In Turkey, set a date for a referendum on changing the Constitution

The referendum on amendments to the Turkish Constitution amendments significantly expand the powers of the President, most likely will be held April 16. On Thursday, February 9, Minister of justice Bekir Bozdag, reports Hürriyet Daily News. “This does not mean that the President will give power to he got rid of the Parliament,” he said. According to RIA Novosti, the official date of the plebiscite was announced by the President of the country Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It is expected that he will do it in the coming days. The Minister noted that a large part of the population, in his opinion, will say “Yes” on the ballot, reports TASS. “We will conduct an active campaign. Against the amendments is a dirty game, we will explain everything to people”, — he concluded. As the probable date of the plebiscite was originally called 9 APR. The package of constitutional amendments introduced in

Reuters said on the criticism, trump the start-3 in a conversation with Putin

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump during his first telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin criticized the Treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (start-3), calling it a bad deal for the United States. About it reports on Thursday, 9 February, Reuters, citing sources in Washington. According to interlocutors of Agency, when Putin raised the question about the possibility of extending start-3, signed in 2010, trump interrupted the conversation to inquire of the advisers, of which the contract in question. After that, the US President called the agreement one of the worst, prisoners under his predecessor Barack Obama, expressing the view that benefits from it benefited Russia. The White house declined to comment this information, referring to the official press release about trump’s conversation with Putin in which the discussion of the start-3 was not mentioned. The Kremlin has not yet responded to

Named possible cause of the explosion at a French nuclear power plant

The cause of the explosion and ensuing fire at a nuclear power plant in the French town of Haubourdin (lower Normandy region) could be a short circuit. This is with reference to data of local authorities said on Thursday, February 9, Ouest France. The final conclusion about the causes of the incident should make experts and engineers-nuclear operator Electricite de France (EDF). The explosion in the engine room of the power plant occurred on the morning of 9 February. The accident injured five employees, they were poisoned by carbon monoxide. The fire was quickly localized. Reactor area in the accident received no damage, the risk of radioactive contamination there. For nuclear power plants “Haubourdin” previously it was a variety of incidents. In particular, in October 2012 was discovered a radiation leak inside one of the stopped reactors, which was on maintenance. Evacuation of personnel was conducted.

Trump called McCain a loser

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has published several records on his Twitter, unleashed against Senator John McCain. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 09 February 2017, 13:26 — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 09 February 2017, 13:31 “Senator McCain should not discuss in the media the success or failure of the operation. It only encourages the enemy. He loses so long that I have forgotten how to win. Just look at this mess our country is mired in conflicts around the world,” wrote trump. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 09 February 2017, 13:52 In the latest entry of the American President recalled that the commander of the special forces Ryan Owens, in the words of General Mattis, died in victorious battle, not a lost fight. “For US it’s time to wise up and re-learn how to win!” concluded trump. February 8, Senator John McCain said that the operation conducted by

The source expressed hope to continue the joint struggle of Russia and Turkey with ISIS

Turkey and Russia will continue joint fight against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), despite the incident with the death of Turkish soldiers. It is reported RIA Novosti citing a senior military source in Ankara. “The tragedy occurred, we are extremely saddened. However, we must proceed from the fact that in our region to combat terrorism and for peace, Turkey and Russia must continue to work together, shoulder to shoulder,” — said the Agency interlocutor. Earlier, on 9 February it became known that as a result of inadvertent impact of the Russian HQs caused by the positions of the IG in the town of al-Bab in Syria, killing three Turkish soldiers, 11 were injured. “The representatives of Russia said that there was a mistake in the coordinates of the strike, expressing regret and sympathy to the Turkish side” — quoted by Anatolian Agency the statement of

On suspicion of preparing a terrorist attack in Turkey arrested four militants

Turkish authorities announced the arrest in Gaziantep four militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters. As indicated in a written statement released on behalf of the head of the city administration, the attackers were in a close relationship with the leaders of the IG in Syria and was planning for several major terrorist attacks in Turkey. They seized 24 suicide belt filled with a total of 150 kilograms of explosives, detonators and 2 Kalashnikov. 1 January in the largest city of Turkey Istanbul has been a terrorist attack. An armed man broke into the night club Reina, where tourists celebrated the new year, and opened fire on the visitors. The victims were 39 people, including a Russian citizen Nurana Hasanova. The executor of the attack was a national of Uzbekistan Abdulqadir Masharipov trained in the camp of “al-Qaeda” in Iraq, and

Three Turkish soldiers were killed in unintentional strike of Russian air force

Three Turkish soldiers were killed and 11 injured in unintentional impact of Air and space forces of Russia in the North of Syria, said the General staff of the Turkish armed forces. About it reports Reuters. The incident was one of the topics of the telephone conversation of presidents of Russia and Turkey Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said in the military. The Russian leader expressed his condolences. The parties also agreed to investigate the incident. The blow was struck the morning of 9 February, in which were Turkish security forces. “The representatives of Russia said that there was a mistake in the coordinates of the strike, expressing regret and sympathy to the Turkish side” — quoted by Anatolian Agency the statement of the Turkish General staff. Information about the unintended impact of videoconferencing in Syria was confirmed by the Ministry of defense of Russia, reports RIA Novosti. The

Embassy in Nigeria reported as taken hostage by the Russian sailors

The ship BBC Caribbean Captured by pirates in Nigeria eight sailors from Russia and Ukraine are alive and well. This was reported by RIA Novosti press-attache of the Russian Embassy in Abuja Artem Romanov. To comment further, he refused, citing security concerns. “The Embassy is involved in this situation,” the diplomat added. On 7 February the Russian diplomatic mission in Abuja said that the pirates attacked and captured the ship BBC Caribbean, owned by the Briese group of companies. His side was kidnapped seven Russians and one citizen of Ukraine. Pirates operating near the Nigerian coast, and attacked a foreign court to seize the goods and kidnapping crew members for ransom. As a rule, after long negotiations, the sailors are on the loose, while the amount paid for their release are not known. The latest incident of this kind with the Russian sailors occurred at the end of November 2016.

At nuclear power plants in France, an explosion occurred

Continued: Named the possible cause of the explosion at a French nuclear power plant At a nuclear power plant in the French town of Haubourdin (Basse-Normandie region, North-West of the country), an explosion occurred. It is reported Ouest France. The explosion occurred at 10:00 local time (12:00 GMT) in the engine room, after which there was a fire. Reactor area received no damage. Injured five employees. The administration did not enact a contingency plan in case of accident, as the threat of radioactive contamination there. On-site emergency work, firefighters, medics and other emergency services. October 25, 2012 at nuclear power plants Haubourdin has been a radiation leak inside one of the reactors, which was on maintenance and was completely stopped. Due to the insignificance of the incident, it was decided not to conduct evacuation of personnel.

The foreign Ministry called the possible visit to Moscow Duterte

Rodrigo Duterte In Moscow expect that the President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte will visit Russia closer to the summer. About it to Agency “Interfax” reported Deputy foreign Minister of Russia Igor Morgulov. “The President of Duterte have an invitation to visit Russia this year. I hope it will be implemented in the warm time of the year,” — said the diplomat. In early December of last year came to Moscow the Minister for foreign Affairs of the Philippines Perfecto of Yasai, who held talks with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Then the Yasai noted that Duterte may visit Moscow in the spring of 2017. 28 November 2016, the President of the Philippines has complained of the Russian leader Vladimir Putin on the Russian cold: “President Putin during our meeting said, “we are Waiting for You in Russia.” To which I replied: “thank you very much, Mr. President, but I