US intelligence has accused the Kremlin of involvement in hacking attacks

James Clapper Hacker attacks on the server of the US Democratic party, committed during the presidential election campaign could be carried out only with the permission of the Supreme leadership of Russia, I think in the us intelligence community. This was reported on the website of the Senate. This opinion in a joint statement expressed by the Director of national intelligence James clapper, Deputy Secretary of defense for intelligence Marcel Lettre and head of the national security Agency and cyber command of the U.S. armed forces Admiral Michael Rogers. The document was circulated at the hearing on Thursday, January 5, the Senate Committee on armed forces. “According to our estimation, only the most senior officials could authorize the recent theft and publication of the data related to elections,” — said in a statement. The authors explain that the findings are based on the “scale and importance of the objectives of

Japan recalled its Ambassador to South Korea due to the monument to the victims of violence

Yasumasa, Nagamine Japanese authorities have decided to temporarily withdraw its Ambassador in South Korea Yasumasa, Nagamine, said the Agency “Yonhap”. This step was taken in response to the installation in front of the Consulate General in Busan monument to women victims of sexual violence during the Japanese occupation of the country in the first half of the twentieth century. “Such actions have an undesirable impact on bilateral relations, is unacceptable,” TASS quoted the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Japan of Yoshihide Sougou. In addition, as reported by Kyodo, he announced the suspension of economic negotiations at the highest level. The foreign Ministry of the Republic of Korea Tokyo called unfortunate. “However, we want to emphasize the importance of development of bilateral relations based on mutual trust, despite the presence of complex problems,” — said the foreign Ministry. The monument was erected by representatives of the South Korean public organizations

Biden highlighted the U.S. response to the Russian cyber attacks

Joe Biden The U.S. government responded to allegedly committed by a Russian hacker attack, part of the measures taken is in covert operations and will not be made public. On Thursday, January 5, Vice President Joe Biden aired on PBS, reports The Hill. According to him, the us government has evidence that Moscow has made efforts to influence the outcome of elections. “Some of the steps taken by us measures against Russia will be known to the public, others do not. But we did both,” said Biden. Among the measures devoted to the publicity Vice-President said the decision of U.S. President Barack Obama to deport 35 Russian diplomats and their families.

The United States supported the negotiations on Syria in Astana

John Kerry Washington supports the negotiations between the Syrian government and the armed opposition in Astana. On Thursday, 5 January, said U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry, reports Reuters. He expressed hope that the dialogue “a step forward” towards resolving the crisis in the Arab country. The Secretary of state admitted that the meeting could not take place. “Obviously, this is questionable, given the change in the position and what is happening today on the ground (in Syria)” — quoted Kerry RIA Novosti. The Secretary said the United States supports the efforts of Russia, Turkey and Iran for negotiations, reports TASS. “I’m in the last days talked about this with the foreign Ministers of Russia and Turkey Sergei Lavrov and Mevlut Cavusoglu, and others. Encouraged this process and talked about how it will be possible to build on something that can be achieved in Astana, if this happens,” added Kerry.

Obama has talked about beginning a new Foundation for the US

Barack Obama US President Barack Obama in an open letter summed up his eight years of governance, saying that was laid a new Foundation for further development. Document published on the website of the White House on Thursday, January 5. “While I’m getting ready to pass the baton and become an ordinary citizen, I can proudly say that we have laid a new Foundation for America,” — said the head of state. He explained that recently instructed their Ministers to take stock of the work of their departments for 8 years and now he wants to share these results. Among other things, Obama spoke about the success in the economic sphere, falling unemployment, increasing access to education. Separately, he noted his role in the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Barack Obama leaves office on 20 January, inauguration day of President-elect Donald trump.

Foreigners suspected of sexual harassment to the Austrian in the New year

Innsbruck, Austria Police in the Austrian city of Innsbruck is engaged in search of a group of aliens who have committed sexual assaults on 18 women during the celebration of the New year. As reported by Reuters, said the representative of law enforcement bodies. According to the victims, the unknown grabbed them and tried to kiss her. It happened on a crowded Central square, or around it during the concert and fireworks. Most of the attacked, said that we are talking about a group of five or six men. Witnesses described the attackers as black men aged 20 to 40 years who spoke English or bad German. “It is established that they are foreigners”, — said the police, adding that the investigation continues. The security forces have at the disposal of the video is of poor quality. In the area of the square on the new year night gathered about

Clinton hacked email hacker called hysteria accusing Russia of cyber attacks

Of Marcel Lazar Lehel (Guccifer) US attempts to blame Russia for cyber attacks on their electoral system reminiscent of the hysteria of the Cold war. This opinion was expressed in a telephone interview with Fox News Romanian hacker Marcel Lazar of Lehel, known by the pseudonym Guccifer, who is serving a sentence at home for e-mail hacking of a number of politicians, including former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Lehel has questioned the validity of the claims of the administration of President Barack Obama, who accused Moscow of involvement in the hacking of the servers of the Democratic party, calling them part of “the fake cyber war”. “Americans went crazy from thinking about the Russians and their invasion of the United States. It’s crazy … it’s hysteria, you know?” — added hacker. 44-year-old Romanian hacker Marcel Lazar Lehel of sentenced to prison in the United States and Romania for involvement in

The Director of the CIA had hoped to improve relations with Russia

John Brennan The Director of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) John Brennan has expressed hope for improved U.S. relations with Russia. He said this in an interview with PBS television, the second part of which was shown on Wednesday, January 4. “Of course, I hope to improve relations between Moscow and Washington in the next few years. As for stability in the world, it is critically important to improve relations of the United States and Russia,” said Brennan. At the same time, the Director of the CIA has accused Russia of trying to “undermine the principles of democracy in many countries”, including in European States. “What happened in our presidential election, is not new. Russian several years of trying to manipulate the elections in Europe,” he said. In particular, according to Brennan, Moscow is less corrupt politicians, and funding of parties and political groups that support its interests. The CIA

Trump took to the White house three times fired a member of his TV show

Omarosa Maniga Elected President of the United States, Donald trump intends to offer the post to the White house a former member of the TV show “the Apprentice”, hosted by himself was a billionaire. According to the Associated Press, job Omarosa Maniga (Omarosa Manigault) will be linked to public participation in the work of the administration. Accurate information about her future duties as well as the title of the post, yet. Mangal was an active participant in the election campaign trump. Besides, she’s already worked in the American administration — in the office of the President-Democrat bill Clinton, she worked in the field of recruitment, was an employee of the Ministry of trade, and was also assistant in the state of then-Vice President al Gore, said in 2004, People magazine. Shortly after starting his Apprenticeship in 2004, trump, host of the show, “fired” her from the program. After a restart

The media learned about the plans of the trump to reform U.S. intelligence

Donald Trump President-elect Donald trump is preparing a plan to restructure the Office of the Director of National intelligence (ODNI) and other special services. According to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) with reference to sources in the entourage of Republican. Trump, according to the newspaper, said ODNI “politicized” body, which is too large. In addition, the President-elect is working on the restructuring of the Central intelligence Agency of a reduction of staff in the headquarters of the CIA in Virginia and increase the number of agents working around the world. “They [intelligence agencies] must be reduced. The focus will be on reorganization of agencies and their interaction”, — said one of the sources. In developing plans, according to the WSJ, involved a former head of the intelligence service of the Pentagon, General Michael Flynn, who is in the administration of the trump Advisor for national security, as well as nominated