Trump returned the bust of Churchill in the Oval office

The oval office The President of the United States Donald trump returned to the Oval office the bust of political figure of Winston Churchill that was removed the previous head of state Barack Obama in 2009. It is reported by CNN. According to tradition, every new US President makes changes in the furnishings of their office after taking office. So, trump had replaced the Drapes, a carpet, some pictures, and moved the Churchill bust, which had previously been in another room of the White house. The statue was gifted by the former Prime Minister of great Britain Tony Blair the 43 th President of the USA Georges Bush. The bust was installed in the oval office, however, after the inauguration of Barack Obama in 2009 it was replaced by a bust of Martin Luther king. As a result Obama has been criticized by some conservatives for contempt of the British.

Marine Le Pen criticized the migration policy of Merkel

Marine Le Pen The leader of the French party “national front” candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen during a speech at the conference, Freedom for Europe in the German city of Koblenz has criticized immigration policies of the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. On Saturday, January 21, RIA Novosti reported. “In France, Mrs. Merkel is presented as the heroine in the humanitarian field. What generosity towards migrants! But at the same time, the inhabitants of the country were not asked their opinions about the immigration policy of the country, are they satisfied with it. And we understand why. Because if you ask, everyone will see that this migration policy — just a daily disaster!” — said Le Pen. The leader of “National front” also said that Merkel wanted so badly to accept these migrants, and does not know what happened to 500 thousand of them. “The incredible lightness!” —

Trump has promised to make friends with other countries and destroy Islamic terrorism

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump in his inaugural address, promised that his main priority will be the benefit of the United States. Live webcast of the event leads the TV channel “Russia 24”. “The government needs to work for citizens. We have enough problems: the poor are forced to survive in the cities, the streets of rage gang, robbing our country, we lose jobs, people can’t get education, — said trump. — All this will stop right here and now. We, as a nation, and their troubles — our troubles-their success is our success. In our chest beats a single heart, we have one future and one destiny. The oath, which I brought here is the oath you all. For too long we have worked for the good of others, neglecting his own, raised others, not their economy, protected strangers, and not their borders. We

Trump signed the first decrees as President of the USA

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump after his inauguration, he signed his first decrees as the head of state. About it reports Reuters with reference to the official representative of the American leader Sean Spicer. According to him, trump sent a list of candidates for positions in his administration for approval in the Senate, and the proposal to establish a National day of patriotism. In addition, the signed document, allowing a retired General of the marine Corps James Mattis to take the post of defense Minister. In Washington near the Capitol January 20, the inauguration of the 45th President of the USA of Donald trump. Before him were sworn, Vice-President Mike Pence. Trump took the oath on two Bibles. The first was given to his mother in 1955 in honor of the Sunday school, and the second belonged to the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln. In

In Istanbul fired from a grenade launcher, the office of Turkey’s ruling party

In Istanbul from a grenade fired at the office of the ruling Turkish party of justice and development party (AKP). On Friday, January 20, according to CNN Turk. As noted, the shell struck the wall of the building. The dead and injured there. Until January 20 it became known that from anti-tank grenade was fired at a building of the security Directorate in Istanbul. “The grenade hit the wall of the courtyard. The dead or injured among the management staff there,” — wrote the Governor of the province VSIP Sahin in his microblog on Twitter. According to him, law enforcement officers conducted a massive operation to search for the attackers. In political organization the responsibility for the events laid on left-wing radical grouping “Revolutionary people’s liberation front” (DHKP-C), reports RIA Novosti. In the US, the EU and the Turkish organization DHKP-C as terrorist.

The United States demanded South Korea to arrest the brother of ban Ki-moon

Ban Ki-Moon The US government asked the South Korean authorities to request the arrest of the brother of former UN Secretary-General ban Ki-moon. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement by assistant U.S. attorney Daniel noble in Federal court in Manhattan. Ban Ki-San in South Korea, was the head of the construction company Keangnam Enterprises Co Ltd., accused of corruption in the sale of a complex of buildings in Vietnam. Noble said that the United States plans to extradite ban Ki-San, but yet he is not detained. Currently in South Korea unfolding corruption scandal involving President Park Geun-Hye and the leadership of Samsung. The Deputy head of the Corporation Whether Jeena suspect that he donated 30 billion won ($25.5 million) companies Choi sung-SIL — a friend of the President. For this, the authorities allowed the merger of two subsidiaries of the Corporation. Because of the fortune teller Choi

Senators voted for the appointment of Kelly Minister of internal security of the United States

John Kelly The U.S. Senate approved retired General John Kelly at the head of the Ministry of internal security. About it reports Reuters. “For” vote of 88 senators against 11 legislators, and one abstention. Earlier, the senators decided against a retired General of the marine Corps James Mattis, approving his appointment to the post of defense Minister. He became the first member of the new administration, who approved after the inauguration of US President Donald trump. Trump took the oath on January 20 in Washington near the Capitol. In his inaugural speech he stated that his main priority will be the benefit of the United States, and promised to return power to the American people. A Republican suggested Kelly to head the Ministry on 12 December 2016. “Decades of military service and staunch commitment to fight terror in the country make it an ideal candidate for this position,” said trump.

At the parade in honor of the inauguration of trump launched a Russian flag

Donald and Melania trump At the solemn parade in honor of the inauguration of the 45th President of the USA of Donald trump launched a Russian flag. The corresponding picture published Fox News channel in his microblog on Twitter. — Fox News (@FoxNews) January 20, 2017, 21:15 As noted, part of the way from the Capitol to the White house, trump and his wife Melania were on foot surrounded by members of the Secret service. After that the presidential couple is back in his armored limousine, which took them to the residence. There the US President and his family moved to the specially erected podium protected by bulletproof glass, where he welcomed the participants of the parade. In Washington near the Capitol January 20, the inauguration of the 45th President of the USA of Donald trump. Before him were sworn, Vice-President Mike Pence. In his speech, the President stated that

The Turkish Parliament approved a package of amendments on presidential form of government

The deputies of the Turkish Parliament endorsed the bill on amendments to the Constitution concerning the introduction of the presidential form of government. About it reports TASS. Voting took place on Saturday, January 21. “For” the amendment was supported by 339 deputies of 488. Earlier, on January 15, amendments to the Constitution were approved by Parliament in first reading. The draft of the new Constitution provides for a sharp increase in the powers of the President. In particular, he will be able to lead the Cabinet of Ministers or to single-handedly appoint the Prime Minister. In addition, in the event the document is under direct subordination of the head of state will pass the country’s armed forces and intelligence agencies. Currently they are governed by a collegiate body — the Supreme military Council. Another important innovation may be the return of the death penalty. Also, according to the draft Constitution,

Trump signed the first documents to curtail Obamacare

Donald trump (center) The President of the United States Donald trump sent to the offices of the government Directive on the decision to take action to curtail introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama’s health-care system. About it reports Reuters. After the inaugural celebrations trump, taking place in the oval office, signed a decree easing the burden on government agencies in connection with the implementation of the provisions of Obamacare. He also called for efforts to give States more flexibility in implementing health programs. The promise to cancel the system of affordable health care was one of the cornerstones of the election campaign trump. Most of the work to be done by lawmakers in Congress. January 13 the House of representatives voted for a resolution which initiates the process of the abolition of Obamacare. The decision was supported by 227 congressmen, all Republicans. Opposed by 197 members of the house of