Unknown rammed the gates of the residence of the President of Brazil

Michel Temer Unknown car brought down the fence of the Palacio da Alvorada — official residence of the President of Brazil Michel Temer. The head of state at that time, there was not, according to the portal Globo. The attempted invasion of the Palace was made late Wednesday evening, June 28. The guards opened fire on the car when he drove into forbidden territory. The driver was detained, and the residence surrounded. Police investigate the incident. On 27 June the chief Federal Prosecutor of Brazil’s Rodrigo Janot filed charges against Temer in receiving a bribe. It is directed to the Supreme court. This charge is expected to be the first in a series of alleged episodes of corruption against an extremely unpopular leader of the country. Michel Temer, who had been Vice President, became head of state in 2016, after the impeachment of Rousseff. The Senate authorized her removal from

Kidnapped by Islamists employees of the UN mission in Libya freed

Seven employees of the UN mission in Libya — five men and two women released after being captured by militants, according to Elaph. According to security sources, all of them safe and healthy. As the newspaper notes, the victims — natives of Libya, Malaysia, Romania, Egypt and Palestine. The Islamists stole them to trade for his followers, previously detained in Tripoli. Negotiations took place, the prisoners persuaded to let the elders of the local tribes. Earlier it was reported that the hostages were seized in the city of Zawiya. Originally it was about six. The extremists stopped a car in which there were employees of the UN, transplanted them into their cars and drove away in an unknown direction. Other details of incident are not reported. It is known that the group, taking hostages, not subject to Central authorities. After the overthrow and murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in

The Treasurer of the Vatican was accused of sexual harassment

George Pell Australia was accused of sexual harassment to the head of the Secretariat of the Vatican on economic matters, cardinal George Pell.. This was stated at a press conference in Melbourne the press Secretary of the Victoria police as Shane Patton (Shane Patton), reports Reuters. Allegations in several points of claim, each of which relates to offences of a sexual nature, the Agency said. 76-year-old Pell should stand trial on 18 July. Other details not specified. In a press-service of the Vatican and the Australian Catholic Church has not yet commented on the incident. Police have launched an investigation against Pella in July of last year. Law enforcement said that the priest involved in the sexual abuse of a minor. In 2015 he was charged with concealing crimes of pedophiles. The cardinal also got in sight of the police in the 1970s-1990s. Pell lived in Australia from 2001 to

The President of Brazil has canceled a trip to the G20 summit amid allegations of corruption

Michel Temer The President of Brazil Michel Temer said an official visit to the G20 summit, reports Globo. The residence of the head of state did not specify the reasons for the decision. The visit was scheduled for July 7-8. According to the publication, revocation may be associated with a major political scandal that erupted around the Temer. On 27 June the chief Federal Prosecutor of Brazil’s Rodrigo Janot filed charges against the President taking bribes. It is directed to the Supreme court. This charge is expected to be the first in a series of alleged episodes of corruption against an extremely unpopular leader of the country. Michel Temer, who had been Vice President, became head of state in 2016, after the impeachment of Rousseff. It is expected that he will govern the country until January 1, 2019.

The Turks launched a boat-Explorer with forge and Laundry

Istanbul-based shipyard Numarine launched the first yacht-Explorer model 32XP. About it reported in a press release received by the editors”.ru” on Thursday, June 29. The ceremony was attended by the customer, whose name was not disclosed. The yacht is designed for 12 passengers, placed in two VIP cabins and two cabins with double beds. The owner has a private apartment of 40 square meters with dressing room. All cabins have private bathrooms. The crew of five people is in the nose and equipped with a forge and a Laundry room. For the captain has separate quarters. The total area of the residential zones of the vessel is 330 square meters. The upper deck area is 129 square meters. Flybridge with an area of 60 square meters equipped with three sofas and a dining table for 12 people, two large Lounges, a bar and three chairs opposite the external control panel.

In the University dormitory in Kentucky exploded gas

The explosion took place in the campus of the University of Murray (Murray State University) in Kentucky (USA). The new dormitory, Richmond Hall has a gas leak, said on Thursday, June 29, WPSD Local. The incident happened on Wednesday evening. Fox News reports that injured two people, one of them was taken to the hospital, the second injury is less significant. Currently, the hostel is surrounded, to it let nobody. Rescuers believe that the building can still be dangerous. According to eyewitnesses, the vibration of the explosion was felt even outside the building. The new building of the Richmond Hall was opened in 2009. Plans on its construction had been discussed since 2003, but due to financial constraints, the project is constantly postponed. The old building is working since 1961. Murray State University as one of the best regional schools in the United States. In 2016, the University received about

The Israeli air force fired on a Syrian mortar on Golan heights

The Israeli air force fired on a Syrian army position in Samdani in the Golan heights. On Wednesday, June 28, RIA Novosti said a source. According to the informant, the blow fell on the detachment of the Syrian government forces. Among soldiers nobody has suffered. This is the third attack by the Israeli air force over the past five days. 24 and 25 June, air strikes had attacked the positions of Syrian troops in the al-Baath. The attack was a response to several shells coming from Syria and exploded in the Northern Golan. The Golan heights, for half a century controlled by Israel, is one of many disputed territories in the middle East. From 1944 to 1967, they belonged to Syria, then during the six day war were captured by the Jewish state and subsequently annexed. The UN Security Council has recognized the incident as illegal. Both Israel and Syria

In Europe, detained six recruiters IG in different countries at the same time

The European intelligence agencies conducted a joint operation in which were arrested six recruiters of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported by El Pais. In Spain, the four suspects were detained in Germany and the UK — one by one. They were all linked. According to sources in the interior Ministry of Spain, recruiters hold weekly meetings with young Muslims and tried to persuade them to go to Syria and Iraq as militants. Most actively this work was carried out in the Spanish city of Palma de Mallorca, where the collection of cells came dozens of people. On 21 June it was reported about detention in Madrid Spanish police three Moroccans. One of them, according to the investigation, intended to recruit compatriots to organize in Spain the attack. The other two lived with him in one apartment and, presumably, were the recruits of

Zakharov said the statement of the state Department on the preparation of himataki in Syria

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said the press Secretary of the U.S. Department of state Heather Nauert about Washington’s reluctance to provide confirmation of the conclusions of the American side about the preparation of the new authorities of Syria of a chemical attack. About this Zakharov wrote on his page in Facebook. “From the past we (all) know that the Bush regime had applied the falsification of facts about the presence of WMD [weapons of mass destruction] in Iraq against their own people to implement military aggression against the country. This causes us serious concern,” wrote the Russian diplomat. Earlier on 28 June, Nauert stated that the data on the training of Syrian authorities new himataki no one would make public, as this is intelligence information. “From the past we know that the Assad regime used chemical weapons against its own people, and this

Go to Syria with Russian Deputy head of the PACE excluded from the faction

Pedro Agramunt Visited Syria with the Russian deputies of the head of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Pedro Agramunt excluded from the faction of the European people’s party. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the party. “This morning held a meeting, and a majority of votes, the decision was made to expel him from the faction. The decision is not unanimous, but decided by a large majority,” — said in a political Association. The official reasons for such a move promised to publish in the near future. On Tuesday, June 27, PACE adopted by a majority of votes a resolution changing the rules of the organization. It allows you to declare Agramunt impeachment. The PACE President along with a delegation of Russian parliamentarians headed by Vice-speaker of the state Duma Vladimir Vasiliev visited Syria in March. Agramunt said that acted as