Refugees in Belarus rebelled against return to Iraq

The export flight for Iraqi refugees from Minsk to Baghdad has been postponed due to the rally of migrants them to the European Union (EU). BelTA informs about the events near the Polish-Belarusian border. According to the newspaper, the migrants rebelled against returning to Iraq and declared their firm intention to get to Germany through Poland. “We are not crazy, as they say about us! We are not terrorists. We are people! Children are with us. We want a better life! ” – said one of the natives of Iraq. Dissatisfied illegal immigrants assured that they are ready to wait for the humanitarian corridor in Germany as long as necessary. At the same time, RIA Novosti, citing the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, reports that in connection with what is happening in Bruzgi, an export flight for Iraqi refugees from Minsk to Baghdad was postponed indefinitely. The migration crisis on the border

Refugees in Belarus rebelled against return to Iraq

The export flight for Iraqi refugees from Minsk to Baghdad has been postponed due to a rally of migrants them to the European Union (EU). BelTA informs about the events near the Polish-Belarusian border. According to the newspaper, the migrants rebelled against returning to Iraq and declared their firm intention to get to Germany through Poland. “We are not crazy, as they say about us! We are not terrorists. We are people! Children are with us. We want a better life! ” – said one of the natives of Iraq. Dissatisfied illegal immigrants assured that they are ready to wait for the humanitarian corridor in Germany as long as necessary. At the same time, RIA Novosti, citing the Iraqi Foreign Ministry, reports that in connection with what is happening in Bruzgi, an export flight for Iraqi refugees from Minsk to Baghdad was postponed indefinitely. The migration crisis on the border

Named five districts of Moscow with the cheapest apartments

INKOM-Nedvizhimost: the cheapest secondary housing in Moscow is on sale in the Nekrasovka district The cheapest secondary housing in Moscow can be found in district Nekrasovka, follows from the materials provided to “” by the real estate agency “INCOM”. According to analysts, a square meter in Nekrasovka costs an average of 193.9 thousand rubles. Biryulyovo Zapadnoye took second place in the five districts with affordable apartments, where secondary housing is sold at a price of 204.8 thousand rubles per square meter. “. The third position belongs to the Vostochnoye Biryulyovo district (205.7 thousand rubles per square meter). The top 5 also includes Yuzhnoye Butovo – where the average cost per square meter is 207.1 thousand rubles, and Vykhino-Zhulebino (213.4 thousand rubles). Experts named the categories of buyers that form the demand for housing in specified areas. Mostly these are local, that is, people who originally lived there and now want

Britain and France will deal with drowned migrants

Johnson and Macron agreed to stop the illegal movement of migrants across the English Channel British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French President Emmanuel Macron agreed at the cost of stopping the illegal transport of migrants across the English Channel in order to prevent the death of innocent people. This is stated in the message of the press service of the British politician. “[Johnson and Macron] agreed to intensify joint efforts to prevent attempts to cross the strait, which turn into death, and to do everything possible to stop illegal carriers”, – the statement says. Britain and France will address this issue amid numerous reports of migrants drowning in the Channel. So, on November 24, a boat carrying illegal immigrants sank in the waters of the Pas-de-Calais off the coast of France. 31 people died, two survived, but their lives are in danger. At the same time, the French police

The winners of the Masters of Hospitality competition will go on premium trips

The first group of the Masters of Hospitality competition will visit Bashkortostan Semi-finalists and finalists of the first and second seasons of the All-Russian competition “Masters of Hospitality” of the presidential platform “Russia – Land of Opportunities” were awarded trips across Russia within the framework of the “More than a Travel” project. The first group will visit Bashkortostan on November 26. Among the participants will be young professionals, representatives of tour operators and students of tourism universities, employees of hotels, museums, guides from different regions of Russia. On the first day, the participants will travel 300 kilometers from Ufa to the ancient Russian village of Kaga. They will get acquainted with the history of the Ural ironworks, a trip to the holy spring “Sazhelka”, an excursion to the reserve “Shulgan-tash”. Participants will also visit the Golden Bee Museum, an apiary operating there, Kapova Cave, which, regardless of the season, maintains

The influence of foreign vaccines on herd immunity in Russia has been assessed

Virologist Volchkov: foreign vaccines will not affect herd immunity in Russia The recognition of foreign vaccines against COVID-19 in Russia will not affect herd immunity in the country. Such an assessment was given by the head of the laboratory of genomic engineering of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), virologist Pavel Volchkov, his words are quoted by Moscow 24. Volchkov noted that the recognition of foreign vaccines against coronavirus will be useful to those Russians who live abroad, and come to Russia sometimes. “Around tens of thousands of people will use foreign vaccines in our entire multimillion country. This will not affect the epidemiological component in any way, “the virologist said. At the same time, the scientist noted that absolutely all vaccines should not be recognized, but only those whose effectiveness has been proven. Volchkov said that most of the foreign drugs for coronavirus did not pass the

Named five districts of Moscow with the cheapest apartments

INKOM-Nedvizhimost: the cheapest secondary housing in Moscow is on sale in the Nekrasovka district The cheapest secondary housing in Moscow can be found in district Nekrasovka, follows from the materials provided to “” by the real estate agency “INCOM”. According to analysts, a square meter in Nekrasovka costs an average of 193.9 thousand rubles. Biryulyovo Zapadnoye took second place in the five districts with affordable apartments, where secondary housing is sold at a price of 204.8 thousand rubles per square meter. “. The third position belongs to the Vostochnoye Biryulyovo district (205.7 thousand rubles per square meter). The top 5 also includes Yuzhnoye Butovo – where the average cost per square meter is 207.1 thousand rubles, and Vykhino-Zhulebino (213.4 thousand rubles). Experts named the categories of buyers that form the demand for housing in specified areas. Mostly these are local, that is, people who originally lived there and now want

Vogue editor-in-chief denies popular myth about model work

Vogue editor-in-chief Ennful: models should not have the ideal figure to work in the industry Edward Enninful ) refuted the popular misconception about the nutrition of fashion models. He spoke on this topic on River Cafe Table 4 on iHeart radio. Anniful stated that at this time, models do not need to have certain body parameters to work in the industry. For this reason, girls no longer have to starve to achieve a “perfect” body. “There is a myth that fashion models do not eat at all, but this is not true,” he stressed. According to Ennfull, fashion business has become more inclusive, so designers often involve girls and boys with completely different appearance. “Look at my Vogue – we are glad to people of any race with any body parameters,” said the editor-in-chief and added that 10 years ago such conversations were impossible. In October, experts discovered a change

The State Duma found a reason to ban the United States from holding sports competitions

Zhurov on the non-admission of speed skaters in the United States: divided into third world and civilized countries the situation with the non-admission of Russian skaters to the World Cup in the USA. Her words are quoted by The deputy considered that it is worth banning the United States from holding competitions for the convenience of all athletes. In her opinion, due to the coronavirus pandemic, American organizers cannot provide the necessary security measures. “They are beginning to divide into third world and civilized countries. Not everyone understands whether this is politics or business. But the worst thing is that the athletes were vaccinated and cannot supply another vaccine, it is unsafe. They are forced to harm themselves before the Olympics! ” – said Zhurova. Russian skaters were unable to obtain permission to travel to the United States for the World Cup. The reason was that they were not

FSIN head Kalashnikov dismissed

President Putin fired FSIN director Kalashnikov amid a torture scandal in colonies Russian President Vladimir Putin fired the head of the Federal Penitentiary Service ) Alexander Kalashnikov. The text of the corresponding decree is published on the Kremlin website. “To release Kalashnikov Alexander Petrovich from the post of director of the Federal Penitentiary Service. This decree comes into force from the day it is signed, ”the document says. Instead of Kalashnikov, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Arkady Gostev was appointed to this position. Kalashnikov became head of the FSIN in 2019 Kalashnikov took over as director of the FSIN in October 2019, replacing Gennady Kornienko. Prior to that, he served as head of the FSB department for the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It was reported that Kalashnikov has a number of high-profile arrests, including the Governor of Komi Vyacheslav Gaizer, together with his team and the head of the FSIN