Putin spoke with the Emir of Qatar and king of Bahrain

Vladimir Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone with the Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani. This was reported on the Kremlin website on Saturday, 1 July. It is noted that the conversation took place at the initiative of the Qatari side. “Discussed the crisis in relations between Qatar and several other States. Vladimir Putin stressed the importance of political and diplomatic efforts to overcome the existing differences and normalizing the current difficult situation,” according to the statement. It is also stated that the leaders continued exchanging views on topical issues of bilateral cooperation, with emphasis on the implementation of a number of promising projects including in the investment and energy sectors. In addition, the Russian leader spoke with the king of Bahrain Hamad bin ISA al Khalifa. During the meeting, they discussed implementation of the agreements reached in the negotiations at the highest level in September 2016

In the us state of Nevada was allowed to sell marijuana for recreational purposes

In Nevada (USA) began selling marijuana for recreational purposes. On Saturday, July 1, the Associated Press reports. To purchase a portion of marijuana one ounce (28.3 grams) will only be able adults by state law, the age of majority is 21 years. To use the preparation at home, Smoking in public places is prohibited. It is expected that about two thirds of sales have for the tourists. Nevada became the fifth state where marijuana can be purchased for recreational purposes. Previously, it was permitted in Washington, Oregon, Colorado and Alaska. In 19 States and Washington, DC (district of Columbia) it is sold as a medication. The list of diseases for which this drug is prescribed, in each state your. So, marijuana can be prescribed for such diseases as AIDS, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, tumors, and glaucoma. In June 2017, marijuana legalized in Mexico for scientific and medical purposes. The use of

Medvedev arrived for the funeral of Helmut Kohl

Farewell ceremony with Helmut Kohl in Strasbourg Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Strasbourg at the farewell ceremony with former German Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who died June 16. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “He was the leader, thanks to which changing times. A lot of things he has achieved in 16 years as Chancellor, his contemporaries said: “It is impossible to do.” About those events today we talk differently: “It was impossible to do otherwise.” So he knew how to choose the right path, the one which went the story,” said the head of government in his speech at the farewell ceremony. “Russia was always a reliable partner, our people are especially deeply understood the danger of confrontation and the value of peace, it has allowed former adversaries together to begin to build relationships based on mutual respect, equality and trust”, — added Dmitry Medvedev. On the plane

In Germany limited the possibility of electoral speeches of foreign politicians

The German authorities took the decision to limit public appearances in the country of foreign politicians for electoral purposes. This is stated in a special statement of the German foreign Ministry, available on the Agency’s website. As specified in the document, any such statement should be coordinated with the foreign Ministry of Germany for at least 10 days before the event. Permission or prohibition of campaigning will be considered in the context of the current international situation. The resolution of the Ministry of foreign Affairs does not exempt an applicant from the need to harmonize the presentation with other concerned German authorities. The report also says that these restrictions do not apply to politicians representing the countries of the European Union. 2 Mar power Gaggenau (Federal state of Baden-Wurtemberg) has canceled a speech by the Turkish Minister of justice Bekir Bozdag, who was going to appeal to supporters of President

The South Korean President, called the condition for starting discussions with Pyongyang c

Moon Jae-In The President of South Korea, moon Jae-In during his speech in Washington said, what concessions should go to the DPRK, that between Seoul and Pyongyang began a dialogue. On Friday, June 30, according to Reuters. The South Korean leader said that such a development is possible if the Pyongyang promised to cease nuclear and missile provocations or release of detainees in North Korea, American citizens. He also pointed out that “the final goal is to eliminate the nuclear program of North Korea”, and reminded that in this way everything should happen step by step, and each step in the elimination of the nuclear program needs to be verified. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump said that the era of “strategic patience” of the United States against North Korea over. The head of state noted that the DPRK authorities “don’t care about the safety of its citizens, and residents of

Guard saved trump from a falling lamp

Donald Trump South Korean journalists knocked over the lamp that stood on the table next to the President of the United States Donald trump during a meeting with his South Korean counterpart mun Jae-Otherwise, catch in the side of the American leader of interior-managed security service of the White house. Video of the moment on Friday, June 30, published on its YouTube channel NBC News. “Take it easy, guys! You are getting worse! You then tilt the table,” commented trump. At a meeting with South Korean counterpart trump said that the era of “strategic patience” of the United States against North Korea over. The head of state noted that the DPRK authorities “don’t care about the safety of its citizens, and residents of neighboring States that do not respect human life.” According to the White house, Washington begins to implement a “range of measures in the areas of diplomacy, security

The Pentagon chose to defer acceptance of transgender people in the army

The Ministry of defense for six months delayed the acceptance of transgender persons into the armed forces of the country. The corresponding decision was accepted the head of the Pentagon James Mattis, according to Reuters. It is noted that the announcement of the lifting of the ban transgender people to serve in the US army was scheduled for 1 July, but now it is postponed to 1 January. In June 2016, the then Minister of defense Ashton Carter announced the lifting of the ban on military service of transgender people in the U.S. army. In July 2015, it was reported that the Pentagon has decided to organize a special working group on the subject of the study of how a change imposed on transgender rules that will affect the combat capability of the armed forces. Carter stated that the existing rules of the Ministry of defense regarding sex soldiers obsolete.

The first woman Chairman of Hong Kong has officially entered a post

Carrie Lam The Chairman of Hong Kong Carrie Lam officially took office. On Saturday, 1 July, reports Reuters. Lam became the first woman in this post. In her speech, she said that will make every effort to keep the policy of “one country, two systems”. The inauguration ceremony was held on the day of the 20th anniversary of handover of Hong Kong under Chinese jurisdiction in the same place, where he resigned last British Governor Chris Patten. CNN reports that the ceremony was also attended by Chinese President XI Jinping. It is noted that this is his first visit to Hong Kong since coming to power in 2013. During his speech he warned the Pro-independence of Hong Kong from “any attempt to undermine national sovereignty and security, to challenge the authority of the Central government and the provisions of the basic law”. Hong Kong from 1842 to 1997 was a

The number of victims from the storms rose to 16

The number of victims from the disaster in Moscow has increased up to 16 people. Such data journalists TASS provided in the medical services of the city on Saturday 1 July. It is reported that 12 people were hospitalized, other medical assistance was provided on an outpatient basis. The nature of the injury is not specified. Previously it was known about the nine victims.

Tokyo Schoolgirls banned from going on dates for money

July 1 in Tokyo to girls under the age of 18 came into force a ban on working in the field of Dating. It is reported TASS with reference to the legislative Assembly of the Japanese capital. From now on, Tokyo 110 companies offering men to go on a date with the schools can’t hire girls under the age of 18. Those who will violate the law, shining a year in prison or a fine of up to one million yen (about nine thousand US dollars). TASS notes that the business of such dates is an acute social problem in Japan because the clients pay the girls for sexual services, and it is a violation of the criminal code, according to which prostitution in Japan is forbidden. Coming of age in the land of the rising sun comes in 20 years.