Gas prices have jeopardized the future of German companies

Die Welt: German companies complained about forced savings due to gas prices – due to the rise in energy prices. This is reported by Die Welt with reference to a study by the Union of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK). Rapidly rising electricity and gas prices pose a threat to the German economy. Even small and medium-sized companies face significant cost increases. Many companies can cope with a difficult period only by saving on investments of any kind. “The picture the companies have painted is very disturbing,” said Peter Adrian, President of DIHK. “High electricity and gas prices are already depriving a third of companies of the financial capacity for the necessary future investments.” In the survey, 46 percent of companies reported that rising prices could jeopardize their competitiveness. Another 11 percent said they were forced to postpone investments in the climate agenda due to high prices for

Thousands of coffee shop customers in the United States could be infected with hepatitis A

CNN: Thousands of Starbucks New Jersey Customers May Have Tested Hepatitis A A Starbucks New Jersey employee was identified hepatitis A, which could have infected thousands of clients. This is reported by CNN. According to the newspaper, the said coffee shop is popular with local residents, more than 600 people visit it a day. The state health department closed the coffee shop and recommended that all visitors get vaccinated against the virus no later than 14 days after contact with the employee. Since several thousand people could have become infected, the US health services provided the region with additional supplies of hepatitis vaccine A. In three days, more than 800 citizens were vaccinated against the virus. The employee himself is currently undergoing treatment, he is suspended from work. On October 24, it was reported that an unexpected source of a deadly disease – melioidosis – had been found in the

The situation with “Rusnano” was called a test for the state

The Fitch rating agency called the situation with Rusnano's debts a test for the state states to incur financial losses. This was stated to RBC by the senior director of the international rating agency Fitch Konstantin Anglichanov. On November 19, at a meeting with creditors, the management of Rusnano announced the accumulated disproportionate debt and the need to adjust the financial model. On the same day, the Moscow Exchange, at the request of the Central Bank, stopped trading in all Rusnano bond issues worth 71 billion rubles. Later, the Central Bank named the reason for such actions – the regulator tried to prevent insider deals amid information about the company's problems. On November 22, trading resumed, but bonds fell significantly. “We are now seeing a test of how applicable this premise was ( to the fact that the only shareholder of Rusnano, represented by the state, would support the company

Former editor-in-chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets dies

Former editor-in-chief of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper Igor Bugaev died at the age of 88 Former editor-in-chief of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper Igor Bugaev died at the age of 88. This was reported on the website of the newspaper. According to the preliminary version, the cause of the death of the journalist was a heart attack. Other details are not disclosed. “Igor Borisovich, who did not strive to become widely known during his lifetime, left behind a lot that will remind him of him for a long time not only to friends and colleagues, but also to everyone who is not indifferent to the present and the future of Russian culture, art and journalism, “the publication noted. Bugaev worked at Moskovsky Komsomolets from 1958 to 1968. After that, he became assistant to the first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, Viktor Grishin. In the city committee, he

In France, they spoke about the desire to work with Russia on arms control

French Foreign Ministry: Paris wants to work with Russia and NATO on arms control France wants to continue working with Russia and NATO on joint control over armaments. This was told to reporters in the press service of the French Foreign Ministry, TASS reports. Related materials 00:02 – October 15 Ideal storm .China and the United States are pulling military forces into the South China Sea. How will the battle for regional domination end? 00:02 – October 13 “Sanctions are for life” The US threatens Russia with new sanctions. Who makes these decisions and how? The Foreign Ministry also noted that Paris has recently been observing a gradual erosion of the framework for arms containment and wants to correct the consequences of this process. In early November, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that despite growing disagreements, Moscow is continuing its dialogue with Washington. According to her, this is

Black hole discovered 11 times more massive than the Sun

Astronomers have discovered a black hole in the globular cluster of the Large Magellanic Cloud An international team of astronomers reports the discovery of a black hole in the globular cluster NGC 1850. This object, which is part of a binary system, belongs to stellar mass black holes and is about 11 times more massive than the Sun. Details of the discovery are available in the preprint repository. To date, scientists have reported only a few direct detections of black holes that are found in binary systems within star clusters. Such black holes look like an invisible object around which a large star revolves. Moreover, no direct dynamic detection of a black hole in a young massive cluster has been reported so far. The discovery of such objects could be critical for understanding the early dynamic evolution of black holes in high-density environments. The object, designated NGC 1850 BH1,

In Russia, a teenager wanted to shoot at a school for an award from a stranger

A teenager was detained in Kazan who wanted to shoot at school for 5 thousand rubles In Kazan, a teenager wanted to shoot at a school. In the police, he said that for this the stranger had promised him a reward of five thousand rubles, according to the Telegram channel Mash Uptash. The 14-year-old student was already registered with the juvenile affairs unit because of hooliganism. A teenager during interrogation assured that a stranger had thrown off the address of a cache of clothes for an attack on a school. He noted that he wanted to do it in a Hate T-shirt with a bloody white rose in the style of the American subculture. According to the young man, he and a friend actually found clothes at the site of the alleged cache. FSB officers now they are deciding to initiate a case. In October, a 12-year-old schoolboy opened fire

Russians were advised to risk tax evasion when renting apartments

FTS: 90 percent of rental apartments in Russia are leased via the Internet, it is easy to track them And Russians shouldn't risk tax evasion if they get money from tenants. This advice was given by the head of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) Daniil Egorov on the air of the Russia 24 TV channel. As the official noted, 90 percent of apartments are rented through advertising on the Internet. “This is not the most difficult resource to access in order for us to identify this lease,” he said. Egorov stressed that “the tax regime on professional income, a voluntary regime, was made specifically for such cases.” … A tax of four percent on the income received is not an amount “for which it is worth risking a lot,” said the head of the Federal Tax Service. The activation of a special tax regime for the self-employed takes three minutes,