White male in the US found a black teenager and shot debris

In the U.S. city of Charleston, South Carolina, a white man shot a black teenager. About it reports The Independent. According to the 62-year-old William Pulliam, he acted in self-defense. He crashed into a 15-year-old James Mins on the street then went to the convenience store. Coming out, he found that James was waiting to hear him now approaching. After that, Pulliam pulled a revolver and shot the teenager twice in the stomach. A few hours later means died in hospital. Police said Pulliam during the interrogation did not show any remorse. “I believe that thanks to me on the street just became less of garbage,” he explained. According to relatives and acquaintances of the Means, the teenager was completely harmless, was to charitable organizations and had many friends. On inspection of the database revealed that Pulliam owned a gun illegally. He was forbidden to carry weapons due to the

Students in China attacked the man with a knife

In the North-West of China in Hanzhong armed with a knife man attacked schoolchildren. On Friday, November 25, reports “Xinhua”. As noted by RIA Novosti with reference to China Central television (CCTV), as a result injured nine students. 58-year-old man was attacked near the building of the elementary school at about 12:00 local time (07:00 GMT). Police arrested the attacker. The victims were taken to the hospital. Their status is not reported. 2 November in the canadian city of Abbotsford unknown with a knife attacked two pupils of the senior classes in the yard of a school. As a result, one girl died, another was transported with serious injuries to hospital.

Iran has faced two passenger trains

A train wreck, archive Two passenger trains collided in the Central Iranian province of Semnan. It is reported by news Agency IRNA. The accident killed at least five people, injured dozens. However, according to one of representatives of local authorities, the exact number of victims is still unknown, these data will be updated. At the crash site lifeguard. Victims are delivered in nearby hospitals. Representatives of the emergency services have so far refrained from commenting on the causes of the disaster. In fact the incident is under investigation. The collision occurred near the town of Shahroud, located 400 kilometers East of Tehran, at 7:00 local time (6:30 GMT).

Japan thought about the deployment of us missile defense

ABOUT THAAD Japan is considering placing on its territory the U.S. missile defense system THAAD. The main reason for this is called the potential threat from North Korea, according to Yomiuri online. The Minister of defense of Japan, Inada Tomomi in December this year, will visit the American island of GUAM in the Pacific ocean, to personally familiarize themselves with the capabilities of the THAAD complexes, which are in service with the US army. Thereafter, and based on the financial possibilities, the final decision about purchase or rejection of new systems. On 19 August of this year it was reported that the Japanese defense Ministry has requested for 2017, a record budget of $ 51 billion. The funds will be spent on modernization of air defense systems, the development of promising models of weapons and the purchase of modern military equipment abroad. Three weeks earlier it became known that Tokyo

Abe expressed regret over the deployment of Russian missiles in the southern Kurils

Shinzo Abe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he regretted the placement of the southern Kuril Islands of the Russian rocket complexes. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti, he made at a meeting of the upper house of Parliament. “We passed through diplomatic channels their sorrow, as it does not coincide with the position of our country,” said Abe. In addition, the Prime Minister said that his country’s position on the issue of the four Islands of the South Kuril Islands has not undergone any changes. Missile complexes “Bastion” and “Ball” were placed in the Kuril Islands on November 22. “Bastion” on duty on the island of Iturup, Bal — on Kunashir. On 23 November foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said that the government will respond to the emergence of Russian anti-ship missiles. Earlier in the day, the press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the deployment of missile complexes

Attacked a nursing home in France managed to escape

An armed man who broke into a nursing home “Green oaks” in the city Monpere-sur-Le (Department of Hérault) in the South of France, fled the scene of the crime. On Friday, 25 November, reports Le Figaro, the police search for the attacker surveyed the building. As previously reported, the three-storey building at the time of the incident there were about 70 of retired monks. None of them was hurt. The representative of the institution Wayne Bodkin said that the average age of residents is 75 years, some inhabitants of 90 years old. Before settling in the nursing home, the monks worked in various missions in Africa. The attack on the nursing home occurred on the evening of November 24. Unknown masked armed with a knife and shotgun entered inside the building, he tied the guard and gagged with a ball gag. However, according to BFMTV, she managed to raise the

Fillon has described as absurd the policy of Hollande in relation to Russia

Francois Fillon Former Prime Minister of France Francois Fillon, one of probable candidates for the presidential elections in 2017, during the debate, former Prime Minister Alain Juppe has described as absurd the policy of the current President Francois Hollande in relation to Russia. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “The policy that for four and a half years spent in Russia, Francois Hollande, is absurd, she pushes Russia to hardening, to isolation, to nationalist action. And this is the world’s largest country, a nuclear power, and can’t do so”, stressed Fillon. He added that in the current situation it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table and to restore the lost connection. While in international politics, Fillon intend to ensure that France was defending its own interests. “Of course, that is not in the interests of France to change the Alliance, it is not necessary to present it

The FARC and government of Colombia signed a new Treaty

Juan Manuel Santos and Rodrigo Londoño Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos and the leader of the revolutionary Armed forces of Colombia (FARC) Rodrigo Londoño Echeverri, known, Timoshenko signed a final peace agreement. According to El Colombiano, it happened at a ceremony in Bogota on Thursday, November 24. “Let the word remain the only weapon of Colombians,” said the leader of the FARC. The President, in turn, stressed that the new agreement includes the wishes of the people who disapproved the previous version. According to him, the parties undertake to work together to restore the most damaged from years of conflict regions. On 13 November it was announced that the government of Colombia and FARC rebels failed to agree on the text of the peace Treaty. The document had to be redrafted, as the population of the country a small majority rejected the first option. Opponents of the agreement argued that

Turkey has condemned the resolution on the fight against Russian propaganda

Benali Yildirim The Prime Minister of Turkey Benali Yildirim condemned the resolution of the European Parliament (EP) on countering Russian propaganda. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “The European Union, which is trying to ban Russian press, shows the poverty of its democracy,” said Yildirim. Earlier on November 24, the Minister of labour and social protection of Serbia Alexander Wulin said the decision of the MEPs insult to common sense. “I can’t neither understand nor believe that such an important institution as the European Parliament, can afford to determine which media are allowed, whose editorial policy is allowed and who is not” — he was surprised. Wulin also expressed the hope that “the international community and the Association of journalists will raise their voices against such behavior, to prevent such in any media.” A day earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin has described the EP resolution on countering Russian propaganda as

The Serbian Minister called the resolution of the EP on propaganda an insult to common sense

Alexander Wulin The European Parliament’s adoption of a draft resolution in which the activities of the Russian media is equivalent to spreading propaganda of a terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), is “an insult to the victims of ISIS, their families and common sense.” This was stated by the Minister of labour and social protection of Serbia Alexander Wulin, reports on Thursday, November 24, TASS reported. “I can’t neither understand nor believe that such an important institution as the European Parliament can afford to determine which media are allowed, whose editorial policy is allowed and who is not” — leads the Agency of his word. Wulin also expressed the hope that “the international community and the Association of journalists will raise their voices against such behavior, to prevent such in any media.” On 23 November, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on countering hostile to the EU’s