Trump selected a Cabinet of 24 people

The US President Donald trump has completed the formation of his Cabinet. A message posted on Wednesday, February 8, on the White house website. “President Donald trump today officially named 24 people to serve with him in his office”, — stated in the publication. Among those who joined the Cabinet of trump, Vice President Michael Pence, Secretary Rex Tillerson, the attorney General Jeff sessions, the head of national intelligence, Daniel Coates, Director of the Central intelligence Agency Michael Pompeo, along with Ministers of defense James Mattis, the interior Ryan Zinke, agriculture Sonny Perdue, Commerce Wilbur Ross, labor Andrew Pazder, health Thomas Price, transport Elaine LAN Chao, energy, James Perry, education Elizabeth DeVos and others. Earlier on 8 February, trump accused the Democratic party that it interferes with his administration. “It’s a shame that all my office isn’t ready, the longest delay in the history of our country. The interference from

NATO reported about the lack of EU ambition to create an army

Peter Paul The EU has no ambitions to create its own armed forces. This was stated by Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, General Petr Pavel, in an interview published on the website of the Prague newspaper Hospodařské noviny. “We are talking about the development of cooperation in the framework of increasing defense capabilities in the current and future threats. NATO and the European Union cooperate closely and seek to coordinate their efforts,” he commented statements of some European politicians about the necessity of creation of the armed forces of the European Union. Paul, answering a question about his attitude to the critical gaze of the President of the United States Donald trump on NATO, noted that the business space in which billionaire are accustomed to act, based on efficiency and growth. The Chairman of the Military Committee of the Alliance is sure that if the White house will also

In the United States Congress introduced impede the lifting of sanctions against Russia bill

A group of senators belonging to both leading U.S. parties, introduced a bill providing for the need for the President to obtain congressional approval for the lifting of sanctions against Russia. Reported by the Associated Press. As noted, supporters of the bill are concerned that the new head of the White house Donald trump can lift the sanctions without having to “reconsider their aggressive behavior model in the world.” According to the Republican Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham, Russia did nothing to encourage her and ease sanctions. Democratic Senator Ben Cardin from Maryland said that the bill gives Congress the opportunity to act, if he does not agree with the policy of trump against Russia. The document also supports Republican senators John McCain of Arizona and Marco Rubio of Florida. As previously reported, according to the document, the White house will have to provide a detailed report on the

Six employees of the International Committee of the red cross was killed in Afghanistan

In the Afghan province Jawshan killed six employees of the International Committee of the red cross and went missing two more. On Wednesday, February 8, said the microblog organization in Twitter. — ICRC (@MKKK) 08-Feb-2017, 12:27 According to Reuters, the attack can stand the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). 7 February near the building of the Supreme court of Afghanistan in the center of Kabul powerful explosion. In the result, 19 people were killed and over 40 injured. An explosive device was detonated by a suicide bomber. On 11 January in a suicide attack in the Afghan city of Kandahar wounded the Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates. All the victims of the attack were seven people, another 18 were injured. Among the dead — five of UAE nationals. According to the official Abu Dhabi, they were members of the humanitarian mission was engaged in educational

The Turkish army announced the capture of key heights around al-Baba

Soldiers of the Free Syrian army The Turkish military said that fighters of the free Syrian army (FSA) with the support of the Turkish forces managed to take control of key heights around the town of al-Bab. About it reports Reuters. According to Ankara, they had reached the Western outskirts of al-Bab and even captured a few houses. “During the offensive on the night of 7 to 8 February, the defence of the “Islamic state” has been hacked, — explained the official representative of the SAA. — These minutes offensive continues”. During the fighting from air strikes, shelling and small arms fire killed 58 militants of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). The loss of the Turkish troops amounted to two men killed and 15 wounded easily, the FSA military is not lead. “The operation to establish control over al-Bab will be completed in the near future, —

In Turkey due to the coup fired another 4.5 thousand public servants

The Turkish government has sacked 4464 civil servants as a result of the purges that followed the coup attempt in July 2016. On Wednesday, February 8, reports the Hürriyet Daily News. They are suspected of having links with the opposition movement a religious preacher Fethullah Gulen. Among 2585 dismissed employees of the Ministry of education and 893 gendarmes. However, as the newspaper notes, the 17 employees that were previously dismissed, reinstated. On 15 July last year in Turkey was an attempt of a coup, which killed more than 230 people. Even more than 2.1 thousand were injured. After the suppression of the coup, the country began mass purges in government, public administration, courts, education, the army and the security services. Was closed more than 130 media, over 81 thousand people were suspended from work or dismissed. 32 thousands of defendants in the case about the attempt of the rebellion, are

In the state Duma expressed readiness of Assad to negotiate with the armed opposition

Bashar Al-Assad Syrian President Bashar al-Assad confirmed his readiness to negotiate with representatives of the opposition, including armed. On Wednesday, February 8, said the coordinator of the parliamentary group of the state Duma for relations with the Parliament of Syria, Dmitry Sablin, after meeting with the Syrian leader, reports TASS. “Assad supports our efforts to Astana”, — he said. Another member of the delegation, MP Alexander Yushchenko added that the President of Syria has described the talks in the capital of Kazakhstan intelligent and far-sighted step. In particular, according to him, the Syrian leader said the fact that the first dialogue was with representatives, “who are fighting with arms in hands.” On 6 February in Astana the first meeting of the joint task force monitoring the ceasefire in Syria with the participation of experts from Russia, Turkey, Iran, the UN and Jordan. The group was formed following the conference on

Russian sailors kidnapped in the territorial waters of Nigeria

The ship BBC Caribbean In the territorial waters of Nigeria kidnapped seven sailors — the citizens of Russia. On Wednesday, February 8, in his microblog on Twitter reported the Russian Embassy in Abuja. According to diplomats, pirates attacked and captured the ship BBC Caribbean. His side was kidnapped seven Russians and one citizen of Ukraine. Diplomats appealed to the authorities of Nigeria to help in searching for missing sailors. — Russia in Nigeria (@RusEmbNigeria) 07 February 2017, 11:51 This information is confirmed the owner of the vessel is a German company Briese. Pirates operating near the Nigerian coast, attacking a foreign court to seize the goods and kidnapping crew members. As a rule, after long negotiations, they are released, while the details, including the question of the payment of ransom were not disclosed. The latest incident of this kind with the Russian sailors took place in late November. Then, Nigerian

At the Samsung plant in Tianjin Chinese, a fire broke out

At the factory of Samsung in the Chinese city of Tianjin, which produces lithium-ion batteries started a fire. About it reports The South China Morning Post. According to preliminary data, the fire broke out in the shop, where they make batteries for smartphones Galaxy Note 7. The company announced that there was a small fire, but the flames quickly spread through the building. No one was hurt. According to preliminary data, was caused by “production problems”. On the site there are 110 firefighters. The authorities do not exclude emission of harmful substances. An official Samsung spokesperson said that the fire occurred in a warehouse where were stored defective product. Model Samsung Note 7 went on sale in August 2016. Two months later, after multiple cases of spontaneous combustion Corporation first stopped the sale, and then completely ceased production. The results of the investigation on 23 January it was announced that

The Kremlin reacted to the murder of Givi

The murder of the commander of the battalion “Somalia” of the armed forces of the breakaway Donetsk national Republic (DND), Mikhail Tolstykh, known as Givi, Moscow sees the attempt to destabilize the situation in the Donbass. On Wednesday, February 8, said the Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, reports the correspondent of”.ru”. “Of course, we hope that there is a certain margin of safety, and those who are behind such killings, will fail to lead to further escalation. Because even without that the situation remains, unfortunately, very hard in connection with the aggressive actions taken by the Ukrainian side”, — said Peskov. He added that the Kremlin rejects any accusations against the Russian side on the possible involvement in the murder of Fat. “As for those who are behind the attempts of destabilization, then they should be identified in the course of investigative actions”, — said the representative of the Kremlin. Tolstoy