The Ministry of Health told about the condition of the victims in the mine of the Kemerovo region

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation: the condition of four victims at the Listvyazhnaya mine is assessed as grave how heavy. This was told in the Ministry of Health of Russia, reports TASS. Earlier, the agency, citing a source, reported that the death toll in a fire in a mine increased to 11 people. About a fire in a mine ” Listvyazhnaya ”became known on the morning of Thursday, November 25. According to preliminary information, the cause of the emergency was the ignition of coal dust in the ventilation shaft, after which the smoke spread, there was no explosion. 236 out of 285 miners were evacuated from the mine, rescue work is currently ongoing, the Ministry of Emergency Situations said.

An employee of a mine in Kuzbass spoke about the condition of the miners injured in the fire

Listvyazhnaya mine worker Alimov: many miners were poisoned by carbon monoxide poisoned by carbon monoxide, some of them are in serious condition. Mine worker Nikolai Alimov told about this, RT cites his comment on his Telegram channel. The man noted that his younger brother had to work in the first shift on the day of the emergency. “I would have arrived five minutes earlier on the first bus – now, too, I probably would not know where he is: alive, lifeless,” Alimov explained. He added that the miners who received mild poisoning, feel more or less. The man stressed that the miners who were near the site of the accident took several people out of the mine before they could suffocate.

Russia on alarm deployed Iskander

Izvestia: The Russian Defense Ministry, on alarm, transferred the Iskander-M OTRK to Novaya Zemlya -Tactical missile systems (OTRK) “Iskander-M” one of the brigades of the Western Military District and transported them to Novaya Zemlya, Izvestia reports, citing sources in the military department. Thus, by the calculations of the OTRK a full cycle of combat training exercises was carried out. “At the end of the maneuvers, the missilemen carried out real combat launches. Thanks to these maneuvers, the possibility of the operational transfer of the complexes and their use in the extreme climatic conditions of the Arctic was confirmed. weapons in different climatic zones. “Such complex maneuvers should serve as a signal to our opponents, who have recently been creating tense situations both by their actions and by their statements,” she noted. In November, the former head of the main department of international military cooperation of the Russian Defense Ministry, General

Estonian commander assessed the possibility of Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Commander of the Estonian Defense Forces Martin Herem assessed the threat of a Russian attack on Ukraine Commander of the Estonian Defense Forces Lieutenant General Martin Herem Russia to Ukraine, the threat of which was reported by the Western media and official Kiev. This was reported on Thursday, November 25, by Interfax. “If they say that planning is going on, you have to believe. The question is whether the plans will be implemented. At the moment, there are no such forces for this. But they can be moved there within weeks, “said Herem on the Estonian Television channel and stressed that Ukraine” is supported by many Western states. ” confrontation with a very serious military force in the event of an attack on Ukraine. Bloomberg reported that, according to US intelligence, Russia plans to attack Ukraine in 2022 from three sides. Kirill Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate

Risks from the introduction of global tax reform were named in Russia

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: due to the global tax reform, business in Russia may be left without preferential regimes The global tax reform, which involves the introduction of a single tax rate for corporations of 15 percent, carries risks for Russian business. He may be left without preferential income tax payment regimes. This is reported by RBC with reference to the position of the committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE). Russia has joined the plans for global tax reform and is among 137 signatories of this initiative. “Regardless of their participation in the global reform, Russian groups will still fall under its influence in other countries of their presence. Russia will not be able to protect the interests of Russian business if it refuses to participate in the reform, ”the RUIE noted. The organization called it a problem that preferential taxation regimes with tax

The United States introduced a flying saucer for the military

New Atlas: US testing of a single-seat flying saucer began Zeva Aero from the United States presented a prototype flying saucer-shaped aircraft. The developers believe that their development will interest the military. This is reported by New Atlas. Zero air taxi was made in the form of a disc with a diameter of 2.4 meters. The aircraft weighing 317 kilograms is made of carbon fiber. The Zero received four electrically driven propellers that power a 20 kilowatt-hour battery. The manufacturer emphasizes that during serial production the cost of Zero will be about 250 thousand dollars. The Zeva Aero device takes off vertically and takes a horizontal position in flight. This makes it possible to use unprepared sites. The concept of the electric apparatus was tested during flight tests of a miniature copy of the Zero. The full-size prototype is being tested using safety ropes. The manufacturer claims that the flying

Risks from the introduction of global tax reform were named in Russia

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs: due to the global tax reform, business in Russia may be left without preferential regimes The global tax reform, which involves the introduction of a single tax rate for corporations of 15 percent, carries risks for Russian business. He may be left without preferential income tax payment regimes. This is reported by RBC with reference to the position of the committee of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE). Russia has joined the plans for global tax reform and is among 137 signatories of this initiative. “Regardless of their participation in the global reform, Russian groups will still fall under its influence in other countries of their presence. Russia will not be able to protect the interests of Russian business if it refuses to participate in the reform, ”the RUIE noted. The organization called it a problem that preferential taxation regimes with tax

В России за сутки зафиксировано 33 796 случаев COVID-19

Наибольшее число новых случаев коронавируса за прошедшие 24 часа зафиксировано в Москве (3 349), Санкт-Петербурге (1 538) и Московской области (1483). Число летальных исходов на фоне инфекции за последние сутки составило 1 238, выздоровели 38 450 человека. Всего в России с начала пандемии выявлено 9 468 189 случаев COVID-19, скончались 269 057 человек, полностью вылечились 8 164 826 пациентов. Ранее, 24 ноября, вице-премьер РФ Татьяна Голикова рассказала, что коллективный иммунитет к коронавирусу в России составляет 50,4%. По ее словам, шесть российских регионов уже вакцинировали первым компонентом от COVID-19 необходимое число граждан для достижения коллективного иммунитета в 80%. Это Московская область, Санкт-Петербург, Севастополь, Республики Тыва, Карелия, Чукотский автономный округ. Москва и Липецкая область близки к этой цели, уточнила Голикова.