Two Russians accused of participation in punitive operations in the Donbass

The investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case against five citizens accused of involvement in the extremist activities of the Ukrainian organization “Right sector” (PS; banned in Russia). About it is spoken in the Department message, received by the editors”.ru” on Monday, January 23. The investigation against Igor Chudinov, Gennady Hamraev, George stocki, Roman Strigankova and Alexander Valova conducted in parts 1 and 2 of article 282.2 of the criminal code (“Leadership of an extremist organization and participation in it”). According to investigators, the men had set out from Russia to Ukraine, where he joined the ranks of the SS. “Chudinov as the Deputy commander of one of military structural units of the Ukrainian Volunteer corps “Right sector”, and Khamraev as a fighter named unit took an active part in punitive operations against the civilian population of the breakaway DND and LNR”, — stated in the SC. Stotskii, Strigunov

Astana noted the lack of a unified strategy from the Syrian opposition

Groups of the Syrian opposition at talks in Astana do not have a single leader and coordinated strategy. As reported RIA Novosti, said on Monday, January 23, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Roman Vasilenko. “Here are about 15 Syrian opposition groups. These are organizations that generally supported the ceasefire achieved at the end of December, with the active assistance of Russia and Turkey. As such, the head of the delegation, as I understand it, the Syrian armed opposition is not defined, but nevertheless there are representatives of all those groups that are involved here,” said the diplomat, noting that none of those present has no authority to speak on behalf of the opposition. Vasilenko also said that it is still unknown, will there be direct talks between the Syrian authorities and representatives of the groups. “This issue is now being discussed, and it will be clear to the

Abe told Putin expressed regret over the Russian military in the Kuril Islands

Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that during the talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, held in December, expressed his displeasure in connection with the strengthening of the Russian military presence on the Kuril Islands. As reported TASS, the head of the Japanese government said Monday, January 23, in a speech in Parliament. “I can’t reveal all the contents of our conversation [with President Putin] However, I made it clear to the Russian side that we regret in connection with the strengthening of its military presence on the four Northern Islands,” said Abe. Japanese Prime Minister also said that Tokyo intends to continue negotiations with Moscow to create special conditions for joint economic activities on Southern Kuriles. “We support the continuation of negotiations on this subject and economic projects that will benefit both parties,” he said. 20 January, Abe said that the improvement of relations between

The senators decided to stop Trump to lift sanctions against Russia

Chuck Schumer A group of members of the U.S. Senate from the Republican and Democratic parties intends to take steps to not allow President Donald Trump to lift sanctions against Russia. This was stated Sunday, January 22, in an interview with ABC News, one of the authors of the initiative by democratic Senator Chuck Schumer. Next week, according to Schumer, he, along with party Ben Cardin plans to introduce in Congress a bill blocking the lifting of restrictions. The document, as noted by a Democrat, received support from Republican senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. “The lifting of sanctions Russia we say: “Continue to interfere in our elections and to do other bad things”… That would be awful,” said Schumer. John McCain said about the necessity of tightening sanctions on Russia. “We need more sanctions against Russia. We don’t have to weaken them”, — quotes its words of Politico. January

The WSJ found out about the investigation of the relations of the adviser to trump with Russia

Michael Flynn Us intelligence has conducted an investigation of alleged ties between the national security adviser of the new President of the USA Michael Flynn and Russia. This writes The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), citing informed sources. The timing of the investigation and its outcome, according to the publication, unknown. Special services were set a task to find out the nature of Flynn’s contacts with Russian officials and their degree of legality. The key issue was the phone conversations of Advisor to Donald trump with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Kislyak Sergey held at the end of December. In addition, the subject of the investigation were earlier contacts Flynn with representatives of the Russian authorities. In the administration of Donald trump, commenting on this information, stated that not aware of the investigation. “We have absolutely no information on any investigation or even on the basis of this investigation,” said

In China announced the beginning of the baby boom

In China, the birth rate rose to the highest since 2000 indicators. On Monday, January 23, Reuters reports, citing a government official. In 2016 in China came to light 17.6 million children, while in 2011-2015 by 1.4 million people each year smaller. Positive dynamics is explained by changes in legislation introduced in 2015, according to which Chinese families from 1 January 2016 were allowed to have more than one child. “While the number of women of childbearing age has decreased by five million, the number of births increased significantly, thereby demonstrating that the change of policy in the field of family planning was extremely timely and effective,” said one of the leaders of the National Commission for health and family planning of China, Jan Wenjuan. According to him, until 2020, the projected annual reduction in the number of women of childbearing age by about five million people, but China hopes

Madonna explained obscene remarks.

Madonna Singer Madonna has said that her dramatic expressions on the women’s protest March to the President of the United States Donald trump was taken out of context. About it she wrote in Instagram. “I’m not a violent person and do not advocate violence. It is important to hear and understand my speech, not one sentence taken out of context. My speech begins with the words “I want to start a revolution of love”, and then I took the opportunity to encourage women and abandoned to the fate of people that they did not despair, but rallied and used it as a starting point for enterprises and positive changes in the world,” said Madonna. The singer said that her statement was a metaphor. So Madonna wanted to Express their attitude to what is happening, which she described as “anger and indignation”. “However, I know that the actions of feelings of

Jean-Marie Le Pen questioned the daughter’s chances in the presidential election

Jean-Marie Le Pen The founder of the National front, Jean-Marie Le Pen questioned the fact that his daughter and party leader marine Le Pen got into the second round of presidential elections in France. It is reported by RTL. The politician reminded about the plans of the electoral campaign of the former Minister of Economics of France Emmanuel Makron. “We don’t know what size will reach the effect of Macron. But if there is consolidation, it is possible that Marin did not even get to the second round,” said Le Pen, adding that only “makes assumptions”. Jean-Marie Le Pen was excluded from the “National front” in August 2015. The reason was the number of sharp statements that the daughter of a politician deemed unacceptable and demanded to remove him from office. In particular, Le Pen said that the gas chambers — “just a part of the Second world war,” and

When shooting in the Mall in Texas injured seven people

One person was killed and another six were injured in a shooting during the attempted robbery in a shopping center in San Antonio, Texas, USA. About it reports on Sunday, January 22, NBC. The incident occurred in a shopping center Rolling Oaks Mall, located in the North-Eastern part of the city. The criminals broke into a jewelry store Kay Jewelers at about 15:30 local time (00:30 GMT Monday). In total, according to witnesses, was heard at least six shots. Visitors of the shopping center was immediately evacuated, shops closed. The police managed to detain one suspect, another is wanted, it is not excluded that it is still in the Mall. The condition of the victims is not reported. The scene is full of police cars and ambulances. 16 January, eight people were injured in a shooting during the celebration of Day of Martin Luther king in Miami. Gunshot wounds received

The candidate in presidents of France warned against frivolous attitude to Russia

Francois Fillon Europe needs to restore relations with Russia, because it is a strategic issue for its future. This opinion was expressed in an interview with Le Monde, the candidate in presidents of France from the party “the Republicans”, the former Prime Minister françois Fillon. “We need to restore our relations with Russia. This will require resolution of the Ukrainian question. Kiev, Moscow must comply with Minsk agreement. In the second place, we need a new economic partnership with Russia. Finally, I propose to hold the conference Europe-Russia in the new security environment in Europe”, — quotes the words of Fillon RIA Novosti. Russia, he reminded, is a huge country that cannot be “taken lightly”. “This is a country without democratic traditions, which has nuclear weapons. You have two options: either we are trying to reach agreement with Russia, or we who oppose it. Who might want a conflict with