Reuters learned of the intention of the trump sign decrees against migrants

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump is expected to sign on Wednesday, January 25, decrees, providing for a temporary ban on the entry of the main mass of refugees and the suspension of visas for citizens of Syria and six other countries in the Middle East and Africa. About it reports Reuters with reference to a number of officials. It is assumed that trump decides to introduce a period of several months, the ban on asylum, except for persecuted religious minorities. Another decree, according to aides and experts, who wished not to disclose his name, will touch the lock of the issuance of visas to all citizens of Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen. Trump also is expected to adopt decisions on the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico, to prevent the penetration of illegal migrants. In his campaign, trump has

The head of the order of Malta resigned after a quarrel with the Vatican

Matthew Festing The Grand master of the order of Malta Matthew Festing resigned after a conflict with the Vatican. About it reports Reuters. This happened as a result of a personal meeting of Festing with Pope Francis. “Dad asked him to leave his post, and he agreed,” — said the official representative of the order. Now the decision should be approved by the government of the order — the Sovereign Council. After the final resignation of Restinga and to elect a new Grand master as head of the order will be fulfilled by Grand commander Ludwig Hoffmann von Romerstein. This step came as a surprise to the knights as a rule, the master has his office for life. To the resignation of Festinha brought conflict with the Holy see after the overthrow of the Grand Hospitaller of the order of Albrecht von Fraher Boeselager because of his too liberal interpretation

The Iraqi military announced the preparation of an offensive on the Western part of Mosul

Iraqi forces prepare for offensive in the Western part of Mosul. About it reports Reuters, citing Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Rashid Arallu responsible for overall management of the operation. According to Erally, preparation will take another two or three days. A significant role in the attack is given “the Forces of popular mobilization” (CNM) — a coalition of Shiite militias, created in 2014 to combat “Islamic state.” Last year it officially became part of the Iraqi armed forces. Monday, January 23, the Iraqi military officially announced the establishment of control over the Eastern part of Mosul. The first reports about this appeared five days before, but it was later revealed that it is necessary to eliminate pockets of resistance. The battle for the districts on the left Bank of the Tigris river lasted more than three months. Ground military operation to liberate the city began on 17 October 2016. It

White house urged to leave alone the youngest son of trump

Barron trump (centre) The US administration urged the public to leave alone the President’s son Donald trump 10-year-old Barron. A statement published on the White house website. “In the long tradition of children of the presidents are given the opportunity to grow without having to be given political attention. The white house expects that this tradition will continue. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter”, — stated in the message. Earlier, some Internet users ridiculed the boy for his behavior at the inauguration of his father. They thought that the baby looked sleepy and absent. Also it seemed ridiculous that the student decided to play with my nephew-the baby, son of Ivanka trump. In particular, the writer of the TV show Saturday Night Live on NBC, Katie rich posted a tweet about Barron trump. She wrote that the boy “will be the first in the country school shooter homeschooled”.

The White house explained the intention of the trump to establish relations with Russia

The President of the United States Donald trump is adamant that his country will be able to get along with Russia “because he is well able to conclude the transaction.” This is the answer given to the question TASS correspondent on this subject, the press Secretary of trump Sean Spicer at a regular briefing for journalists in the White house. “He will do everything possible to defend the interests of our country”, — said the representative of the White house. According to Spicer, this applies to all areas — “protect the interests of American taxpayers to work with other countries to protect national security or economic interests” of the United States. “And if we manage to get along, he will sign a deal which would be in the best interests of our country,” said Spicer. 11 Jan trump for the first time as elected President, held a press-conference in which

Nikki Haley approved in the post of US Ambassador to the UN

Nikki Haley The U.S. Senate overwhelmingly endorsed Nikki Haley as Ambassador to the UN. It was voted 96 senators, against — four, including Democrat Bernie Sanders, Reuters reports. Some senators expressed concern about the lack of a 45-year-old Hayley of experience in the field of foreign policy. The candidacy of Haley, who served as Governor of South Carolina, nominated new President of the United States Donald trump. Earlier the post of the US Ambassador to the UN was held by Samantha Power, appointed by previous President Barack Obama. Its mandate expired on 20 January in connection with the launch of the new U.S. administration led by trump. Earlier, the President promised change in “all that relates to the UN” after his inauguration. “Everything about the UN change after January 20,” said trump.

The UK Supreme court may have deprived the right independently to start Brexit

Theresa May The UK Supreme court has ordered Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Theresa may to seek approval from the Parliament before the beginning of Brexit. About it reports Reuters. This decision was taken by eight votes against three. “The Supreme court decided that the government could not enact article 50 without the approval of Parliament”, — said in a statement. In this case, that may not need to obtain the approval of the legislative bodies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. According to the Agency, this decision will allow the British government to avoid a guaranteed blocking of the decision on withdrawal from the EU in any of these organs, but can significantly slow down the process Brexit. Despite the fact that the majority of the members of the British Parliament’s negative attitude towards withdrawal from the European Union, the opposition labour party has already stated that it

Russia has prepared a draft Constitution for Syria

International talks on the Syrian settlement in Astana The Russian delegation in Astana was handed over to representatives of the armed opposition of Syria, a draft Constitution for the Republic. On Tuesday, January 24, “Interfax” reported the head of the delegation, special envoy of the President of Russia SAR, Alexander Lavrentiev. “The draft Constitution currently in the hands of the armed opposition, and we expect their reactions, which for us is very important and interesting from the point of view of providing further aid,” he said. According to Lavrentyev, Russian specialists prepared a project to “accelerate the adoption of the Constitution of Syria and give it an additional impulse”. The talks in Astana ended the day on 24 January. During the meeting, Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed to establish a tripartite mechanism for monitoring observance of the truce in Syria. Currently, in the Arab Republic governed by a Constitution adopted

The WSJ called an indirect data source for dirt on trump

Sergei Millian An indirect source of information for the report about the alleged connection between the US President Donald trump and the Russian leadership was a us citizen of Belarusian origin Sergey Millian. This writes The Wall Street Journal. 38-year-old Millian, President, Russian-American chamber of Commerce in the United States, would, according to the publication, to provide materials, which amounted to about a third of the report. As noted, perhaps Millian didn’t know where will be used the information he shared. Among allegedly made of the information by the interlocutor has been forwarded, is called the statement about the presence in the dirt video information against trump, as well as “secret cooperation” between the billionaire and the Russian leadership, which was carried out the hacking of the Democrats. He called Millian contained in the report of information about, and their publication is an attempt to divert the President from the

The number of victims of an avalanche in Italy has risen to 16

The number of victims of an avalanche at hotel Rigopiano in Italy has risen to 16. Another 13 people remain missing. On Tuesday, January 24, reports The Local. As the newspaper notes, the search operation continues for six days. According to rescuers, they do not lose hope to find people alive. Earlier on Tuesday under the rubble managed to find three live puppies. Avalanche has covered Rigopiano January 18, at the hotel fell 120 thousand tons of snow. At this point there were 40 people. The cause of the collapse of the snow masses was a series of tremors that occurred in the area of the mountain massif of Gran Sasso d’italia. Three earthquakes of magnitudes ranging from 5.3 to 5.5 was recorded on the same day in the morning. Managed to save only nine, and two more men in that day were outside the hotel.