Obama wrote a farewell letter to Americans

President Barack Obama wrote to the citizens of the United States farewell letter. It is posted on the White house website. The text begins with the words “my Friends the Americans.” Further, Obama briefly recalls existing tradition to write a letter to his successor and says that first he wants to thank Americans for honoring him to be their 44th President. “Everything I’ve learned anything during the tenure, I learned from you — says Obama. — Thanks to you I got better — as President and as man.” In the letter, the President also recalls the sorrows and joys, which he experienced together with his people, and the achievements in the years of his reign: on the progress in the fields of medicine and high technology, the access to health services for the majority of Americans, the legalization of gay marriage, assistance to the refugees. In the end Obama urges

American stealth aircraft struck is positions in Libya

Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit American strategic B-2 bombers attacked positions of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) on the territory of Libya. About it reports Reuters with reference to sources in the defense Ministry of the USA. According to them, the bombing was subjected to objects located 45 kilometers South-East of the city of Sirte. The military also said that the strike was made in coordination with the Libyan national consensus government recognised the UN. December 5 last year it was reported that government forces during ground operations drove the militants from Sirte. The operation to liberate the city continued for a few months because of the desire of commanders to minimize civilian casualties. Strategic bomber Northrop B-2 Spirit is the most expensive aircraft in history. Given the money spent on its development, the cost of one machine is $ 2.1 billion. B-2 needs special hangar

Gentiloni discussed with Merkel the possibility of restoring the G8 with the participation of Russia

Angela Merkel and Paolo Gentiloni The Prime Minister of Italy Paolo Gentiloni discussed with German Chancellor Angela Merkel recoverability of the G8 with the participation of Russia. About it reports Corriere Della Sera. “The proposal really is “on the table”,” — said the source publication. However, the German manual refers to this idea negatively. “The situation in Ukraine has not changed, it remains very tense. The invitation of [Russian President] Vladimir Putin would mean acceptance of what happened in Crimea and the logic of the demarcation of spheres of influence,” — said an unnamed German official. Earlier, on January 12, foreign Minister of Italy Angelino Alfano admitted the possibility of recovery of the G8 with the participation of Russia. “We need to consider the return of Russia in the G8, but I don’t know if it by may,” said the foreign Minister of Italy. On August 31 last year, the

CIA for the first time in 35 years, has updated the rules of collection of information about Americans

Central intelligence Agency (CIA) for the first time in 35 years, has updated the rules for collecting, storing and analyzing information about Americans. This was reported on the website of the Department. General counsel of the CIA, Caroline KRASS, speaking at the briefing, said that the document was developed in a form that protects privacy and civil rights of Americans, according to Reuters. In particular, the new regulations limit to five years the retention period information that has not been studied and sought after. It clarifies the Agency, the CIA, to a lesser extent than the other intelligence agencies involved in the collection of data about Americans. However, a week ago, the outgoing President Barack Obama endorsed the principles of interaction between special services, which, in particular, facilitate the exchange of data between them. 18 January it was reported that the CIA released about 12 million pages of documents relating

In the United States suspected Russia of financing hackers via the pension system

The FBI and five other law enforcement and intelligence agencies for several months, investigating possible ways in which the Russian authorities could smuggle funds to support the election campaign of Republican Donald trump. About it writes portal McClatchy. As suggested by the Agency, the money in particular, can be translated through the system, carrying out payments to pensioners with Russian citizenship and residing in the United States. These funds allegedly got some hackers in the United States who stole the letters of the Democrats, or were transferred to intermediaries, who paid the hackers. In the informal interdepartmental working group, in addition to the FBI that involve CIA, NSA, ministries of justice and Finance and the office of the Director of national intelligence. Started work last spring, she set a goal of identifying who funded the hackers. The group investigated the activities of a few Americans that have been associated with

In Spain, at the request of the FBI arrested a Russian programmer

The building is the headquarters of the FBI In Spain at the request of the FBI and Interpol on suspicion of involvement in hacking attacks arrested a Russian programmer Stanislav Lisov, reports RT. As told by the wife of the programmer Daria Lisova, 31-year-old Stanislav Lisova was detained at the airport of Barcelona on January 13. At the time police reported that the procedure is carried out at the request of U.S. authorities. The family lived in Taganrog, and to Spain arrived on vacation. In Taganrog Lisov works as a programmer, engaged in the support and development of sites. According to Lisovoy, no charges wife was not formally charged. The Spanish authorities have officially notified the Embassy about the detention of a Russian citizen. The Russian side sent a request to the competent Spanish authorities with a request to provide reasons and details of the detention.

Trump came up with a slogan for the presidential campaign in 2020

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump came up with a slogan for his future campaign 2020 — “let’s Keep America great!” (Keep America Great!) He told this in an interview with The Washington Post. “I am confident that we will be such it will be amazing. This is the only reason I’m sharing this with you,” said trump. Trump during an interview asked his lawyer to register a new slogan with the patent office. On elections, the results of which trump won, it was with the slogan “let’s Make America great again” (Make America Great Again). According to the billionaire, the idea put forward the slogan came to his head November 7, 2012, when MITT Romney lost to incumbent President Barack Obama ran for a second term. Donald trump won the election held on 8 November 2016, defeating Democrat Hillary Clinton. His inauguration is scheduled for January 20.

XI Jinping advocated a new relationship with the United States and the development of partnership with Russia

XI Jinping China will build a new model of relations with the US within the formation of the “circle of friends” around the world. The Chairman of the Republic XI Jinping said in his speech in the Geneva UN office, reports Reuters. “We will strive to create a new model of relations with the United States, to comprehensive strategic interaction and partnership with Russia”, — said the head of the PRC. “We always put the rights and interests of people above all else, and we’ve worked hard to develop and protect human rights”, — he said, adding that China “will never seek expansion or hegemony of the formation of spheres of influence”. According to XI Jinping, the big countries should treat smaller countries as equals and not act as a hegemon that imposes its will on others. In connection with the arrival of the new President of the United States

The French government announced the possible return of 250 is fighters

The head of the office for the coordination of anti-terrorist action (UCLAT) Loic Garnier said about the high probability of penetration in the country of 250 militants — citizens of France who fought in the ranks of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported BFMTV. “They are well trained to conduct fire fight, you can shoot without aiming (…) They know how to handle explosives and build a suicide belt (..) They can build car bombs. Finally, they blindly obey their “emirs” who can order to make a stabbing or people to push a truck as nice,” said the official. According to him, the fanatics can go to all the sake of killing “infidels.” On November 21 last year in Marseille and Strasbourg, was detained seven people suspected of preparing terrorist attacks. Among their goals was Disneyland Paris, the police of the French capital,

In Central Italy an earthquake

In Central Italy was a strong earthquake. About it reports Reuters. The epicenter was at a depth of 10 kilometers, about 100 kilometers North of the Italian capital, the magnitude was 5.4. The tremors were felt in Rome and in the cities of three regions — Lazio, Abruzzo and Marche. About victims and destructions are not reported. According to the USGS, the epicenter is located just seven kilometers from the town of Amatrice, which was seriously damaged by the earthquake on 24 August 2016. Then in Amatrice and neighboring cities Accumuli and Arquato 300 people died, thousands of homes were destroyed. Seismologists have recorded more than 45 thousand aftershocks, including a major earthquake in October of magnitude 6.6. Then dozens of people were injured.