Iran has refused to renegotiate the agreement on the nuclear issue, the property of trump

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Iran Abbas Araqchi said that Tehran will not renegotiate the agreement on the nuclear issue with the new administration elected President of the USA of Donald trump. On Sunday, January 15, reports the Associated Press. “The new administration States cannot withdraw from the transaction,” — said the Deputy head of the foreign Ministry. Araqchi added that “new negotiations on this matter”. According to the Agency, trump during the election campaign repeatedly criticized the deal on the Iranian atom, and promised to review it. December 15, 2016 United States for 10 years have extended the law on sanctions against Iran. Us Secretary of state John Kerry said that the law will not affect the deal on the nuclear issue — the abolition of the American and European sanctions in exchange for curtailing Tehran’s work in the field of nuclear energy. We are talking about introduction

The Supreme mufti of Saudi Arabia called movies and music are immoral

Capital Of Saudi Arabia Riyadh The Supreme mufti of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah al-Sheikh called movies in cinemas immoral occupation, which is not good. His statement on the air of satellite TV channel Al Majid Sunday, January 15, quoted by RIA Novosti. Commenting on the role of cinema in the life of the Kingdom, al-Sheikh said: “We know that this is moral decay”. On the screen, in his opinion, the show “vulgar, pornographic, immoral films which are brought from abroad, to change our culture.” Currently in Saudi Arabia, there is no state cinema (according to some, there are several private institutions). This is due to including strict rules of communication between women and men is strictly regulated, the presence of people of both sexes in the same room in the dark it’s rude and promotes adultery. For this reason, forbidden the theatres and concerts. In may 2016,

American died 26 resistant to antibiotics superbugs

In the US, the world’s first recorded case of death from 26 resistant to antibiotics superbugs. About it reports BBC News. The victim was a resident of Nevada. In August 2016 the woman returned to the United States after a holiday in India, during which he broke his right leg. In September the 70-year-old patient died from septic shock. Specialists of the Center for control and prevention of diseases found in tissue samples of the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae. Usually it is part of the normal microflora of the intestine, skin and the human oral cavity without causing disease. However, this time it was her new strain was the cause of death of American women. Studies have shown that he was resistant to all 26 types of antibiotics available in the United States. According to the chief researcher of the British research Center of antibiotics Dr. David brown, cases of infection

Putin asked to fight against corruption in Mexico

Vladimir Putin President of Russia Vladimir Putin urged to intervene in Mexico and to stop the corrupt government of the country. The request contained in the petition in Spanish, published on the website 14 Jan. The author of the statement under the name of Treppo Sovetiko (Freppo Sovietico) argues that the situation in the country today “is in the worst situation in history”. “The us imperialists and the UN not doing anything besides spreading the shocking news (…) US gladly receive resources from Mexico. We need someone who are able to stop these corrupt Mexican politicians who are handing out and steal,” — said in the text. Sovetiko also notes that the Mexico of today “bleeding from robbery and rats.” “Vladimir Putin, you need Latin America”, — stated in the end of the petition. The appeal was signed by 4,7 thousand people. In recent times, social tensions in Mexico

Team trump has denied the information about his meeting with Putin in Reykjavik

Donald Trump Elected representative of the US President Donald trump has denied the media reports about the intention of the Republicans to meet with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Reykjavik. On Sunday, January 15, RIA Novosti reported with reference to Bloomberg. He called this information “an absolute lie”. Foreign Minister of Iceland Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson said earlier that the Agency has not received requests for Russian-American talks. However, he expressed readiness to assist in conducting the meeting. “We will look at this positively and make our contribution to the improvement of relations between the US and Russia” — leads to Iceland Monitor the words of the Minister. 15 Jan newspaper the Sunday Times reported that trump intends to meet with Putin in Reykjavik in the coming weeks after the inauguration. It was noted that one of the issues that the Republican will raise in the negotiations will be an agreement

Madoff monopolized in prison clandestine trade hot chocolate

Bernard Madoff Financier Bernard Madoff, Creator of the largest financial pyramid in the history of the United States, monopolized in prison clandestine trade hot chocolate. On it informs TV channel Fox News, citing one of the journalists, who visited the prisoner. “He bought in the prison shop all packages of Swiss Miss powder, and then sold them at a premium in the yard for walks of prisoners”, — said the reporter. According to him, Madoff has arranged everything so that everyone who wants to drink hot chocolate could buy a drink. Madoff, a former Chairman of the Board of Directors of stock exchange Nasdaq and the founder of the firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC, is serving a 150-year sentence. In 2009, he was found guilty on 11 counts, including money laundering, perjury and fraud. Madoff was arrested in 2008, when it became clear that the Fund is a

The foreign Ministry refused to comment on the communication adviser to trump and the Russian Ambassador

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergei Ryabkov said that the Agency does not comment on daily working contacts with colleagues from the United States or other countries. On Saturday, January 14, RIA Novosti reported. So the diplomat responded to reports of telephone conversations of adviser elected President of the USA Michael Flynn and the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergei Kislyak. Earlier on Friday, people familiar with the situation sources told Reuters that Flynn and Kislyak five times and talked on the phone on the day of entry by the administration of incumbent President of the United States Barack Obama’s new anti-Russian sanctions, including the expulsion of diplomats. Hand, according to the Agency, said it was 29 December 2016, and not a day earlier, as was stated by the representative of the transitional headquarters of the trump Sean Spicer. 13 January briefing Spicer told reporters that Flynn and Kislyak

Turkey has completed the construction of a concrete wall on the border with Syria and Iraq

The wall on the border of Turkey and Syria Along the border of Turkey with Syria and Iraq built modular concrete wall with a length of 330 kilometers. About completion of work was reported in the Turkish General staff, reports Anadolu. To ensure security on the 191-kilometre stretch of the southern border created by the fence of barbed wire. It is noted that due to the measures taken over the last year prevented more than 57 thousand attempts to cross the border, and the majority of incidents (almost 90 percent) were at the Syrian site. Were detained more than 420 thousand people, including citizens of 74 countries. The majority of offenders — about 390 thousand Syrians. The number of mercenaries trying to cross the Turkish border and join the current in Syria and Iraq the group “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), compared to 2015 year fell seven times. Thanks started

German intelligence suspected Russia of deliberately undermining the unity of the US and EU

The Federal intelligence service of Germany and the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution was presented to the German government report, which contains information about the fact that Russia is deliberately undermining the unity of the US and the EU. Relevant information published by Spiegel Online. The work of the security services, according to the information portal, has been associated with rumors of cyber attacks attributed to Russian hackers. In the report, as the newspaper writes, they say that Moscow is deliberately trying to aggravate existing social conflicts, especially in Western countries. According to Spiegel Online, the German government has not yet decided in what form to report the results of the investigation to Parliament and the public. On 7 January it became known that the German Federal office for the protection of the Constitution believes that the cyber attack on OSCE in December 2016, there is a

The vast majority of Americans considered Russia a threat

Donald trump at a meeting with voters The vast majority (82 percent) of Americans who took part in the survey perceive Russia as a threat to the United States. Among them, 84 per cent of supporters of Democrats and 82 percent of Republicans. This is evidenced by the results of a joint study by Reuters and the center for the study of public opinion Ipsos. In March 2015, the proportion of those who adhered to the same point of view, was 76 percent. A new survey was conducted from 9 to 12 January in the US. Respondents were asked to assess Russia and many other countries on a scale depending on whether a state threat. In the end it turned out that the Americans consider Russia a bigger threat than Iran, Syria, China, Saudi Arabia, Cuba or Yemen. Only North Korea has a higher rating — 86 percent of respondents