Found unexpected benefits of forest fires

The Science Times: Ignitions Can Strengthen Ecosystems According to The Science Times, some fires can maintain the balance of the ecosystem and help to strengthen it. These are controlled fires of forests – according to ecologists from the Smithsonian Institute for Conservation Biology, they can prevent more destructive and large-scale fires … The researchers noted that many animals and plants have evolved so much that they have become addicted to periodic fires. However, large uncontrolled fires are still harmful to the planet – they account for a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. In addition, they disrupt biomass reserves and affect living things. Dead and withered trees and other forest “debris” such as fallen leaves often support the fire. Experts believe that the situation can be balanced by more fires of low and medium severity. Controlled fires, carefully planned and conducted with strict safety measures, will help clear the

Special services gained access to data of users of WhatsApp and Facebook

Rolling Stone: US intelligence agencies have access to WhatsApp, iMessage and Facebook US intelligence agents, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI), gained access to sensitive data of users of platforms such as WhatsApp, Facebook and iMessage. As the Rolling Stone publication explains, it is allowed to clarify any information of interest after receiving the corresponding order. The journalists of the publication published a document at their disposal called “Legal Access”, which discloses the procedure for law enforcement agencies to obtain personal data of users of these platforms … According to the information of the internal management of the FBI, for this, the representatives of the authorities need to obtain a judicial authorization. Thanks to the mentioned document, the special services can find out about all the contacts of the WhatsApp client, as well as determine the circle of persons who entered it in their notebooks. In addition, in

A drunken passenger grabbed the flight attendant's hair and screamed “shoot me”

Daily Mail: in the USA, a passenger on an airplane had a fight with flight attendants and was tied up me ”had a fight with the flight attendants. The Daily Mail writes about this. The incident occurred on Saturday, December 27, aboard a Spirit Airlines flight en route from Fort Lauderdale to Nashville. During the flight, 42-year-old US resident Amanda Henry, while intoxicated, attacked two flight attendants – she grabbed the hair of one and hit the other. Passengers managed to detain the rowdy and tie her up. The rest of the flight time, the American loudly shouted curses at the aircraft crew. According to eyewitnesses, the woman had bloodshot eyes and smelled of alcohol. After the plane landed at Tennessee airport, Henry was detained by police officers and charged with being drunk in a public place. The tourist was released on bail of $ 100. The airline's management announced

74-year-old woman lost 41 kilograms and took up erotic dancing

A British woman who took up erotic dancing at 70, spoke about losing 41 kilograms 74-year-old Briton managed to lose 40 kilograms, and then decided to do erotic dancing. She told the story of her life to The Guardian. Marilyn Bercy claims that since childhood she was a full child. By the age of 15, she weighed 95 kilograms and continued to gain weight. Later, the mother made the girl lose weight, but she quickly gained the lost pounds. This went on for most of her life: she either lost weight, then gained weight again. Bercy took her weight seriously when she was already over 45, and by the age of 66 she had lost 41 kilograms. Related materials00: 02 – April 2, 2017 “Don't tell me I'm too old for this” Even at 90 you can fulfill your dream and change your life for the better00: 07 – June

Free plastic bags will be banned in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the law on limiting the circulation of plastic bags will enter into force packages “. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of the republic. It is noted that from December 10, the first stage of the restrictions envisaged by the law will begin to operate in the country. In particular, free distribution of plastic bags will be prohibited in shops, pharmacies, food outlets and the service sector. An exception will be biodegradable, as well as ultra-thin bags used for packaging bulk products, fresh fish, meat and ice. Administrative sanctions will be applied to violators of these requirements. It is also noted that at the next stage of the implementation of the law, restrictions on the production and circulation of disposable plastic products will come into force. Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada adopted a bill banning the use of plastic

In the United States showed the Ukrainian T-84 tank in sight

During the tests, the Ukrainian T-84 tank was shown in a thermal sight The visibility of the Ukrainian T-84 tank in a thermal sight was checked during tests in the USA. Images of the car were posted by a Twitter user. This is reported by “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”. The photographs show the T-84 tank, which was captured from several angles. The publication suggested that the photographs were taken while checking the visibility of the T-84 in various conditions. In 2003-2004, the United States purchased four T-84 tanks, which are based on the design of the Soviet T-80UD. The American side received vehicles with the upgraded Drozd active protection system. Earlier, the US appreciated the Ukrainian BM Oplot tank. In the publication 19FortyFive suggested that the modernization of the T-84 will not be able to affect the course of the battle. In February, the T-84 was spotted near the Yuma test site

Dynamo made a statement after the death of a 16-year-old hockey player

HC Dynamo announced that they would conduct deep medical examinations of players Valentina Rodionova. He is quoted by Match TV. The president of the blue-and-white Viktor Voronin said that the club would conduct a deeper medical examination of the players. He considered that the measure would avoid such tragedies. Voronin added that nothing is more important than human life, so the hockey club will find funds for additional examinations after negotiations with insurance companies and sponsors. On November 23, Rodionov was put into a coma. The hockey player was diagnosed with a head injury. He died six days later, while in the intensive care unit. Rodionov fell ill during the Moscow Open championship match against CSKA. After hitting the side, he returned to the bench and lost consciousness. The hockey player received first aid, then he was taken to the Morozov children's clinic and urgently operated on.

A member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, when discussing the bill with a member of the CPSU, decided to break his nose

In the Vladimir region, a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sidorko decided to break the nose of a deputy from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union In the Vladimir region, Deputy Speaker, deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Anton Sidorko During the discussion of the bill, Ivan Altukhov, a deputy from the Communist Party of Social Justice (CPSU), decided to break his nose. This is reported by the publication “Podyom”. A member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation said that he did not threaten the deputy at that moment, because, in his opinion, Altukhov was “hamloing out of the doorway.” He said that he was born in the Far East, where it was not customary to enter into negotiations with rude people. “If he continues to insult, then, naturally, we will fight with him. I'm afraid he will suffer a

The girl sewed the iconic Britney Spears dress from jeans and received hundreds of dollars

Blogger created a Britney Spears dress from jeans from the American Music Awards pop singer Britney Spears, in which she attended the 2001 American Music Awards. The video published on TikTok was noticed in the Daily Mail. Blogger Hayley said that to recreate the singer's outfit she bought several pairs of jeans at The Salvation Army for $ 10 (750 rubles). After that, the designer made the markings on the mannequin, washed the jeans and cut them into component parts. Then the girl cut out the pieces of the necessary shape from the material and sewed them together. According to the master, the whole process took her two days. The footage shows that the outfit is identical to the original Spears dress. Hayley admitted that she was able to get hundreds of dollars for her work by selling it on the Internet for $ 350 (26.2 thousand rubles). Netizens appreciated