The EU called the timing of the spread of a new strain of coronavirus around the world

A new strain of COVID, found in several countries, was named as potentially the most dangerous The EU named the timing of the spread of the new strain of coronavirus (B.1.1 .529) found in several countries. The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said in a video message that the strain could spread around the world in the next few months. She emphasized the seriousness of the European Commission to the news about Option B.1.1.529. The new COVID variant has already been named as potentially the most dangerous in the world. Basic information about the new strain The first infections with the new strain were recorded in South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong. Later, news of the discovery of another variant of the evolution of COVID-19 appeared in Israel and Belgium. The day after the first reports of a new variant of COVID in South Africa, 22

A protracted trial with officials ended in death for a sick 10-year-old Russian woman

In Moscow, officials refused to give medicine to a dying 10-year-old girl, despite a court ruling – for a protracted trial with officials. Maya Sonina, director of the Oxygen charitable foundation, announced this on her Facebook page. According to her, the Russian woman was diagnosed with respiratory system diseases from the age of three. A bacterial flora has formed in her lungs, which is dangerous for breathing. This condition is called cystic fibrosis. Sonina said that the mother of the sick girl began to sue for the drug “Trikaft” a year ago. received no medical equipment, ”wrote Sonina. In September, the court granted the claim for the issue of drugs. However, the health department of Nizhny Novgorod, according to Sonina, several times asked the girl's attending physician to change the decision of the council on the issue of drugs, so that the formulations were more correct. In the meantime, the

EC recommends EU countries to place travelers on strict quarantine

The head of the EC proposed to suspend flights to countries where a new strain of COVID-19 was found arriving from countries where the new strain COVID-19 B.1.1.529 was found, under strict quarantine. The head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said this in her video message to Twitter. Related materials 00:01 – September 8 “Lack of vaccines is a shame” The acute phase of a pandemic could drag on for years. How can humanity defeat the coronavirus? 00:01 – September 6 “Hands off our rights!” vaccination protests According to her, the EU should suspend flights to countries where cases of a new variant of the coronavirus were recorded until the commission “has a clear understanding of the threat posed by this variant of the virus.” the COVID-19 variant is worrying. I spoke with scientists and vaccine manufacturers today. They also express concern, “said von der Leyen, urging

The presenter of Channel One responded to rumors about Gordon's departure from “Male/Female”

Baranovskaya said that Gordon is not going to leave the show “Male/Female” whether her male/female talk show colleague Alexander Gordon is going to leave the program. She told about this in a story on Instagram. Baranovskaya denied rumors that Gordon would leave the show “Male/Female”. “No, [it is] not true,” she wrote. The TV presenter added that she spends time with a colleague on the set of the program every day, and stressed that a new episode is on the air every day. Earlier, Gordon recalled how one of the participants in the “Male/Female” program tried to kill him. According to the presenter, the attack took place behind the scenes and did not make it onto the air. He noted that the offender went hand-to-hand at him, but the guards managed to stop him in time. The Male/Female talk show has been running on Channel One since autumn 2014. The

Russian woman claims date rape after hookah

A Russian woman who smoked a hookah with a “strange” taste at a party was raped in Moscow In Moscow, a check is being carried out after the girl's statement about the rape. On Friday, November 26, REN TV reports. According to the newspaper, a Muscovite met the rapist on a dating site. After the first date, he invited the girl to smoke a hookah at his house. After taking a few puffs, the girl noticed that the tobacco had a strange taste. After that, she allegedly lost the ability to control her body. The man took advantage of her helplessness, suppressed attempts to resist and committed rape. On November 15, it was reported that the Moscow police caught a criminal who tried to rape a drunk Russian woman – he turned out to be a citizen of Belarus, previously convicted of theft.

Akhmetov responded to Zelensky on accusations of preparing a coup in Ukraine

Businessman Akhmetov denied the words of Zelensky about his involvement in the preparation of the coup the coup in the country are an absolute lie. Akhmetov himself made such a statement in response to the Ukrainian leader, his words were quoted on the website of the SCM holding company. The shareholder stressed that he had always strived to work for the good of an independent, democratic and whole Ukraine with Crimea and Donbass in its composition. “I am outraged by the spread of this lie, regardless of what motives the president is guided by,” Akhmetov said. He added that in the future he also plans to protect freedom of speech, economy and democracy in the republic and fight authoritarianism and censorship. Earlier, Zelensky said that he had received information about the planned coup d'etat in Ukraine on December 1. According to the head of state, he was informed that Akhmetov

The presenter of Channel One responded to rumors about Gordon's departure from “Male/Female”

Baranovskaya said that Gordon was not going to leave the show “Male/Female” whether her male/female talk show colleague Alexander Gordon is going to leave the program. She told about this in a story on Instagram. Baranovskaya denied rumors that Gordon would leave the show “Male/Female”. “No, [it is] not true,” she wrote. The TV presenter added that she spends time with a colleague on the set of the program every day, and stressed that a new episode is on the air every day. Earlier, Gordon recalled how one of the participants in the “Male/Female” program tried to kill him. According to the presenter, the attack took place behind the scenes and did not make it onto the air. He noted that the offender went hand-to-hand at him, but the guards managed to stop him in time. The Male/Female talk show has been running on Channel One since autumn 2014. The

Russian woman claims date rape after hookah

A Russian woman who smoked a hookah with a “strange” taste at a party was raped in Moscow In Moscow, a check is being carried out after the girl's statement of rape. On Friday, November 26, REN TV reports. According to the newspaper, a Muscovite met the rapist on a dating site. After the first date, he invited the girl to smoke a hookah at his house. After taking a few puffs, the girl noticed that the tobacco had a strange taste. After that, she allegedly lost the ability to control her body. The man took advantage of her helplessness, suppressed attempts to resist and committed rape. On November 15, it was reported that the Moscow police caught a criminal who tried to rape a drunk Russian woman – he turned out to be a citizen of Belarus, previously convicted of theft.

Akhmetov responded to Zelensky on accusations of preparing a coup in Ukraine

Businessman Akhmetov denied the words of Zelensky about his involvement in the preparation of the coup the coup in the country are an absolute lie. Akhmetov himself made such a statement in response to the Ukrainian leader, his words were quoted on the website of the SCM holding company. The shareholder stressed that he had always strived to work for the good of an independent, democratic and whole Ukraine with Crimea and Donbass in its composition. “I am outraged by the spread of this lie, regardless of what motives the president is guided by,” Akhmetov said. He added that in the future he also plans to protect freedom of speech, economy and democracy in the republic and fight authoritarianism and censorship. Earlier, Zelensky said that he had received information about the planned coup d'etat in Ukraine on December 1. According to the head of state, he was informed that Akhmetov

The winner of the popular vote “Treasures of Russia” has been announced

Belokurikha became the winner in the All-Russian annual project “Treasures of Russia” the project “Treasures of Russia” by National Geographic Traveler magazine. This was reported on the website of the government of the Altai Territory. So, Belokurikha became the leader in the category “Beach, health or recreational resort”, gaining 24 percent of the vote. The second place is occupied by the city of Zelenogradsk in the Kaliningrad region (22 percent), the third – the Kopylovo peninsula in the Samara region (12 percent). It is noted that the resorts on Belokurikha receive travelers all year round. The city is a popular destination for relaxing holidays – it is known for its sanatoriums and health complexes. Earlier in November, a new cable car was built at the Sheregesh ski resort in the Kemerovo region. The new lift will be launched in sector B – “Cascade Vostok”. Its capacity is 2.4 thousand people