The lawyer explained the procedure for the seller's request for cash payment

Kuderko's lawyer advised to complain to Rospotrebnadzor when demanding payment in cash Elena Kuderko, writes the Prime agency. According to the expert, the consumer has the right to choose how he wants to pay – in cash or by card. It can only be limited by the lack of Internet in a remote area. The specialist explained the procedure: if the seller requires cash payment for the goods, you can write an application to Rospotrebnadzor. It is necessary to indicate all the circumstances of the seller's refusal to conduct a non-cash transaction and attach a receipt, she advised. For such a violation, the seller is liable to a fine of 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In addition, businessmen are prohibited from adding two to three percent to the cost of things or services, which they give to the bank as a commission for accepting non-cash payments. Kuderko drew attention to

Ukraine called on to liquidate Zelensky's post

Lviv journalist Drozdov said that Ukrainians will never respect the president. the post of President of Ukraine, which is now held by Volodymyr Zelensky. RIA Novosti writes about this. “After what the institution of the presidency has slipped into, I want to liquidate it. Because after this gopicism of Zelensky, the institution is already so desacralized and rolled under the plinth, “the journalist said, adding that Ukrainians will never respect their president. ” We have a deeply angry and offended person in our presidency. , with painful ambitions and screaming weaknesses, “Drozdov emphasized. Earlier, the Opposition Platform – For Life (OPLZ) party stated that they see a chasm between the actions of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the interests of the people. They noted that after the press marathon held by Zelensky, it became clear why the government was losing people's trust. The party also pointed to the “presence of

Zelensky was predicted to emigrate from Ukraine

Political scientist Bortnik predicted emigration from Ukraine to Zelensky in case of defeat in the elections Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Politics Ruslan Bortnik predicted Volodymyr Zelensky will emigrate from the country if he is defeated in the next presidential election. “If Zelensky loses the presidential election, then I think he will emigrate. You see, Yanukovych left not because he violated the law, but left, because he put Tymoshenko in prison, he switched to personal. Now a lot of people have become personal – they are smugglers, thieves in law, “the expert said. Earlier, the former People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Sergei Khlan accused President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of coming to power playing on feelings Ukrainians and cynically using the theme of the war, which at that time was in demand. In his opinion, another six months or a year will pass and no one will listen to the

Number of antibodies to protect against coronavirus named

Infectionist Timakov: a 300 BAU antibody titer guarantees to avoid a severe form of COVID-19 -Medicine “Evgeny Timakov said what kind of analysis helps to understand the degree of protection of the body against coronavirus. He named the number of antibodies that guarantees the avoidance of a severe form of COVID-19, writes radio Sputnik. Timakov stressed that the antibody titer is 300 BAU (binding antibody units) – arbitrary units in which the number of antibodies is measured according to the World Health Organization (WHO), ensures that the patient does not end up in a serious condition after being infected with the delta strain. “500 BAU ensures that a person does not contract a symptomatic coronavirus infection. But this does not mean that a person who has less than 300 BAU antibodies should become seriously ill. Each organism is individual, “Timakov emphasized. The doctor added that in a regular laboratory it

The Prosecutor General's Office found 449 violations in the mines of Kuzbass after the explosion in Listvyazhnaya

Kommersant: The Prosecutor General's Office opened 180 administrative cases after inspections at the mines of Kuzbass the explosion killed 51 people, the Prosecutor General's Office checked the coal enterprises of Kuzbass and opened 180 administrative cases on the fact of 449 violations found. Kommersant writes about this. In addition, 19 submissions were made to eliminate violations, one protest and two warnings. At present, the supervising department, together with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rostekhnadzor, Gospozhnadzor and representatives of the Kemerovo Region government, have checked 31 mines. There are 40 mines, 56 open-pit mines and processing plants in Kuzbass. Among the violations, there was a shortage of workers at the sites, inoperative systems for delivering employees to the sites, and inconsistency between workings and schemes. It also revealed an incorrect assessment of working conditions, lack of safety instructions, lack of provision of personnel with personal protective equipment and overalls. In the

Russia proposed to exempt one category of citizens from QR codes

Izvestia: The RF Ministry of Defense offered the government to free servicemen from QR codes The Russian Ministry of Defense came to the government with an initiative, proposing to free servicemen from QR codes confirming vaccination. The department proposes to allow one category of citizens to get by with a vaccination certificate, Izvestia sources in the ministry said. code, it will be enough for the military to show a certificate of vaccination and a document confirming identity and belonging to the Armed Forces. Such a document for officers is an identity card, and for soldiers and sergeants – a military ID. They do not need to receive the code. They want to extend the same rules, including to military pensioners. Now the document is being negotiated by the government. However, to implement this idea, a number of risks must be taken into account. “First, the issue of protecting certificates from

Leshchenko flatly refused to take the place of Gradsky in the show “Voice”

People's Artist of the RSFSR Leshchenko refused to take the place of the mentor of the show “Voice” Gradsky Soviet and Russian pop singer Lev Leshchenko did not agree to take the place of his deceased colleague Alexander Gradsky in the music show “Voice” on Channel One, writes. People's Artist of the RSFSR clarified that he had not received such proposals. He considers the very idea of ​​replacing the mentor in the transfer ridiculous. “I was not offered to replace Alexander Gradsky. And if offered, I would never have taken his place, “he said flatly. Leshchenko was the mentor of the Voice 60+ show for three seasons. Gradsky died on 28 November at the age of 72. The cause of death of the People's Artist of Russia was a cerebral infarction. The musician was hospitalized with a stroke on November 26 and was in intensive care. Doctors fought desperately

The advantages and disadvantages of different drives in a car are named

Autoexpert Vasiliev: it is worth choosing a car drive taking into account the winter factor disadvantages of different drives in the car. According to him, the choice should be made taking into account the winter factor. The specialist emphasized that the most dangerous for driving in winter are cars with all-wheel drive, while front-wheel drive vehicles cope well with slippery surfaces, but have a number of problems when making some maneuvers. Rear-wheel drive vehicles have difficulties with effective acceleration due to the occurrence of a skid with loss of stability. At the same time, such cars react more efficiently to steering wheel turn. In addition, they are more complicated technologically, which is why their price is higher than that of front-wheel drive for both the manufacturer and the buyer, the expert added. Earlier it became known that Samsung announced the release of two new processors and a single chip designed

Russian senator advises Kiev to take Putin's warning seriously

Senator Pushkov: Kiev, the US and the EU need to take Putin's words about red lines seriously Federation Council member Alexey Pushkov in his Telegram -channel advised Ukraine, the United States and the European Union (EU) to take seriously the warning of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his words about red lines. “Draw conclusions: the appearance of missile strike systems in Ukraine will force Russia to react. I think that Kiev, Brussels and Washington should take this warning very seriously, “the senator emphasized. Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed the hope that the situation with Ukraine would not come to the appearance of red lines … According to him, if Kiev has strike systems with a flight time of 7-10 minutes, Russia will be forced to create something similar against those who threaten it. The head of state recalled that from the beginning of 2022, the Russian The army will