Migrants banned from seeking asylum in countries not bordering Belarus

European Commissioner: migrants in Belarus can apply for asylum only from bordering countries Migrants who arrived at the border can apply for asylum only in countries bordering on the republic – Poland, Latvia and Lithuania. They are forbidden to ask for the appropriate status in third countries of the European Union, said European Commissioner Margaritis Shinas. The quote is given by RIA Novosti. “If they do not apply for asylum in one of the three countries, they can also do it in Belarus itself, because it has joined the Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. Or they can go home, “he said. Vice President of the European Commission Ilva Johansson explained that illegal immigrants cannot choose the country where to seek asylum, since they have no legal basis to stay in the EU. However, an exception can be made for those who may face problems upon returning to

A vulnerable point found in dangerous strains of coronavirus

Scientists in China have found an antibody suitable for a universal vaccine against coronavirus for a universal vaccine against all strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. This helped researchers find a vulnerability in the coronavirus itself, which is not susceptible to dangerous mutations. This is reported in a preprint of an article published in the bioRxiv repository. Antibody 35B5, like all neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), targets the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. RBD is a functionally important part of the S-protein that attaches to the cellular ACE2 receptor in various tissues and organs of humans. The coronavirus strains of concern are known to reduce the effectiveness of neutralizing antibodies and approved vaccines. However, researchers have demonstrated that mAb 35B5 effectively neutralizes wild-type (WT) SARS-CoV-2 and strains of concern, including variant B. 1.617.2 (delta), both in laboratory conditions and inside a living organism. Cryo-electron microscopy showed that 35B5 neutralizes

SME Bank financed the construction of a thermal resort in Chelyabinsk

Thermal resort “Tortuga” in Chelyabinsk will be built with the support of SME Bank resort “Tortuga” in the center of Chelyabinsk. The Stop-T company, which is implementing the project, has been granted a loan for the Express Support product. This was reported to Lente.ru by the press service of SME Bank. The opening of a democratic resort in Chelyabinsk will become a precedent, says the deputy director of Stop-T, Artem Borovikov. “The project will be of interest to residents of neighboring residential areas due to its convenient transport accessibility,” noted Artem Borovikov. – SME Bank acted as an investor in our project. With the help of express financing, we managed to launch the construction of a project so important for the region. ” The Chelyabinsk thermal resort will become one of the most significant sights of the city, according to the Stop-T company. Clients will have access to four aquazones,

In the United States, they talked about the country's approach to a new war

American Conservative: The United States is no better prepared for war with Russia than for an attack on Pearl Harbor A warning about China's preparations for an invasion of Taiwan, an attempt by the United States to limit the PRC's aspirations for “military hegemony” and discussions about supporting Ukraine against “Russian aggression” indicate that Washington is approaching a new war. Douglas McGregor, retired colonel and senior fellow at the American Conservative, The American Conservative. content/uploads/2021/12/75e66394c45b459bf19b37b43ad40c8a.jpg “/> DPR and Ukraine declare mutual shelling and are preparing for war. Why are Russia accused of aggravating the situation in Donbass? 00:02 – October 15 A perfect storm. China and the US are pulling military forces into the South China Sea. How will the battle for regional dominance end? According to the author of the article, American citizens should heed the statements of politicians and generals regarding the use of military force against Beijing

In the Orenburg region, a criminal case was opened on the embezzlement of 98 million rubles

The head of the “Center for the Development of Architecture” from the Orenburg region was accused of embezzling 98 million rubles the head of the “Center for the Development of Architecture” Vladimir Andryushchenko because of the waste of the regional budget in the amount of 98 million rubles. This was reported on Wednesday, December 1, to Lente.ru by the press service of the regional prosecutor's office. According to the investigation, Andryushchenko, who headed the ANO Center for the Development of Architectural Activities, Urban Planning and Improvement of the Orenburg Region (a subsidiary structure of the Ministry of Architecture of the region), without a competition, entered into an agreement with the Moscow design bureau Atlas. The contractor had to carry out landscaping works in Sol-Iletsk, Buzuluk, Buguruslan and Novotroitsk, develop a design code and a master plan for the historical center in Orenburg. Through ANO Atlas, 150 million rubles were sent

Kharlamov spoke about the unusual hobby of the famous presenter of the First Channel

Garik Kharlamov spoke about the love of Channel One host Dmitry Khrustalev for knitting Dmitry Khrustalev's first channel to knitting. The showman's hobby seemed unusual to the comedian. He spoke about this in the release of the humorous project “Oshuitelnoe khou”, released on YouTube. According to Kharlamov, he learned about Khrustalev's hobby when the showmen jointly hosted the event in the images of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. “He [Khrustalev] was fully dressed in the Snow Maiden. A bald man in a Snow Maiden [costume] sits and knits, “the comedian recalled. The host's hobby surprised Kharlamov. According to the humorist, it was the first time he saw a man have such a passion. “I say:“ How did you come to this in general? ” And he says: “I always liked how they knit, and so I decided to try, I can knit anything for you,” “- said Kharlamov. At

In Great Britain, they allowed the abandonment of human rights in order to fight illegal immigrants

British Prime Minister Johnson said that the country could withdraw from the human rights convention British Prime Minister Boris Johnson admitted that his country could withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights in order to more effectively combat illegal migration across the English Channel. His words are reported by TASS. Related materials 00:01 – 13 November Here is the right turn. Who in Europe is called Hitler's heirs and why because of them the society was on the verge of split00: 01 – November 3 – a stranger. Europe has accepted millions of refugees. Why are they now hated, considered terrorists and want to drive them out? The abandonment of common European principles of human rights may not be the only way to prevent illegal entry of refugees into Foggy Albion. Johnson, speaking before the House of Commons of the British Parliament, promised to explore all the possibilities “on

Russian biologist explained changes in omicron-strain symptoms

Biologist Frolov: fatigue with the omicron-strain occurs due to thickening of the blood blood. So the changes in symptoms in COVID-19 were explained by the specialist in biological protection and associate professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry of NUST MISIS Georgy Frolov, his words are quoted by KP.RU. He noted that the two main symptoms of the omicron strain are fatigue and moral suppression – there is a scientific explanation. “The virus contributes to the accumulation of biopolymer compounds in the human blood, which, in turn, leads to increased viscosity. As a result, thickening occurs in many cells, “the scientist said. According to the biologist, foreign compounds in the cells must be utilized or excreted, otherwise the course of the disease will worsen. Previously, a general practitioner, Aleksey Khukhrev, candidate of medical sciences, said that when infected with any strain of coronavirus, two of its main symptoms may appear.

Russian soldier died under an iron trailer during a storm

In the Kuril Islands, a serviceman died under an iron wagon during a storm In the Kuril Islands, a serviceman died under the construction of an iron wagon. The Governor of the Sakhalin Region Valery Limarenko wrote about the incident on the Telegram channel. A gusty wind threw a trailer with three servicemen in it. One of them died, two were moderately injured. “The victims are provided with all the necessary assistance, and the municipal administration is also on high alert,” the governor wrote. Earlier in There was a storm in Crimea, its consequences were filmed. The video shows traffic jams caused by trees falling from the hurricane wind, blocking the roadways. Damaged vehicles are also visible. The regional government has reported 17 accidents involving falling trees.

World War II bomb explodes outside a station in Munich

Three people were injured in an explosion at a construction site near a station in Munich On Wednesday, December 1, the newspaper Bild reports with reference to the local police. According to the newspaper, the incident took place at the construction site of the railway operator Deutsche Bahn. Presumably, the explosion was caused by the detonation of an aerial bomb during the Second World War. Three people were injured as a result of the accident, one of them was seriously injured. Currently, the territory is cordoned off, about 50 employees of emergency services, fire brigades and police are working on the spot, who are investigating the circumstances of the incident. It is clarified that the movement of trains at the main railway station in Munich is temporarily suspended. In May, one person was killed and three others were injured as a result of a bomb explosion during the Second World