The cause of the flood at the Bolshoi Theater was a drunken fight with chairs

Bolshoi Theater artist: a drunken fight with chairs was the cause of the flood a fight between the staff of the art and production department. A theater artist, whose name has not been disclosed, told Moskovsky Komsomolets about this. The newspaper's interlocutor said that the fight took place at night, chairs were used in the conflict. “One threw a chair at the other, and the chair hit the fire alarm control panel. It seemed like a fight was on the Historical (stage – comment of “” ), where the remote control is located, but it was flooded with a new one, “the source said. The theater staff decided at first that a real fire started. While they were looking for a fire, water continued to pour and the stage was flooded. The source stressed that the damage was insignificant – the theater will have time to put in order for

Ideal opponent for Chimaev named

Former UFC fighter Chail Sonnen: Khamzat Chimaev must fight Sean Brady Former mixed style fighter (MMA) rivals of the Swede of Chechen origin Khamzat Chimaev. The full version of the video is available on Sonnen's YouTube channel. The 44-year-old expert admitted that he was impressed by American Sean Brady's performance at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) tournament, where he defeated Michael Chiesa in the welterweight division … According to Sonnen, the athlete has rare strength and power for his weight. “I have rarely met people who are stronger than you, so that it is discouraging. In fact, only twice in a lifetime. One of them is Georges Saint-Pierre, ”said Sonnen. He drew attention to the fact that after the victory, Brady did not name the opponent with whom he would like to fight next. According to the expert, Brady did not expect success from himself in the duel with Chiesa.

The Federation Council assessed the possible supply of American missiles and mortars to Kiev

Senator Tsekov: US arms supplies to Kiev will lead to an escalation of military tension Possible US arms supplies to Kiev, including missiles and mortars, may lead to an escalation of military tension in Ukraine from the Americans themselves. This assessment was given by a member of the Federation Council from Crimea Sergei Tsekov in an interview with According to the senator, the equipment may end up in third countries, as well as in the hands of terrorists. He noted that the weapons that the United States supplied to Central Asia and the Middle East, after some time were directed against the United States and other countries. “The United States should not arm Ukraine. Kiev is distinguished by such a sphere of foreign economic activity as the sale of weapons, “Tsekov concluded. Earlier it became known that the administration of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, is

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bulgaria was horrified by the consequences of an accident with a bus

Bulgarian Interior Minister Boyko Rashev: it is difficult to understand how many people were burned in an accident with a bus Bulgarian Interior Minister Boyko Rashev admitted that he was horrified a picture of the consequences of an accident, in which more than 40 passengers of the bus were killed. RIA Novosti reports. “Not everyone can endure this spectacle. I've never seen anything like it. It is even difficult to understand how many people were burned there, ”the minister said. He also assured that a detailed investigation will be carried out into the accident with dozens of victims. The accident occurred on November 23 at 3 am, near the village of Bosnek in the Pernik region. The 52-passenger bus was heading from Istanbul to North Macedonia. When the accident happened, the car caught fire, killing 46 people, including 12 children. All the victims were citizens of North Macedonia. According to

Poland declared its readiness to talk with Russia on the migration crisis

Polish Foreign Minister Rau announced its readiness to negotiate with Russia on the migration crisis border, but with Belarus will only speak at a technical level. This was stated on the air of Polish radio by Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau, TASS reports. “Poland is open to negotiations with the Russian Federation, however, negotiations concerning Belarus and Polish-Belarusian relations, the Belarusian future should be conviction, with the Belarusian opposition, ”the minister said. He also said that the issues of the political future of Belarus should be decided by those who are trusted by the society of this country. Earlier, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko expressed his readiness to support migrants who want to get to Germany and Poland. He also accused European leaders of avoiding solving the problem of migrants at the Belarusian border and wanting to show off.

Deputy head of the Krasnoyarsk synagogue convicted of pedophilia

The representative of the Krasnoyarsk synagogue who seduced children will appear before the court The deputy head of the Krasnoyarsk synagogue was convicted of pedophilia. On Tuesday, November 23, a law enforcement source told According to the source, the 58-year-old man showed his genitals to children, and earlier, in 1988, he was already convicted of a similar the crime. Yulia Arbuzova, an official representative of the regional department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR), told that on September 14 the accused committed other sexual acts in the street against two boys of 9 years old and girls of 8 and 9 years old. The attacker was arrested, the TFR opened a criminal case against him and sent him for examination. In the course of the inpatient psychological and psychiatric forensic examination, it turned out that the accused had a mental disorder. A criminal case with a decision

11-year-old schoolgirl escaped from home and committed suicide in Moscow

The body of an 11-year-old schoolgirl who could have committed suicide was found in Moscow the body of an 11-year-old schoolgirl. It is assumed that the girl committed suicide, reports “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. A few days ago, a townswoman ran away from her home in New Moscow. Her relatives were looking for her. According to the newspaper, the schoolgirl's mother had previously been deprived of parental rights. The police began an investigation into the circumstances of the incident. Earlier in the center of Moscow, a 14-year-old teenager committed suicide. The deceased was a chess player and was fond of orienteering. He was discovered by an 11-year-old sister who called his mother. While the possible motives of the adolescent's act are unknown, investigators are engaged in the case.

Russians were given advice when buying an apartment

“Floors”: a realtor can ease the situation of the buyer of an apartment About a quarter of home buyers in new buildings sell their existing apartment before making a deal. To speed up the process, experts advise contacting realtors. This is the conclusion reached by the real estate specialist of the company “Etazhi” Petr Popov, reports URA.RU. According to the expert, in 2021, on average, apartments on the primary market have risen in price by 7 percent. In the future, the cost may increase, which is why the specialist advised not to postpone the purchase of real estate. If the owner sells old housing in order to purchase a new one, then his position can be facilitated by a realtor – the buyer has the right to book an object for the period for which the specialist will sell the previous apartment. Buyers, if they do not want to get

The guy helped the girl's family with setting up the router and got into an awkward situation

The guy on Reddit set up a router for the girl's family and got into an awkward situation because of gay porn A Reddit user described how he helped his girlfriend's family with setting up a router and got into an awkward situation. When the guy was checking the device, the mother of his lover noticed a search query regarding gay porn on the laptop screen. As a result, the hero of the story decided that he appeared in an unfavorable light in front of the partner's parents and that now they consider him a lover of such videos. According to the author of the publication, the girl asked him to set up the router. When the narrator was done with his work, he decided to test how the device was functioning. For this, the guy decided to make a search query on Google. The guy typed a random combination

Lady Gaga starred in the clothes of a Russian designer in an advertisement for her own brand

Lady Gaga starred in a woolen crop top and mini-skirt of the Russian brand Kalmanovich American singer and actress Lady Gaga starred in Russian clothes designer Yulia Kalmanovich in an advertisement for her own cosmetics brand HAUS Laboratories. The corresponding video appeared on her Instagram page. In a video posted on the network, a 35-year-old celebrity poses in a Kalmanovich woolen set, which consists of a beige-brown mini-skirt and a crop top. It is known that their total cost is $ 950 (71,250 rubles). Gaga's eyes are highlighted with mascara and eyeliner, and her lips – with pink lipstick from the new collection. The publication of the pop singer got 488 thousand likes. Fans of the actress appreciated her appearance in the comments below the post. “Queen”, “You are insanely beautiful”, “The love of my life”, “Italian glamor!”, “Stunning”, “You look perfect,” they said. In July, an American actress and