The Polish authorities launched an advertisement for life in Auschwitz

Poland launched an advertising campaign to attract new residents to Auschwitz The Polish authorities launched an advertising campaign to attract new residents to Auschwitz. This was reported by the press secretary of the city magistrate Katarzyna Kvecheni, RIA Novosti reports. The politician said that the advertisement of life in Auschwitz was initiated by the local government. “Nine billboards with information about its merits appeared on all four access roads,” she said. Kvecheni stressed that the goal of the campaign is to urge citizens of all ages to choose Auschwitz as a permanent place of residence and demonstrate its strengths. It is noted that the boards contain information about affordable housing and infrastructure in the city, education and employment opportunities. “Why live in Auschwitz? Because it is a dynamically changing city, ”said Mayor Janusz Hwerut. At the moment, about 38 thousand people live in the city. On October 6, it was

Vrublevsky spoke about Shubin's deal with the Tsapkov gang's lawyer

Vrublevsky said that Shubin sold one of his houses to the Tsapkov gang's lawyer Founder of ChronoPay payment company, fund, first investor in Pavel Vrublevsky, who is in the process of litigation against businessman Vladimir Shubin, told in his blog about the latter's deal with Tsapkov's lawyer Eduard Churgulia. According to Vrublevsky, citing data from the cadastral register, in 2012 Shubin sold one of his houses to the lawyer of the Tsapkov gang, which had committed “one of the most monstrous, cruel, bloody and disgusting crimes.” “Among the people who, according to the media, were probably somehow involved in the gang, but for some reason escaped responsibility, or maybe the media were mistaken about him, since the enraged population of the country accused everyone who came to hand was permanent lawyer of the entire gang Eduard Churgulia. We must pay tribute to him for the stubbornness with which

Vrublevsky spoke about Shubin's deal with the Tsapkov gang's lawyer

Vrublevsky said that Shubin sold one of his houses to the Tsapkov gang's lawyer Founder of the ChronoPay payment company, fund, the first investor in Pavel Vrublevsky, who is in the process of litigation against businessman Vladimir Shubin, told in his blog about the latter's deal with Tsapkov's lawyer Eduard Churgulia. According to Vrublevsky, citing data from the cadastral register, in 2012 Shubin sold one of his houses to the lawyer of the Tsapkov gang, which had committed “one of the most monstrous, cruel, bloody and disgusting crimes.” “Among the people who, according to the media, were probably somehow involved in the gang, but for some reason escaped responsibility, or maybe the media were mistaken about him, since the enraged population of the country accused everyone who came to hand was permanent lawyer of the entire gang Eduard Churgulia. We must pay tribute to him for the stubbornness

The Russians decided to save them from loans at 365 percent per year with loans at 292 percent

A bill was submitted to the State Duma to reduce the marginal rate on loans to 0.8% per day The maximum rate on consumer loans and Russia may be reduced from the current one percent to 0.8 percent per day, follows from the bill submitted to the State Duma. Amendments to the law “On consumer credit (loan)” (353-FZ), which should save Russians from loans at 365 percent per year and limit the maximum value of the total cost of a loan to 292 percent, suggested a group of deputies headed by the chairman of the financial market committee Anatoly Aksakov. The document states that the draft was prepared “for the purpose of improving the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services ”. Annually in Russia about 35 million agreements are concluded at a rate in the range of 292-365 percent per year, and their share in the total

Russians massively increased rental rates

The cost of renting apartments since the end of summer 2021 has increased in all major cities of Russia the beginning of 2021 did not grow or even went down, but since the end of summer they have increased in almost all 15 cities with a population of one million, it follows from the materials of the portal provided to It has become cheaper to rent housing in large cities than to buy with a mortgage, analysts say. This allowed the Russians to massively increase the cost of renting apartments. Most of the rates increased in Ufa (by 23 percent since the beginning of autumn), Krasnoyarsk (plus 15 percent), Yekaterinburg (13 percent), Novosibirsk (13 percent), Rostov-on-Don (12 percent), Kazan (12 percent), Volgograd (11 percent) and St. Petersburg (10 percent). The least noticeable prices for rented housing rose in Voronezh (by 3 percent) and in Moscow (plus 0.2 percent).

Oksimiron announced the release date of the third album

The third studio album of rapper Oksimiron will be released on December 1 Russian hip-hop artist Oksimiron (real name – Miron Fedorov) has announced the release date of the third studio album – it will happen on December 1. This was reported on the rapper's website “when-album.rf”. The message on the site reads: “OXXXYMIRON ALBUM 01.12.2021”. It also appeared on the artist's social networks – on Twitter and Instagram, as well as on his Telegram channel. The musician did not disclose the release details. Earlier in November, Oksimiron released a series of singles and videos on them, which is why fans of the hip-hop artist decided that the rapper should soon release a third studio album, the first in six years. The album was supposed to be released on November 12, but on that date Fedorov did not publish an album, but a mixtape, consisting mainly of old songs. Oksimiron's

The network has criticized the trailer, which has collected 19 thousand dislikes, “Well, wait!”

Netizens were unhappy with the first trailer for the restart of “Well, wait!” ! “. Under the video itself on YouTube, comments were disabled, but users spoke about it on other social networks. Viewers were unhappy with the video, which received 19 thousand dislikes and only 1.9 thousand likes per day. They wrote on Twitter about the poor quality of the animation, and also that there is no need to re-shoot old cartoons.

Lavrov called the refusal of Berlin and Paris to support the Minsk agreements stubbornness

Sergey Lavrov: Russia is worried that Germany and France are indulging Kiev's wishes refuse to fulfill the Minsk agreements. This was stated by the head of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, RIA Novosti reports. The diplomat called the unwillingness of Paris and Berlin to support the implementation of the agreements and attempts to “in every possible way to shield and justify the unacceptable actions of the Kiev regime” as stubbornness. < p> “Ukraine has publicly withdrawn from them [the Minsk agreements], and instead of giving Ukraine a hand, to force its clients in Kiev to do what was agreed, with the assistance, with the support of England and France, we are told, let's better once again we will meet in the Normandy format. This is a road to nowhere, “Lavrov emphasized. Earlier, the foreign minister said that Ukraine is clearly going to provocations, using American Javelin missile

Duma credentials committee recommended to deprive Rashkin of immunity

The Duma Commission recommended to give consent to the deprivation of immunity of Deputy Rashkin deputy immunity of the Communist Party member Valery Rashkin, who is suspected of illegal elk hunting. TASS writes about this. According to the representative of the Prosecutor General's Office Sergei Bochkarev, in addition to giving consent to lifting immunity and initiating a case, the Prosecutor General called on the State Duma deputies “to agree to a number of investigative actions, to elect a preventive measure against the deputy. with the prohibition of certain actions. ” Earlier, Rashkin said that he was hunting in the forest illegally. He noted that he did not check if there are hunting permits. In addition, he pleaded morally guilty in this situation. A Communist Party deputy, Valery Rashkin, confessed to killing an elk whose carcass was found in his car by the police. In a video message, he told what

Russia will supply “Tosochki” on the border with Ukraine

Izvestia: new battalions of Tosochka and Solntsepek vehicles of the Southern Military District will cover southern Russia The Russian Ministry of Defense plans to form three battalions with heavy flamethrower systems (TOC). Until 2027, units of the Southern Military District (YuVO) will receive TOS-2 “Tosochka” wheeled vehicles and TOS-1A “Solntsepek” systems on a tracked chassis, which will cover the Caucasus, Crimea and the border with Ukraine. This is reported by Izvestia with reference to the defense department. By 2024, the number of TPS in operating units will be brought to 42 sets. After that, the TOS fleet will be increased by the formation of additional formations in the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection (RHBZ). By 2027, it is planned to create three new TOS battalions. This will increase the firepower of the Southern Military District sixfold. The interlocutors of the publication noted that heavy flamethrower systems can be