Penny commented on trump’s words about Russia

Mike Pence The President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with Fox News tried to put an equality sign between the moral values of the United States and Russia. This was stated on Monday, February 6, in the show Fox and Friends Vice-President Mike Pence. “Statements that were made he [trump], in any case do not imply moral equality between the high ideals and practices of the people of America and of the Russian people and its leadership. Rather, the President is trying to start relations with the Russian people and its leadership”, — quotes the words of Penny The Blaze. As noted by the Vice-President, Russia and the USA have a common enemy in the person of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). “The President has set a priority goal to unite the world and to mobilize the resources of the United

Trump has criticized NATO allies for lack of funding

Donald Trump The U.S. “strongly support” of NATO, but urged other Alliance members to fully comply with the obligations of its financing. As reported by NBC, said on Monday, February 6, President Donald trump, speaking at the headquarters of the Central command of the Armed forces of the United States in Florida. “We strongly support NATO. We only ask that all NATO members have made full and appropriate financial contributions to the Alliance, many of them do not,” said trump. The White house noted that many NATO members are far from being able to fulfill obligations and to spend on defense at least two percent of GDP, reports TASS. “They [the States] were in relation to us is extremely unfair,” he added. Earlier, on 6 February after a telephone conversation trump with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg became known that the US President will take part in the meeting of

In the US 19-year-old rapist was sentenced to abstinence before marriage

Cody Dewain Scott Guerrera In the U.S. state of Idaho 19-year-old rapist was forbidden to have sex until, until he gets married. Reported by the Associated Press. Judge Randy Stoker sentenced the defendant Cody Dewayne Scott Guerrero accused of raping a 14-year-old girl to 15 years in prison. However, due to the specifics of state law (the so-called Rider Program) guerrera got a reprieve for one year, allowing him in case of excellent behavior to get rid of a conditional sentence. With this as a condition in the sentence is the lack of sexual contact before marriage. Stoker felt that Herrera, who had already owned 34 sexual partner, it will be a serious challenge. The verdict caused controversy — so, a number of lawyers felt that violates the constitutional rights of Herrera and he can appeal. Rider Program — a specific term used in the laws of the state of

Trump called fake negative results of the survey in his decision

The US President Donald trump called the false results of public opinion polls conducted after the publication of his first decrees. About this American leader wrote on his Twitter page. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 06, 2017, 12:01 “The negative results of public opinion polls are fake. As those published by CNN, ABC, NBC, during the election campaign. Sorry, but people want strict control and border security,” wrote trump. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 06, 2017, 12:07 He also stated that decisions are based on the existing head of the state data. “Producing fake news media are lying when they try to submit their [decisions] are marginal,” added the US President. 27 Jan trump has signed a decree banning entry to the United States to citizens of seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Sudan), in which Islam is the dominant religion. This document led to

The militants have stepped up recruitment of child refugees

The militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” intensified work on attraction in the numbers of refugee children. It is reported by The Independent, citing the report of the counter-extremism organization Quilliam Foundation. In conversations with young people recruiters usually prey on the harsh living conditions in refugee camps, and as bait for new recruits offered money and food. The new “jihadists” can be used as ordinary the militant group or sent to other countries to commit terrorist attacks. Most active recruiters are showing in the camps in Lebanon and Jordan. “Their methods of attracting into its ranks extraordinarily efficient, especially when we are talking about teenagers who have no family,” said one of the study’s authors Nikita Maliki. According to her, after appropriate treatment, young people are literally obsessed with radical ideas. As indicated in the report, the militants have close ties with the organizers of illegal channels of

In Moscow made emergency meeting of Lavrov and Tillerson

Rex Tillerson Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov did not rule out emergency meeting of foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with his American colleague Rex Tillerson. In his opinion, the conversation can be held on the sidelines of the Munich security conference, said on Monday, February 6, “Interfax”. “I exclude nothing, it is quite probable,” — said Ryabkov. According to him, the date of the meeting has not yet been agreed. “Actually, he only took up the post, and we understand that he has a lot of issues that require the utmost urgent attention. We are absolutely calm and without the artificial formation of some of the solutions relate to this situation,” the diplomat said. February 5, Lavrov said that the position of the new US President Donald trump gives hope for positive developments in bilateral relations between Moscow and Washington. “We have always been ready to develop

The CDU and CSU, Merkel put forward a single candidate for parliamentary elections

Angela Merkel The Christian democratic Union (CDU) of Germany and its partners from the Christian social Union (CSU) nominated German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a single candidate in the elections to the Bundestag. On Monday, February 6, reports Reuters. This decision was made on 6 Feb at the joint meeting of the bureaux of the two political parties in the Bavarian capital Munich. Elections to the Bundestag will take place on September 24 this year. The main rival of Merkel will be Martin Schulz, former European Parliament President nominated by the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD). 20 Nov 2016 Merkel announced his intention to run for the post of Prime Minister from the CDU/CSU. She is head of the German Cabinet since 2005. In case of victory, Merkel will be Chancellor for the fourth time in a row.

In Afghanistan and Pakistan, an avalanche killed more than 100 people

In Afghanistan and Pakistan, over 100 people were killed in an avalanche. About it reports BBC News. According to recent reports, in Afghanistan the death toll was 106 people, dozens wounded. The largest number of deaths in Nuristan province on the Pakistani border: there is an avalanche were completely buried two villages, one inhabited by 53 people. None of them survived. Pakistani rescuers reported nine dead in the North-West of the country. Several people froze in the car, unable to get out of snow drifts. The number of victims of the disaster are not fully determined: with many villages there is no connection to get through to them is impossible because of the continuing snowfall and road blockages. On the highway Kabul — Kandahar police and soldiers managed to rescue from drifts more than 250 vehicles. As soon as the weather improves, in Nuristan rescuers will fly two helicopters. Kabul

Media called the main candidate for the post of Russian Ambassador to USA

Anatoly Antonov The main candidate for the post of Russian Ambassador to the USA is a Deputy foreign Minister Anatoly Antonov. On Monday, February 6, reports the newspaper “Kommersant”, citing sources in the Russian government agencies. Antonov is considered a hardliner toward the West. To appoint him head of the diplomatic mission in the United States, the Russian government decided in the early autumn of 2016, the newspaper notes. In Moscow, then, came from the fact that the White house will be Democrat Hillary Clinton and the relationship will be rather tense. Despite the victory of Republican Donald trump, the Antonov “is still the best chance to hold the prestigious post of Ambassador in Washington,” the newspaper said. Thus, according to “Kommersant” with reference to one of the interlocutors on this post discusses the other candidates. At the same time, a source close to the Antonov denied information about his

In Sweden, unknown persons blew up the car of the chief of the city police

Archive photo Unknown blew up the car of the chief of police of the Swedish city of Uppsala. On Monday, February 6, reports channel CBT, it is quoted by TASS. The car blew up in the night on Monday. According to TV channel, the car was parked near the house in the cottage area in the suburbs of Stockholm. Neither the police chief nor the members of his family near the site of the incident. No one was hurt. Currently, the police are looking for witnesses, suspects in this case yet. In early October of last year a pipe bomb exploded at the night club “Babel” in the center of the Swedish city of malmö. The incident occurred at about 01:30 local time (02:30 GMT). The bomb was planted at the entrance to the school, which by that time was closed already. The explosion destroyed the door and shattered Windows