The German Dallmeier won the pursuit race at the biathlon world Championships

Laura Dahlmeier German biathlete Laura dahlmeier won the pursuit race at the biathlon world Championships in Hochfilzen. About it the correspondent “”. The race was held on Sunday, February 12. Dallmeier was the distance in 28 minutes, 2.3 seconds. Second to finish came the representative of Belarus Darya Domracheva, who lagged behind the Germans is 11.6 seconds. Third place Soukalova Gabriela from Czech Republic has conceded to the winner of 16.6 seconds. Step away from the medals stopped a Russian citizen Irina Old. She took fourth place with a delay of 35.9 seconds. In the sprint race, held on February 10, won Koukalova. Dallmeier is located on the second line, the third place was occupied by the French anais Chevalier. Old finished 24th. The competitions in Hochfilzen began on 9 February and will run until February 19.

The British defense Secretary, said the environment Raqqa

Michael Fallon Syrian opposition supported by the West, needs to take in the siege of Raqqa, which is the de facto capital of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), “the spring”, followed by the assault on the city. As reported Reuters, said the British defence Secretary Michael Fallon. “I hope that the isolation of [the city] will be completed by the spring, and then can begin the operation to liberate Raqqa itself,” — said the Minister. At the same time, Fallon noticed that Rakka is much less under the control of the ISIS for the Iraqi city of Mosul, which is currently storming the country’s armed forces and the militia. “It is obvious that the IG is very active on the defensive and this means that the operation to liberate Raqqa needs to be very carefully prepared as the operation in Mosul,” he added, expressing confidence

Trump admired the vitality of the daughter

Donald and Ivanka trump The President of the United States Donald trump expressed admiration for his daughter Ivanka against the refusal of retailers to sell items under her brand. The head of state wrote in Twitter. “I’m so proud of his daughter Ivanka. Despite the insults and bad attitude from the media, continues to walk with his head held high. Really amazing!”, — said trump. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 11, 2017, 23:00 On 10 February it became known that the online sales of the brand daughter of an American President Donald trump Ivanka in January fell by 26 percent compared to the same period last year. Under the Ivanka Trump brand produces women’s clothing, shoes and bags. At the beginning of February 2017, a chain of American Department stores Nordstrom has decided to stop selling goods produced under this brand. As reasons were mentioned the low demand. Likewise

In Turkmenistan began presidential elections

Presidential elections began on Sunday, February 12, in Turkmenistan. It is reported by RIA Novosti. Over 2.5 thousand polling stations opened in Turkmenistan at 07:00 local time (05:00 GMT), voting will last until 19:00 (17:00 GMT). Another 39 plots will work at the diplomatic missions of the Republic abroad. Will be able to vote 3.22 million people, the turnout in the elections is missing — they will be declared valid with any voter turnout. The winner will be the candidate who receives more than half of the votes of voters who took part in the vote. For the presidency claimed nine candidates — the largest number in the history of elections in Turkmenistan. A favorite is the incumbent head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. His rivals are the candidate of the Party of Industrialists and entrepreneurs Bekmyrat Atalyev, the representative of the Agrarian party Durdygul Orazov, as well as six of

Trump has promised Japan’s “absolute” support in response to the rocket launch by the DPRK

Shinzo Abe and Donald trump The United States will support Japan, “100 percent”. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump during a special joint briefing with the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the launch of missiles by North Korea. His speech was broadcast to the White house. “I just want to be understood and fully realized: the United States supports Japan, your great ally, 100 percent,” said trump, not becoming to comment on the fact the launch of North Korean missiles. Previously, he also refused to answer a corresponding question of journalists. Abe, in turn, called Pyongyang’s actions are completely unacceptable. “North Korea must comply fully with the resolutions of the UN Security Council”, — he said. The Prime Minister assured that the Union of the United States and Japan will be strengthened, as evidenced by the fact that trump is on the briefing

Trump ignored the question about the launch of North Korean missiles

Donald Tramploline: trump promised Japan’s “absolute” support in response to the rocket launch by the DPRK The President of the United States Donald trump during a joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ignored the question of journalists about the launch of North Korean missiles. About it reports on Sunday, February 12, RIA Novosti. Trump, answering questions of journalists at his estate in Florida where he invited Abe, also did not speak about the attitude to his national security Advisor, Michael Flynn, whom the media accused of discussing with Russia the issue of sanctions, and, whether he intends to watch the next parody of himself in the show, NBC TV. The US President was limited to the story about how spent the day with Abe. “We are very, very good to know each other,” he said. Meanwhile, as Reuters reports, the White house spokesman said that trump informed

Syrian troops backed by Russian space forces destroyed 650 militants near El-Baba

Syrian troops backed by the Russian space forces have destroyed more than 650 terrorists of ISIS (“Islamic state” banned in Russia), freeing the town, Tadef on the outskirts of the city of al-Bab, said the Ministry of defence. On Saturday, February 11, RIA Novosti reported. The Ministry said that due to the release Tadea — the fortified Outpost of fighters near El-Baba, government troops came to the agreed with Turkey the line of demarcation with the Syrian free army. The success of Syrian troops allowed to completely take control of the road to Raqqa, where weapons have been delivered to the gangs of the ISIS in al Bab. In late January, the defense Ministry announced that the Russian air group in Syria and the Turkish air force aircraft during a joint air operation against the terrorist organization “Islamic state” destroyed three control and communication centers of militants in the area

In the Belgian karting center nearly 70 people were poisoned by carbon monoxide

Nearly 70 people were injured from carbon monoxide poisoning in karting centre in Belgium. About it reports on Saturday, 11 February, the newspaper Le Soir. The incident occurred at about 20:00 local time (22:00) GMT in the city of Wavre in the kart centre WiK, the official opening was scheduled for February 14. According to preliminary data, the cause of PE was the failure in the ventilation system. That the air is “unbreathable”, drew the attention of some viewers. The condition of five injured is serious, and 12 as moderate, 50 employees mild poisoning. Victims are sent to various hospitals. Just the time of the incident in the room were about 150 visitors. At the scene working firefighters and rescuers. The Prosecutor’s office of the province of Walloon Brabant launched an investigation which has to establish, whether worked at the kart center, warning system technical faults. January 30, in a

North Korea launched a ballistic missile

Kim Jong-UN monitors the launch of a ballistic missile North Korea launched a ballistic missile towards the sea of Japan. About it reports on Sunday, February 12, the Agency “Yonhap”, citing a statement by the joint chiefs of staff of the Armed forces of South Korea. Rocket of unknown type was launched from the Eastern coast of the province of the airport at 07.55 local time (01.55 GMT). Later, the government of Japan reported that it fell in the sea of Japan, reports TASS. According to the South Korean military, it flew about 500 kilometers. It is assumed that we are talking about ballistic missile “Musudan”, the range of which reaches three thousand kilometers. The DPRK in 2016, has spent more than 20 launches of ballistic missiles and two nuclear tests that violate resolutions of the UN security Council imposed on Pyongyang sanctions. In his new year address to the

Cosmonaut Novitskiy took a picture of the bridge in the Crimea from orbit

Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitsky working in the crew of the International space station, has published in his Instagram a photo of the construction across the Kerch Strait bridge to Crimea, which he did from orbit. Managed to take a photo of the construction of the Crimean Kerch Strait bridge. The scale of the project of the century is impressive even from space! #ISS #мкс50 #cosmos #space #kristinast #kerchenskiye Photo published @novitskiy_iss On 7 February it was reported that the builders of the bridge in the Crimea began the second stage of Assembly of arched spans — installation of arched vaults. They will be installed with a pontoon lawsystem, which is now made on Sevmorzavod in Sevastopol. It is planned that in late summer of 2017 designs will be ready to launch lawsystem, the transport of water and setting over the sea in the Kerch Strait. Arch spans will rise 35