Zakharova reproached European countries with hypocrisy towards migrants

Zakharova invited London to turn to the Summit of Democracies with a question about migrants demanding to take back migrants and reproached the leaders of European countries for hypocrisy in relation to illegal immigrants. The diplomat wrote about this in her official Telegram channel. Related materials 00:01 – 13 November Here is a right turn. Who in Europe are called Hitler's heirs and why because of them the society was on the verge of split 00:02 – 20 November people in the US and Europe endure poverty and humiliation. Why are they not protecting small peoples there? Zakharova suggested that London turn to the “Summit of Democracies” with the question of the return of migrants. “So that no one has any doubts about how the current 'leaders of the democratic world' feel about refugee status, which their predecessors developed and approved,” she said. “I think a substantive exchange will take

A surviving rescuer found in the Listvyazhnaya mine

Acting head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Chupriyan: a rescuer who was presumed dead on Listvyazhnaya was found alive One of the rescuers who was presumed dead after the explosion in the Listvyazhnaya mine in the Kemerovo region, found alive. This was stated by the interim head of the EMERCOM of Russia Alexander Chupriyan, whose words are quoted by TASS. Information about the survivor was also confirmed by the governor of the Kemerovo region, Sergei Tsivilev. According to him, the man is currently being taken to the hospital. In addition, the operational headquarters at the scene of the emergency said that the victim was conscious. The press service of the regional government “” clarified that the information about the survivor has not yet been confirmed with certainty. “But we are preparing, we hope that it will be confirmed,” said the spokesman for Pavel Fomin. The survivor went to the

Фото старинного маяка в Уэльсе признано победителем престижного конкурса

«Этот маяк был построен в 1865 году по проекту Джона Боуэна из Лланелли, чтобы обозначить отмели у мыса Уайтфорд Пойнт, — поясняет фотограф. — Это единственная чугунная конструкция такого размера в Британии, омываемая волнами». Поданные на конкурс фотографии оценивались в точки зрения оригинальности, композиции, технического исполнения, а также исторической значимости самого объекта. «Призы отражают ту целеустремленность, которую проявили конкурсанты в попытке получить идеальный снимок, будь то необходимость подняться среди ночи, чтобы запечатлеть идеальный рассвет, или совершить восхождение или длительный поход, чтобы разведать наше дальнее прошлое», — подчеркнул главный судья конкурса, историк Дэн Сноу. Победу в категории «Историческая Англия» одержал Сэм Байндинг, сумевший застать туманный рассвет на знаменитом Клифтонском подвесном мосту в Бристоле. «Мост — это ворота в город, на рассвете я всегда выгуливаю там собаку, — рассказывает Байндинг, — и туман неизменно придает этому и без того потрясающему месту дополнительное очарование». Приз в категории «Там, где вершилась история» достался Иэну Маккаллуму за сделанный с помощью дрона снимок кораблекрушения на реке Северн, где в октябре 1960 года столкнулись два судна. И еще несколько фотографий, отобранных на конкурс в этом году: Старинная рыночная улица Шэмблс в Йорке,

Pilot suspected of mysterious disappearance and murder of elderly tourists

Jetstar airline pilot suspected of killing two elderly tourists in Australia Jetstar airline pilot suspected of mysterious disappearance of two elderly tourists in Australia. The Daily Mail writes about this. It is reported that 55-year-old Gregory Lynn (Gregory Lynn) was taken into custody as a suspect in the murder of 74-year-old Russell Hill and 73-year-old Carol Clay ). The travelers disappeared in March 2020 – they were last seen in the Wonnangatta Valley in northeastern Victoria. Police soon found Hill's Toyota Landcruiser on fire. According to surveillance cameras, in the same area there was a Nissan car, which was driven by Lynn himself. The man was arrested on Monday 22 November. On Friday, November 25, he will stand trial. The details of the investigation were not disclosed. Earlier in November, it became known that two Russian tourists, vacationing at a Turkish resort in Alanya, stopped communicating with their relatives. According

Pilot suspected of mysterious disappearance and murder of elderly tourists

Jetstar pilot suspected of killing two elderly tourists in Australia The Daily Mail writes about this. It is reported that 55-year-old Gregory Lynn (Gregory Lynn) was taken into custody as a suspect in the murder of 74-year-old Russell Hill and 73-year-old Carol Clay ). The travelers disappeared in March 2020 – they were last seen in the Wonnangatta Valley in northeastern Victoria. Police soon found Hill's Toyota Landcruiser on fire. According to surveillance cameras, in the same area there was a Nissan car, which was driven by Lynn himself. The man was arrested on Monday 22 November. On Friday, November 25, he will stand trial. The details of the investigation were not disclosed. Earlier in November, it became known that two Russian tourists, vacationing at a Turkish resort in Alanya, stopped communicating with their relatives. According to relatives of the missing Anastasia and Liana, at first the girls regularly communicated

The blogger named the main mistake when combing hair

Blogger Audrey Victoria: horizontal comb injures hair The Sun journalists drew attention to the video published on TikTok. In the footage posted on the network, Audrey Victoria explained that most of the girls do not hold the comb incorrectly while combing the strands. She stressed that many place her in a horizontal position. According to her, this injures the hair and leads to hair loss. Instead, she recommended holding the comb upright. Thus, the strands are easier to comb and do not break. The video went viral and scored 1.8 million views and 126.6 thousand likes. Netizens thanked Victoria for the life hack. “Thanks a lot! I will definitely try to repeat it! ”,“ Brilliant ”,“ Why I didn't know this before! ”,“ Thank you very much! It's very useful! ”,“ Well, finally! Maybe now my hair will fall out less! ” – they wrote. Earlier in November, the doctor

The blogger named the main mistake when combing hair

Blogger Audrey Victoria: horizontal brushing injures hair The Sun journalists drew attention to the video published on TikTok. In the footage posted on the network, Audrey Victoria explained that most of the girls do not hold the comb incorrectly while combing the strands. She stressed that many place her in a horizontal position. According to her, this injures the hair and leads to hair loss. Instead, she recommended holding the comb upright. Thus, the strands are easier to comb and do not break. The video went viral and scored 1.8 million views and 126.6 thousand likes. Netizens thanked Victoria for the life hack. “Thanks a lot! I will definitely try to repeat it! ”,“ Brilliant ”,“ Why I didn't know this before! ”,“ Thank you very much! It's very useful! ”,“ Well, finally! Maybe now my hair will fall out less! ” – they wrote. Earlier in November, the doctor

The ex-wife of the singer Alexander Malinin accused him of marriage for the sake of registration

Olga Zarubina accused singer Alexander Malinin of marriage for the sake of Moscow residence permit that he married her for the sake of Moscow registration. This is reported by Channel Five. “He was so cunning. I got a residence permit in Moscow thanks to me. (…) He had a goal, and he used me as a resource, “Zarubina said. The singer also admitted that due to Malinin's unwillingness to have children from her, she had to have an abortion. In 1985, Zarubina nevertheless gave birth to a daughter, Kira, from her ex-spouse, with whom her father, according to her, does not maintain a relationship, although he recognized her as his own in 2011. The current wife of Alexander Malinin, Emma, ​​on whom the singer married back in 1990, Zarubina called a psychopath who lies without any purpose or shame. Earlier in October, Olga Zarubina said that after being vaccinated against

The ex-wife of the singer Alexander Malinin accused him of marriage for the sake of registration

Olga Zarubina accused the singer Alexander Malinin of marriage for the sake of Moscow registration that he married her for the sake of Moscow registration. This is reported by Channel Five. “He was so cunning. I got a residence permit in Moscow thanks to me. (…) He had a goal, and he used me as a resource, “Zarubina said. The singer also admitted that due to Malinin's unwillingness to have children from her, she had to have an abortion. In 1985, Zarubina nevertheless gave birth to a daughter, Kira, from her ex-spouse, with whom her father, according to her, does not maintain a relationship, although he recognized her as his own in 2011. The current wife of Alexander Malinin, Emma, ​​on whom the singer married back in 1990, Zarubina called a psychopath who lies without any purpose or shame. Earlier in October, Olga Zarubina said that after being vaccinated against