. Chubais estimated their scale as one in ten. A ban on new internal combustion engines in the EU in 2035 alone, the official warned, will lead to a crisis in the oil market. And the modern energy transition presupposes a structural change in the

Russian woman has achieved the demolition of the house of a large family

In Astrakhan, bailiffs demolished a two-story house of a large family neighbors. This is reported by “Point-A”. A mother of three children bought an old house on the site, demolished it and built a new one. The citizen did not have an official building permit, and the distance from the erected building to the neighboring house was less than three meters. The neighbor went to court with a statement of claim. According to other residents of the street, the woman decided to achieve the demolition of the house due to the fact that the building was blocking the sun for her. The court ruled to liquidate the illegally built house. The homeless owner emphasizes that the house she bought initially was badly worn out, which is confirmed by certificates of its unsuitability for habitation. “When I bought the building, my neighbor began to demand money from me for what I

Former American football player dies at police station

Former football player Glenn Foster dies in police station after being arrested Former football player Glenn Foster Jr. police station. It is reported by CBS. Foster was detained in Alabama on Saturday, December 4, on charges of dangerous behavior, resisting arrest and trying to escape from the police. Later, the footballer was accused of assault and robbery. The athlete died on December 6, but this became known only two days later. According to Foster's mother, he died after the police refused to provide him with medical assistance. “I told them that my son didn’t eat or drink, and his organs might fail, but that didn’t bother them,” she explained to the Daily Beast. Foster played for the New Orleans Saints at the National football league in 2013-2014. He left the team in 2015.

The government will terminate the agreement with Roscosmos

The Russian government will terminate the agreement with Roscosmos on advanced systems advanced space systems. The corresponding statement was published on the official portal of legal information on Wednesday, Interfax reports. “To terminate the Agreement of Intent between the Government of the Russian Federation and the State Space Corporation Roscosmos in order to develop a high-tech area in the Russian Federation.” Advanced space systems, “” the order says. Earlier, the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, named the launch dates for the Russian nuclear tug “Zeus”. The device is planned to be launched in 2030. In July 2020, Roscosmos reported that a roadmap for the development of the Advanced Space Systems region was sent to the Russian government for approval. The state corporation noted that the roadmap is based on projects of multi-satellite orbital constellations and terminals for data transmission. The roadmap also includes a project to create devices under the

The cashier stole 23 million rubles from a Russian bank and disappeared

In Achinsk, a cashier took 23 million rubles from a bank in a box, she is wanted hiding with 23 million rubles. This is reported by the Baza edition. During the audit, the credit institution found a shortage of 15 million rubles, more than 49 thousand dollars and about the same amount of euros. The cashier also disappeared. She put the money in a box and took it out of work, specifies the SHOT Telegram channel. On December 7, her mother reported her missing to the police. Now Russian law enforcement agencies are looking for a cashier. On August 16, a bank cashier was detained in Moscow for stealing 12 million rubles from a branch. At the end of the working day, 26-year-old Viktor Gadiev took out packages with bills and went to the toilet, where he hid the money in a bag, after which he left the bank building.

Feminist version of 1984 dystopia to be released in US

George Orwell Foundation approved the creation of a feminist version of the dystopia “1984” already approved this idea. This is reported by The Guardian. The creation of a new novel, which will be called “Julia”, will be the responsibility of the American writer Sandra Newman. In her work, the story will be told from the perspective of the beloved of the protagonist Winston Smith, an employee of the Ministry of Truth, Julia. Orwell's son Richard Blair supported this idea. The Writers' Foundation had previously been looking for an author to write 1984 on behalf of the woman, and Newman found the ideal candidate. The new version is expected to be published in 2023. George Orwell's dystopia “1984” was published in 1949. The novel is set in the totalitarian state of Oceania, dominated by the Big Brother personality cult. The inhabitants of this state are deprived of any rights and are

YouTube blocked Maria Shukshina's channel

TV presenter Shukshina announced the blocking of her YouTube channel TV presenter and honored artist Maria Shukshina, who opposed compulsory vaccination in her Telegram -the channel that YouTube blocked it. The reasons for the blocking are currently unknown. Her channel page states that “the account has been blocked for violating YouTube community guidelines.” Specific violations are not reported.