Biden's plans to run for a second term confirmed

White House spokesman Psaki: President Biden wants to run for a second term run for a second term. This was reported by the press secretary of the White House Jen Psaki, writes RIA Novosti According to her, Biden does not abandon plans for re-election in 2024. “These are his intentions,” Psaki said in response to a question from journalists. Publications about Biden’s participation in the next presidential elections appeared shortly before that in the local media. It was reported that the 79-year-old politician was about to run for a second term, despite the drop in his ratings. According to The Washington Post, all efforts of the president's inner circle are aimed at convincing supporters of the head of state's desire to remain in the White House. By the time of elections in 2024, Biden will turn 81.

The doctor has listed products for weight loss

Doctor Pigareva: sea fish, olive oil and avocado will help you lose weight Yulia Pigareva has listed products that contribute to weight loss. She told the agency “Prime” about this. Materials on the topic00: 07 – 10 January “The more culinary expanse, the more we eat” How food changes our minds, behavior and prevents us from losing weight – says a neuroscientist00: 01 – December 17, 2020 “Eclairs are not to blame, and in general there is no one's fault” Sweet, fatty and tasty: how familiar food is killing Russians According to her, fatty sea fish, olive oil and avocado will help improve fat metabolism and reduce body weight. However, consuming them in large quantities, on the contrary, promotes weight gain, the doctor warned. The expert added that coffee, pineapple and green tea, which are considered to be weight-loss foods, in fact are not. A competent diet for a person

The reasons for the appeal of psychologists to other psychologists are named

Psychologist Khristosenko: psychologists can also have psychological problems colleagues. He told Vechernyaya Moskva about this. Khristosenko said that the experts seek help because they may also have psychological problems. He noted that one specialist always needs another, more competent, as a supervisor. “This is a person who, when contacting him, certifies that everything is in order with the psychologist, that he is in an adequate state and does not lose touch with reality,” the writer explained. In his opinion, if there is no such inspector, then the expert should not be allowed to work. Among the requests that are discussed at such receptions, problems with relationships, money and implementation were named. Khristosenko noted that most psychologists in Russia are experiencing difficulties due to a lack of clients and funds. According to Khristosenko, a specialist who does not have a view of his beliefs from the outside looks at reality in

The USA approved the explanations of the Bulgarian President of his words about the Russian Crimea

State Department spokesman Ned Price: Rumen Radev made it clear that Crimea belongs to Ukraine accessories of the Crimea. State Department spokesman Ned Price said this, RIA Novosti reports. “We welcome the clarification of President Radev, in which he reaffirmed his commitment to the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” Price said. According to him, the Bulgarian leader “made it clear that Crimea belongs to Ukraine.” He added that the United States will never recognize the peninsula as Russian territory. On November 18, Radev called Crimea a part of Russia in pre-election debates with his main opponent, Anastas Gerdzhikov. He pointed out that foreign policy needs pragmatism, and the anti-Russian sanctions imposed over Crimea have no effect. Later, the presidential press service explained that from a legal point of view, Crimea belongs to Ukraine, and Bulgaria has repeatedly expressed support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Crimea joined Russia in

The United States is about to send military advisers to Ukraine because of Russia's actions

CNN: Biden Administration Discusses Sending Military Advisors to Ukraine against the background of the alleged concentration of Russian troops near the border. This is reported by CNN, citing several sources familiar with the discussion. According to the American publication, the issue was raised in Washington because of Kiev's fears about Russia's allegedly impending invasion of the country. The aid package could include Javelin anti-tank missiles, mortars, and air defense systems such as Stinger missiles. At the same time, it is noted that there is another position in the administration, according to which the sending of advisers can be regarded by Moscow as an escalation. Earlier, the official representative of the US State Department Ned Price assessed media reports that Russia is allegedly preparing an invasion of Ukraine … According to him, Washington does not know Moscow's intentions. Nevertheless, the diplomat noted that the United States is familiar with the schemes

In Ukraine, the purpose of messages about the “invasion” of Russia into the country was revealed

Rada Deputy Boyko: Kiev scares the population with statements about Russia's “invasion” of Ukraine life “(HLP) in the Verkhovna Rada, Yuriy Boyko revealed the purpose of the statements about the allegedly impending Russian invasion of Ukraine. He stated this on the air of the Ukraine 24 TV channel, RIA Novosti reports. According to him, in this way Kiev hopes to scare the country's population in order to hide the real problems of the state. Boyko said that the situation from the past has practically “migrated” to the present. For example, he noted that the former NSDC secretary, Alexander Turchinov, almost every week announced in parliament about the threat from Russia and demanded the adoption of various laws, while all other problems were hidden. “And what does it have to do with tariffs, gas – this is already secondary. They'll attack, God forbid, this is the most important thing. They just

Gazprom has set a condition for the continuation of gas supplies to Moldova

Gazprom: in case of non-payment of debts, we will stop pumping gas to Moldova in 48 hours to continue gas supplies to the country. This was announced by the representative of the concern, Sergei Kupriyanov, RIA Novosti reports. Bearing in mind the difficult, very difficult situation in the economic and financial situation of Moldova, guided by the desire to preserve for Moldova the possibility of paying off its debt obligations with respect to Gazprom. , as well as the position of the President of Russia, to whom the Moldovan side has repeatedly turned for assistance, Gazprom it was decided to sign the contract practically on the terms of the Moldovan side Sergey KupriyanovRepresentative of Gazprom According to Kupriyanov, according to the terms of the contract, Moldova is obliged to pay 100 percent of payments for gas. The deadline for the next payments was November 22, but the company did not

Ukraine will receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the IMF

Zelensky: The IMF decided to provide Ukraine with a tranche of $ 700 million from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He wrote about this on his Twitter account. Zelensky expressed gratitude to the IMF board of directors for the positive decision to complete the revision of the stand-by program. It is noted that the country will receive a tranche of about $ 700 million. The President said that these funds will be used to support the financial system of Ukraine and the fight against the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, he stressed that Kiev will continue cooperation with an international organization. Earlier, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine, Kirill Shevchenko, said that the country expects a tranche from the IMF in the amount of SDR 500 million (special drawing rights, SDR, artificial means of payment of the IMF) or about $ 700 million. “The rest will

Ukraine named the main importer of gas to the country

“Ukrainian GTS Operator”: Hungary provided 90 percent of gas imports to the country in 2021 importer of gas to the country. This was reported by the press service of the company on Facebook. According to the company, Hungary provided 90 percent of gas imports to Ukraine in 2021. The Ukrainian GTS Operator emphasized that Budapest is one of the priority areas for international cooperation. It is noted that even after the suspension of physical transit, gas imports to the Ukrainian territory continued, and in October supplies amounted to approximately 37 million cubic meters. At the moment, work is underway to create guaranteed capacities for gas supplies from Hungary, which should open access to the Adria terminal on the island of Krk in Croatia, the company added. Earlier, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal said that Kiev wants to seek a 15-year extension of the contract with Russia on the transit