Fillon promised to withdraw from the elections in the event of investigations against him

Francois Fillon The candidate in presidents of France, former Prime Minister françois Fillon declared that will act with the election, if he becomes involved in the investigation, initiated against his wife. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the TV channel TF1. “Only one thing can prevent me to remain a candidate: if you will be affected by my honor, if I will open an investigation. I have always said that I will not be able to apply for the post of the head of state if there is at least some evidence that I have transgressed the law,” he said. Previously, the French Prosecutor’s office opened a preliminary investigation against Penelope Fillon. On 25 January, the weekly Сanard enchainé (“the Chained duck”) published an article alleging that for several years she was listed as assistant to her husband, at a time when he was a member of the

The media learned about the plans of the trump to talk with Putin at the weekend

Donald Trump The President of the United States, Donald trump intends to speak by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin this coming weekend, January 28-29. This was reported in the Twitter the correspondent of TV channel NBC Hallie Jackson, citing sources in the American administration. “President trump and Vladimir Putin are expected to talk by phone this weekend, according to a source in the administration. The first call with the inauguration,” wrote Jackson. Previous conversation Putin and trump was held on 14 November 2016. They discussed relations between the two countries, agreed in opinion that they are in “extremely poor condition”. The interlocutors spoke about the need to unite efforts in the fight against international terrorism and extremism, and agreed to continue contacts on the phone, and in the future — to hold a personal meeting. Earlier, the Kremlin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Putin’s phone call and trump agreed.

Palestine announced the receipt of the tranche Obama

Palestine received a tranche of funding, which transferred the administration of President Barack Obama in the final hours of its work. About it RIA Novosti said the Advisor to the President Husam Zomlot. He confirmed that we are talking about the amount of 221 million dollars. “The last sum, which was appointed… the Obama administration, we have already received. They have already transferred the money,” — said the adviser, adding that the decision on the allocation of funds was made in Washington “several weeks ago”. According to Zomlot, in Ramallah also expect that the US will remain one of the largest donors to the Palestinian economy. “We hope that trump will continue the policy that has been in this respect from their predecessors”, — he stressed. On January 26 The Times of Israel with reference to its sources in Ramallah reported that trump has frozen tranche Obama. According to the

WP learned about the administration’s plans trump to replace top officials of the state Department

Several high-ranking employees of the U.S. Department of State has received notification that the administration of President Donald trump has decided not to renew their work contracts. On Thursday, January 26, writes The Washington Post. According to the publication, we are talking about employees 13 departments of the foreign Ministry, reporting directly to the White house. They leave their positions after the approval of the head of the state Department’s Rex Tillerson. As the newspaper notes, technically the workers are not dismissed, they just don’t reassign the posts. The vacated space may occupy any other state Department employees, or experts on policy issues. Earlier Thursday it was reported that the assistant Secretary on Affairs of Europe and Eurasia Victoria Nuland and a number of senior diplomats to leave their posts and go from state. So, in addition to Nuland, the resignation of under Secretary for the administrative part of Patrick

RT found out about guaranteed by the Russian Constitution draft of Syria freedom

The new draft Constitution of Syria, proposed by Russia at the talks in Astana, guarantees a series of freedoms — of thought, expression, conscience and religion, including protection of the temples. It is reported by RT, citing a document obtained from a source in the Syrian opposition. Also the draft law stipulates the prohibition of propaganda or agitation exciting social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity, and also propaganda for social, racial, national, religious or linguistic supremacy. The project involves ideological diversity and respect for all religions and religious organizations. No ideology may be established as state or mandatory, the state is obliged to ensure the safety and respect for the rights and freedoms of national and religious minorities. The Constitution indicates the right of every person to participate in political, economic, social and cultural life of the country. Discrimination by reason of sex, origin, language or religion is

Theresa may in the United States outlined his vision of the principles of relations with Russia

Theresa May The West should cooperate with Russia from a position of strength, while trying to avoid conflicts. This was stated by Prime Minister Theresa may, speaking before members of the Republican party in Philadelphia. Her words leads RIA Novosti. “There is nothing inevitable about the conflict between Russia and the West, nothing is imminent in terms of a return to the days of the cold war. But we must deal with Russia from a position of strength. And we need to build relationships, systems and processes to make cooperation more likely than conflict,” she said. According to may, this approach has become particularly relevant after the “illegal annexation of Crimea”. In her opinion, it is necessary to guarantee Russia’s neighboring countries that their security is not under question. On the Syrian issue, may believes that the UK and the US can cooperate with Russia, using the rule “trust but

The President of Mexico refused to go to Washington for a meeting with trump

Enrique Peña Nieto Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto decided to cancel his trip to Washington, where he planned to meet with the American leader Donald trump. It is reported by Azteca Noticias on Thursday, January 26. “We informed the White house that we would not attend the meeting, scheduled for Tuesday [31 January],” reads the statement. While Nieto said he was ready to cooperate with the United States for reaching an agreement to benefit both countries. Earlier on 26 January it was reported that trump has threatened a Mexican counterpart to cancel the visit because of its position on the construction of the wall on the border between the two countries. “The trade deficit of the USA with Mexico amounts to $ 60 billion. NAFTA was initially one-sided, we lost a huge number of jobs and companies. If Mexico doesn’t want to pay for much-needed wall, it is better to

Human rights activists told about the harsh treatment of children of refugees in the Balkans

The guards of the Balkan countries (Hungary, Croatia, Bulgaria) abused children refugees. About it reports on Thursday, January 26, citing data from the international organization “save the children” (Save the Children) The Independent. Teenagers, some of them barely 12 years old, the guards beat, egging the dogs, and then sent back to Belgrade. Daily to Serbia return to one hundred migrants, half of whom are children. As the newspaper notes, it often happens that the refugees go in ragged clothes, they do not have warm clothes. “One Iraqi family with a 8-year-old daughter walked all night in temperatures of minus 12 degrees. At itself they had only two blankets. When they got to the care center in Belgrade, the girl was completely exhausted,” — said the publication of the official representative of the organization “save the children” Gemma Parkin. Until March 2016, the so-called Balkan route of smuggling of migrants

Trump has threatened the President of Mexico, the cancellation of the visit due to the failure to pay for the wall

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has threatened to cancel the visit of the Mexican leader Enrique peña Nieto to Washington, if he does not change his position on the construction of the wall between the two countries. About this trump wrote on his Twitter page. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2017, 13:51 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 26, 2017, 13:55 “The trade deficit of the USA with Mexico amounts to $ 60 billion. NAFTA was initially one-sided, we lost a huge number of jobs and companies. If Mexico doesn’t want to pay for much-needed wall, it is better to cancel the upcoming meeting”, — said the American leader. Earlier January 26, Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto expressed his regret and condemned the signing of the American leader Donald trump decree on the construction of the wall on the border between the two countries. “I’ve talked

The expert commented on the Russian draft Constitution for Syria

The Russian draft Constitution for Syria is important because it is a concrete plan that can be discussed and adjusted as necessary. This was stated by the chief researcher of the Institute of Oriental studies Irina Zvyagelskaya in an interview with “the”. According to her, simple conversations about the new Constitution are not of much use, in contrast to the text with the specific points. At the same time Zvyagelskaya believes that some provisions of the document may be unacceptable not only for opponents of the regime, but also to Damascus. “The current government and the President will oppose a number of provisions. I’m not sure they want that the government proposed to rename to “Syrian Republic”, removing from the title the word “Arab”,” — said the expert. She also noted that in the main document of the country will be the major two themes: the limitation of powers