Media called the worst interview of trump with the Australian Prime Minister

Donald trump during a telephone conversation with Australian Prime Minister The US President Donald trump called telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull the worst of all his conversations with foreign leaders. About it reports The Washington Post. It was originally planned that it will last an hour, however, the American leader put the phone in the 25th minute. According to the publication, the US President got angry when Turnbull reminded him of the obligation to receive refugees from Australia. Later, trump expressed his displeasure on Twitter. “Can you believe it? The Obama administration has agreed to accept thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I would study the damn deal!” — he wrote. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 02 Feb 2017, 03:55 The Australian Prime Minister called the conversation “very Frank and honest,” while noting that he was disappointed in some points, reports BBC News. According to

In Wenzhou, the second time this year struck a residential building

Archive photo (the incident in Wenzhou in October 2016) In China collapsed three residential buildings in which there were people. About it reports “Xinhua”. The incident occurred on the morning of Thursday, February 2, in Wenzhou city of Zhejiang province in the East of the country. For some unknown reason, hit three five-story buildings. Under the rubble are people, the exact number is unknown. Started rescue work. 10 October 2016 in the same city as the result of the collapse of four residential buildings killed 22 people. The house was built illegally. The local authorities started a large-scale inspection of buildings to avoid repetition.

A Russian emergencies Ministry plane has protected from the fire of two Chilean cities

Archive photo The plane EMERCOM of Russia prevented the spread of a forest fire in two cities in Chile. About it “Interfax” was told on Thursday, February 2, the press service of the Russian Ministry. During the day, the pilots flew four times to extinguish the fire, throwing the burning forest, 168 tons of water. “Thus they prevented the fire from spreading towards the village of Navidad and the settlement of Concepcion,” — said in the MOE. Concepcion is one of the oldest cities in Chile, was founded in 1550. It is home to more than 230 thousand people. The city is called University centre of the country, it is the highest number of universities in Chile. Il-76 arrived to help at the request of the Chilean party, in the country about a few weeks of raging wildfires. In seven regions (Coquimbo, valparaíso, Metropolitana, O’higgins, Maule, araucanía and Biobio) declared

South Korea has asked the United States to expand the country’s strategic weapons

Joseph Dunford Head of South Korean joint chiefs of staff General Lee sun-Jin turned to his American colleague Joseph Dunford with a request to place on the territory of the country of strategic weapons on a regular basis. About it reports “Yonhap”. Between high-level military held a telephone conversation during which the sides confirmed their commitment to two States for the establishment of a defense system aimed at reflection of the growing threats from North Korea. The Agency reminds that on Thursday, February 2, is scheduled to visit in Seoul of Secretary of defense James Mattis, who will meet with the head of the South Korean defense Minister Han Min-Kun. They will also discuss the issue of placement of strategic weapons. Currently, South Korea based American bombers B-52 and B-1B, deployed to the Peninsula after the nuclear test conducted by Pyongyang on 9 September last year. In Seoul feared that

Trump stated the “rapid uptake” of Iraq by Iran

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that Iran is steadily taking over Iraq, in which Washington has invested trillions of money. “Iran quickly absorbs more and more of Iraq, even after the United States spent three trillion dollars. It has long been obvious!” — he wrote in his Twitter. USA in 2003 invaded Iraq and overthrew the regime of President Saddam Hussein, he was subsequently caught, convicted, and executed. Subsequently the main part of the American troops were withdrawn from the country. Since then a strong Central government in the country in fact, the government has lost control over a number of regions. Tehran to Baghdad has effect by virtue of the fact that a significant portion of the Iraqi population are Shiites. The United States since the Islamic revolution of 1979 views Iran as a rival and react with irritation to enhance its influence in the region.

Germany will pay the refugees for the return home

The Ministry of internal Affairs of Germany announced the launch of a new immigration program “start plus”, involving payments to refugees who decide voluntarily to return home. About it the newspaper “Izvestia” said the official representative of Department Johannes Dimroth. According to him, under the program, which became effective February 1, fall migrants from 45 countries, with the exception of the Western Balkan countries. For its financing the Federal government this year has allocated 40 million euros. The basis of the program, according to the newspaper, is the principle of voluntary return. Refugees who decide to return home before the decision to grant them asylum in Germany, will be paid 1200 euros. Those who refused to pay 800 euros on the condition that they will not appeal. Financial compensation is intended for individuals 12 years of age and older. Cashback will be implemented in two stages: half the amount the

The U.S. Senate approved the candidacy Tillerson to the post of Secretary of state

Rex TeleradioMoldova: trump urged to take a fresh look at foreign policy Nominated by the President of the United States Donald trump is the candidate for the post of Secretary Rex Tillerson confirmed in office. The corresponding decision by the majority of votes adopted the Senate of the US Congress, reports Reuters. According to the Agency, the roll-call vote, the Republicans supported Tillerson, while nearly all Democrats opposed. In the Senate, as well as in the house of representatives, now the majority belongs to the Republicans. Trump has nominated the former head of Exxon Mobil Tillerson to the post of head of the Department of state on December 13. 11 January, when the Senate Committee on foreign Affairs of the United States considered candidates Tillerson, he stressed that it considers illegal annexation of Crimea to Russia. According to him, the administration trump recognizes the reunification of the Peninsula with Russia

Trump urged to take a fresh look at foreign policy

Rex Tillerson, Donald Trump, Mike Pence The President of the United States Donald trump during the ceremony of swearing in new Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, the White house urged to take a fresh look at foreign policy. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “It is time to take a fresh look at foreign policy, events around,” said the American leader expressed confidence in the ability “to achieve peace and stability in this difficult time”. He also acknowledged that “countries have a right to protect their interests.” According to the American leader, the US “needs in foreign policy to strengthen stability and security”. However, he acknowledged that often in this process, “we are trapped in violence and war.” In this regard, he noted “the importance of strengthening existing and establishing new alliances the United States to extend American strategic interests and security.” Trump expressed confidence that Tillerson bring to the

In Delaware, the prisoners took hostage the prison staff

In the us state of Delaware, the prisoners took hostages, reports Associated Press. In the morning, the correctional officer inside one of the buildings, gave a signal of help, he responded to some of his colleagues. As a result, five workers were captured by rebellious criminals. One of the hostages the prisoners released four hours later. He was hospitalized with injuries that do not pose a threat to life. Did anyone else injury is still unknown. Officials are conducting negotiations with the prisoners. “We are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of all participants and to use all available resources”, — said journalists the representative of police of staff Richard Braz. One of the prisoners said that the reason that prompted them to go for it, was the policy of the new President of Donald trump. “We know that the institution will change for the worse,” he said. He

Trump has decided to meet the plane with the remains of the deceased in Yemen commando

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump went to the air force base Dover to meet the plane with the remains of the fighter of special troops of the Navy William Owens, who was killed in Yemen during a RAID on the headquarters of the terrorists. It is reported TASS with reference to the journalists accompanying the head of state. It is noted that this trip was not listed in the schedule of the head of state on Wednesday, February 1, which is pre-distributed to the White house. President was accompanied by his daughter Ivanka, and democratic Senator Chris coons. The farewell ceremony will be held behind closed doors, what did you ask the family of Owens. Owens became the first military personnel who died during the presidential term, trump, which began January 20. Attack on camp of insurgents “al-kaidy” in the Central part of Yemen became