Cannibal from St. Petersburg and his accomplice charged with murder

The ICR indicted the defendants in the case of a body falling out of the trunk near St. Petersburg. This was reported to “” in the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). The investigation established that in St. Petersburg on November 20, in a garage on Laboratornaya Street, two drunken young people quarreled with a man Born in 1971. During the conflict, the defendants stabbed him several times and then decided to dispose of the body. The defendants in the case called a friend in a car and put him in the trunk of the dead man in order to get rid of the body in the forest in the Leningrad region. The defendants set fire to the garage and drove away. However, on the A-121 “Sortavala” highway, the driver of the car lost control and crashed into a road fence, as a result a body fell

Mortgage prices have risen in Russia

TASS: mortgage rates for basic programs have increased in Russia Large Russian banks have increased mortgage rates for basic programs by an average of 0.4 -1 percentage point. This is reported by TASS with reference to the data of banks and the marketing agency Marcs. In November, mortgage rates were raised by such banks as VTB, Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank and Raiffeisenbank. Since November 15, mortgages for VTB clients have become 0.7 percentage points more expensive – the rate will be 9 percent. Sberbank raised rates to 8.8 percent (plus 0.4 percentage points) on mortgages for new buildings and to 9.1 percent (plus 0.6 percentage points) on mortgages for secondary housing. Mortgages for finished housing rose from 8.1 percent to 8.7 percent. In Rosselkhozbank, rates on basic programs for primary real estate increased by 0.7-0.9 percentage points, and for secondary – by 0.45-0.7 percentage points. Raiffeisenbank raised mortgage rates by 0.4-1 percentage

The most emergency time on the roads of Moscow is named

Moscow traffic police: the peak of accidents in the city falls on the interval from 6 to 9 pm More than half of dead and injured occurs in Moscow from 12 noon to 9 pm, the Moscow State Traffic Safety Inspectorate reports in its Telegram channel. The peak of accidents falls on the time interval from 6 to 9 pm. Negative factors in the traffic police called the high intensity of vehicle traffic and poor visibility of pedestrians in winter. The smallest number of accidents was recorded from three to six in the morning. In the first 10 months of 2021, more than 6.9 thousand road accidents occurred in Moscow, as a result of which 283 people died, 7.9 thousand were injured of varying severity … The most frequent accidents are pedestrian collisions. They are recorded 26 percent more than car collisions. More than half of the raids were committed

The reasons for the national conflicts in the USSR are identified

Conflict expert Yunusov: “images of enemies” and the desire for independence led to conflicts in the USSR behind which the elites of the national republics believed that their peoples would have lived better if it had not been for the dictates of the union center. Conflict expert and human rights activist Arif Yunusov spoke about this in an interview with as part of a special project dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union. “At the same time, within each of the 15 national republics there were other peoples who believed that they would live well if they were not part of these subjects, but received independence. When we came to Moscow, I met with Russian nationalists from the Pamyat society. They said the same thing. Like, we would have healed well if it were not for these national republics, which exist exclusively at the

Odnoklassniki will distribute bonuses for business

Odnoklassniki will double the budgets in the advertising office to support entrepreneurs December, inclusive, the social network will double the budget for promotion through an internal advertising cabinet powered by myTarget technologies. This was reported in a press release from the organization, which was received by the editorial board of It is assumed that in this way entrepreneurs will be helped to attract customers and increase their number, as well as reach an audience at a difficult time for business, associated with restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, until the end of December, when replenishing the balance of the advertising cabinet in the amount of one thousand rubles or more, each payment will be doubled with bonuses. To receive these bonus funds, you need to activate the special promo code BONUS2021 via the link. Moreover, the maximum amount of bonuses per user is 15 thousand rubles. It is

The insides of the new AirPods are shown

IFixit experts called the new AirPods unusable A video showing the disassembly of the headset is available on the iFixit YouTube channel. According to iFixit experts studying the possibility of repairing gadgets, Apple had to use a vise to open the new headphones. The experts pressed on the body of the device from both sides to detach the two halves of the earbuds from each other. The authors showed the insides of AirPods, noting that the device is assembled using a lot of glue. Also, the components of the headphones are tightly adjacent to each other, which prevents the disassembly of the gadget. During the review, experts also opened the Beats Fit Pro headphones, which were also recently introduced by Apple. It turned out that both headsets have a similar design. In conclusion, experts tried to remove the battery from the headphones and completely destroyed the AirPods case. The authors

Foreign Ministry urged to ban flights to Egypt due to “bestial” attitude towards Russians

Leader of the Green Alternative Party Khvostov called on the Foreign Ministry to ban flights with Egypt Sergey Lavrov to ban flights with Egypt because of the “bestial” attitude towards Russian tourists. This is reported by the “National News Service.” “There is only a dirty floor. The only association that arises at the sight of such behavior towards our fellow citizens is that they are treated like cattle, ”the party leader said in his address and added that the Russians did not deserve such an attitude. Earlier in November, Russian tourists who flew in from Egypt complained of six-hour queues at Sharm el-Sheikh airport. It is noted that security measures have been strengthened in the terminal, where only flights to Russia are served. According to eyewitnesses, border guards behave in a rude manner and take money from passengers, promising to board them without going through security checks.

Americans will build two nuclear power plants in Ukraine

American Westinghouse will build two units at Khmelnitsky NPP in Ukraine They talk about the construction of two units of the Khmelnytsky NPP using the AP1000 technology. The broadcast of the conference “Nuclear Opportunities for the Development of the Country”, at which the acting president of Energoatom Petr Kotin and the head of Westinghouse Patrick Fragman put their signatures, is hosted by the YouTube channel of the Ukrainian company. The first contract provides for the purchase of services for the design of power units , and the second – the purchase of the necessary equipment. Such contracts were previously announced by President Vladimir Zelensky during his visit to the United States. The parties signed a memorandum on the implementation of a pilot project for the construction of a power unit at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant and four more units using Westinghouse technology. The amount of investment is up to

Rashkin confessed to illegal hunting

Deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valery Rashkin admitted that he was hunting in the forest illegally that hunted in the forest illegally. His words are quoted by Izvestia. He added that he had not checked whether there were any hunting permits. “Probably, this is my mistake, for which I regret it, it is bitter and insulting, I do not sleep many nights. It would be necessary to check, “Rashkin emphasized. State Duma deputy Valery Rashkin earlier admitted to killing an elk, the carcass of which was found by police officers in his car at the end of October. In a video message, he said that it happened on the night of October 29. On November 17, Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov submitted to the State Duma a proposal to deprive Valery Rashkin of parliamentary immunity.

Archer attacked the city hall in Chisinau

A man with a bow attacked the city hall in the center of Chisinau A man with a bow attacked the city hall in the center of Chisinau. Telegram-channel “Sputnik Moldova” writes about this. It is noted that the archer approached the building of the capital's administration and fired a shot at it. However, he did not damage the building. Subsequently, a report was drawn up against the man. Currently, law enforcement officers are investigating the motives for the attack. In 2020, Moldovan farmers protested and blocked the entrances to the government building in Chisinau with tractors. Thus, they decided to obtain from the country's authorities an increase in the amount of compensation for the lost crop and the abolition of the increase in VAT on agricultural products.