Two vehicles of us military convoy collided in the Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic faced two cars out of the us with a military escort, based in Germany and travelling from the base to place the exercise, RIA Novosti reported. As told the representative of police of the Central Bohemian region Pavel Truks, the accident happened on the highway near the Czech city Mirosovice. “The accident occurred at the moment when one part of the convoy was waiting for another one that was late. One of the cars crashed into the tanker, said Truks. — The incident were wounded, the whole situation was solved in a convoy. The representatives of the Czech police only assisted in order to resolve the traffic situation. The movement of the convoy resumed”. The transfer of the American convoy from Germany through the Czech Republic to the place of military NATO exercise Saber Guardian will end on Sunday, July 2. The Czech territory is crossed

Israel struck Syrian military

The Israeli army attacked Syrian artillery positions from where you were previously running mortar shells fired at the Jewish state-controlled part of the Golan heights. This is stated in the communique a press-service of Army of defence of Israel, which is quoted by TASS. “In response to the shells fired at Israel from Syria, the army attacked Syrian artillery positions from where you were previously running a mine,” — said the military. According to the press service, on Saturday evening, two released in Syria a mortar shell landed on the Israeli side of the Golan. The army noted that “the flight stray shells is the result of the internal fighting in Syria.” According to the Lebanese TV channel “al-Mayadin”, the result of this attack, the losses in the ranks of the Syrian troops there, suffered only material damage. According to the channel, Syrian troops backed by militia freed on Saturday

The media learned about the evidence of the use of terrorists in Syria foreign weapons

The Russian side has collected irrefutable evidence of the use by terrorists in Syria, foreign weapons and ammunition. About it RIA Novosti was informed diplomatic source. “Russian officers of the Center for conciliation of the warring parties in the Syrian Arab Republic were collected irrefutable evidence that terrorists used foreign weapons and ammunition: photographed fragments of ammunition of foreign manufacture with the serial numbers,” he said. In addition, the Russian military on Saturday, July 1, has recorded 48 mortar shelling of the neighborhood of al-Cabbas (suburb of Damascus) from the positions of illegal armed groups in Ayn-at Terme Dzhobare. Earlier on Thursday, the 29th of June, a diplomatic source told the Agency about the impending terrorist groups in Syria provocation using chemical weapons in the area of Deraa. After that, a number of opposition to the official government information web portals reported that as a result of the use of

Migrant killed the Austrian pensioners because of the hatred of the party of freedom

In Austria, a migrant from Tunisia killed a couple of pensioners, because they thought that they are far-right freedom Party, advocating for the restriction of migration. ORF reported, citing data from the local police. The incident occurred on Friday, June 30th in Linz. 54-year-old migrant, who has lived in Austria since 1989, the interrogation, the police admitted that carefully planned crime. For many years he delivered the food from the store his wife’s elderly Austrians. On Friday, he as usual went into the house to their clients, and strangled first, 85-year-old woman, and then using sticks and knives killed her 87-year-old husband. Then he burned the bodies of their victims. The murderer surrendered to police. He said that many years feels to his unjust attitude on the part of Austrian companies. He accused local politicians of the far-right Austrian freedom party. The killer thought his victim are of this political

Trump is thinking about renaming CNN’s “fraudulent news”

US President, Donald trump has admitted that he thinks about how to stop calling CNN a “fake news” and rename the Corporation to “fraudulent news”. About this he wrote on Twitter. The US President said that “the fake and fraudulent media” are working to convince Republicans that the head of state should not use social media. “But remember, I won the election in 2016 with interviews, speeches and social media. I had to fight the fake news, and I did. We will continue to win!” — wrote trump. After that, he published another tweet: “I’m thinking about renaming the fake news CNN news CNN of fraudulent”. President trump during election campaign, started a war with the media, many of whom, he said, are “fake”. The vast majority of media in the elections supported the opponent of trump, Hillary Clinton and continued critical coverage of the administration after the accession of

The President signed a law blocking “mirrors” pirate sites

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law blocking copies of the sites where he has placed the content with copyright infringement. Document posted Saturday on the portal of legal information. The law defines the procedure for restricting access to the “mirrors” pirate sites. In case of receipt of discovery information on the Internet copies of blocked sites to the Ministry of communications during the day “takes a motivated decision on the recognition of site is a copy of the blocked site”, sends it in Russian and English to the owner of the mirror, and in Roskomnadzor. According to the law, operators will have within days from the moment of receiving them from the appropriate Roskomnadzor the requirement to restrict access to copies of the blocked website. Besides, after the law came into force, the search engines will be required to exclude blocked “the mirror” from the search results. The Federal

Bianca denied entry to Ukraine

Bianca R&B singer, Bianca is not allowed on the territory of Ukraine. She announced this in Instagram. The representative of the Ukrainian state border service Oleg Slobodyan confirmed the information to “Gromadska”. According to him, the entry of the singer, whose real name is Tatyana Lipnitskaya, banned for three years. The reason for such measures was her visit to the Crimea. In the social network Bianca showed a page of the passport stamped “denied entry to Ukraine”. She had to perform in Odessa on June 30. “Those who have been following my work and my life, you know, I lived six years in Kiev, has traveled the length and breadth of Ukraine, has received various national awards, wrote a track on the Ukrainian”, — she wrote. All yo!.:( From my recent posts, you know that I and my band were supposed to perform in Odessa (Ukraine).?? Those who have been

Putin approved the creation of a registry corrupt

President Vladimir Putin signed the law on creation in Russia of registry officials, law enforcement officers and servicemen, dismissed in connection with loss of trust for corruption. The corresponding document was published on Saturday, July 1, on the official portal of legal information. The act provides for the establishment of a special list, which will include information about the person who has been dismissed for corruption offenses. With the exception of information constituting a state secret. The registry can get fired prosecutors, Investigative Committee, Federal security service, internal Affairs bodies, customs authority, military, civil and municipal servants, persons holding public office, employees of the Central Bank, officials of state corporations, Pension Fund and others. The obligation of including dismissed for corruption officer in the registry will fall on his employer. The registry corrupt officials will be placed in the state information system in the field of civil service in the

The girl was sent under house arrest after a fatal accident with a biker in Moscow

Nikulinskiy court of Moscow has sent under house arrest Yulia Dubovtseva that while driving a Mercedes car knocked down a biker on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. On Saturday, July 1, according to TASS. “The court has satisfied the petition of the investigation and chose against Dubovtseva a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest till 26 August,” — said the press service of the court. The girl is accused as regards 3 articles 264 of the criminal code (“Violation of traffic rules and operation of vehicles, entailed on imprudence death of the person”). Previously was also detained and arrested 20-year-old owner of the car driven by Dubovtseva. He was charged under article 268 of the criminal code (“violation of the rules providing safe work of transport”). The accident occurred at night on June 26. Near the house No. 48 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt has faced Mercedes and Yamaha, driven by 23-year-old

Mutko said to the journalist on the issue of doping in the team offer to dance

Deputy Prime Minister, the President of the Russian football Union (RFU) Vitaly Mutko responded to a reporter’s question about doping in Russian football offer to dance. The words of official results “Sport-Express” on Saturday, July 1. “Six of our clubs play in European competitions. There is constantly control. Inside of the championship of Russia there is a control in each round. The Russian team had checked before, during and after the confederations Cup. What else must we do? How to respond to endless charges? Only if the dance can give you something else to answer! Let’s at least something to trust” — called Mutko. He also noted that the Russian government is investing in sport in order “to some magalukku to win by fraudulent”. On June 28 the head of the independent Commission of the world anti-doping Agency (WADA) Richard McLaren said that in the Russian football system functions to