In the case of a fatal accident in Tatarstan appeared first detainee

General Director of “Eurasian Corporation bus” Oksana Nikitina detained on the case of an accident involving a bus in Tatarstan, which killed at least 14 people. On Sunday, July 2, according to the website of the Investigative Committee of Russia. In addition, the firm that owns the bus, is being searched. As reported “Interfax”, Nikitin refused to comment. The fact of the accident two criminal cases — under part 3 of article 238 (“the services that do not meet the requirements of safety of life and health of consumers, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons”) and part 5 of article 264 (“Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons”) the criminal code of the Russian Federation. Accident involving a passenger bus took place on the night of July 2 at the 52nd kilometer of the route Almetyevsk —

The Washington Post has estimated the number shot by police in USA for six months

Within six months of 2017, American police shot and killed 492 people, estimated publication of the Washington Post. This figure practically coincides with the data for similar periods in the past two years. Washington Post reporters decided to count the number of people killed by police, after 2014, in Ferguson (Missouri) guard was shot dead unarmed teenager Michael brown. His death led to protests that were held in 28 States and the riots. Journalists claim that their lists for 2015 and 2016 was in two times more cases of skirmishes with the police than in the same reports the FBI. This year, as in previous, most of those killed by police is a white male, armed with small arms or other weapons. Every fourth shot in 2017 had mental problems. The number of dead African Americans made up 25 percent, but they account for only 6 percent of the U.S.

In London, a car crashed into a group of teenagers

London South London Audi A3 at high speed crashed into a group of teenagers. On Sunday, 2 July, reports BBC News. According to preliminary data, killed 16-year-old girl. Six people taken to hospital with non life-threatening injuries. According to police, sat behind the wheel of the Audi A3, the man received a head injury and may soon seek medical assistance. Militiamen doubt that hitting on teenagers was intentional. 19 June in London, the van did hit a mosque located in the district of Finsbury Park. The man tied the Imam of the mosque, he defended him from an angry mob to allow the police to detain. The evening of June 3, three men made a car hitting pedestrians in the area of London bridge, and then drove to borough market, where he got out of the car and with knives attacked passers-by. The terrorists were liquidated by the police. As

The former Prime Minister of Israel ahead of schedule left on freedom

Ehud Olmert (left) at the prison gates Convicted of corruption, former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday, July 2, left the prison “Maasiyahu” ahead of schedule left on freedom. It is reported by the newspaper Haaretz. Of the 27 months of the sentence imposed by the court, he spent 16.5 per month. Release of Olmert became possible after Thursday, June 29, the prison service decided to reduce the sentence by more than a third. Until may 2018, former politician, will be obliged to perform public work as a volunteer in various organizations. One of them — the society for the provision of medical care. In addition, Olmert will need twice a month to report to the police Department. Olmert, who headed the Cabinet of Ministers of Israel from 2006 to 2009, was found guilty in the corruption case in the construction of the complex “Holland”. The investigation established that officials

Hiding for more than 30 years a drug kingpin arrested in Brazil

Police in Brazil have arrested the drug Lord Luis Carlos da Rocha, nicknamed White head. It is reported by Spanish newspaper El Pais, citing the police of Brazil. Luiz Carlos da Roche was arrested Saturday morning as a result of police operations “Spectrum”. It is reported that guards more than two weeks were in ambush, watching the house and waiting for the arrival of a drug Baron. During the arrest, he found a pistol, two million dollars in cash and documents in a different name. Luiz Carlos da Roche was considered one of the most wanted drug lords in Latin America. To hide from the police he managed for 32 years. For this, he even had plastic surgery. He planes were transported to Brazil drugs from Peru, Mexico and Colombia, and supplied them for two of the largest groups in the country. According to some, as the White head is

A suicide bomber blew himself up in Central Damascus

In Tahrir square in Central Damascus explosion. On Sunday, July 2, according to Reuters. Associated Press, citing Syrian state television reported eight dead and 12 injured. According to preliminary data, talking about the suicide bomber on the car. Earlier, Syrian security forces prevented two terrorist attacks in the industrial zone at the entrance to the capital of the country. Two militants destroyed. On 15 March in Damascus had committed a double terrorist attack. The victims were more than 30 people. The civil war in Syria began in 2011. Participate in the confrontation between government forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad opposition forces Islamist groups and terrorists. Among the latter are prohibited on the territory of Russia the organization “Islamic state”.

The Consulate reported no Russians among the victims in the club in USA

Russian Consulate in Houston (Texas) reported that no Russian citizens among the victims in the shooting at a nightclub in the us city of little Rock (Arkansas). This is stated in the message of Embassy on Twitter. “According to the police, Russian citizens were not injured,” wrote the diplomats. At the same time, Twitter of police of the city of little Rock has reported that the number of victims amounted to 28 people. We mentioned earlier the 17. The lives of all the wounded out of danger, say police. Shooting in a night club happened on Saturday. As a result, no one died. The youngest of the victims 16 years of age. The identity of the person who opened fire, not installed. The police Department of the city in his Twitter said that the cause of the fire was the conflict between the visitors and the incident is not related

The Paris court has fined the Ukrainian criticism of the film on the Maidan

The court in Paris on 29 June ruled against Ukrainian translator Anna Chesovskoy, which criticized the French film directed by Paul Moreira “Ukraine: Mask of the revolution.” This writes the Ukrainian edition of “true European”, publishing a screenshot of a court decision. The total amount of fine which the court imposed on the woman has exceeded 13,5 thousand euros. In particular, five thousand euros Cheshnovsky must pay to the Director as compensation for moral damage, three thousand euros — payment of his attorney fees, five thousand euros — the fee for publication of a retraction in the newspaper, which will choose a Director, a 500 — Euro fine to the state for violation of the law and 127 Euro court costs. Paul Moreira during the preparation of the film Cheshnovsky hired as a translator for a small part of the picture. After the film, the woman in the newspaper Le

Media reported about the possibility of a UK exit from the EU without negotiation

Theresa may and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel Britain may abandon negotiations with the EU on the release of the Kingdom from the Union due to disagreements on the account, which Brussels makes the London. This publication reports The Telegraph, citing a senior official in the government. According to the newspaper, about such variant of development of events, representatives of the Prime Minister Theresa may warned the British business community. This step can show the “internal market” that Mei does not intend to pay compensation in the amount of more than € 100 billion required by some European politicians, the newspaper writes. In late may, the media also reported that Mae had warned that the country could leave the EU without signing a special agreement with Brussels. This may be the case if the United Kingdom does not agree with the terms Brexit put forward by the European Union. May

In a shooting in a nightclub in Arkansas and injured 17 people

At least 17 people were injured during a shooting at a nightclub in little Rock (USA, Arkansas). Several visitors were injured trying to leave the premises. On Saturday, July 1, Fox News reports. As a result, no one died. It is specified that one of the wounded was in critical condition, but doctors managed to stabilize him. The others were not life-threatening injuries. It is noted that the youngest of the victims 16 years of age. The identity of the person who opened fire, not installed. The police Department of the city in his Twitter said that the cause of the fire was the conflict between the visitors and the incident is not related to terrorism. On the night of June 12, 2016 ethnic Afghan Omar Matin broke into a gay club Pulse (Orlando, Florida), locked the room and started to shoot visitors. A few hours later the police eliminated