The media called the true cause of the failure of Merkel on a meeting with Netanyahu

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to Haaretz newspaper, refused a joint summit with Prime Minister Netanyahu because of the law on the legalization of Jewish settlements in the disputed territories. This was reported on the newspaper’s website. Close to diplomatic circles, the source explained to the newspaper that the German side is very unhappy adopted by the Knesset (Parliament) by law, and uses all possible channels to demonstrate your reaction. While the official reason for the cancellation is scheduled for may 10 meeting in Jerusalem is supposed to be scheduled for September elections in Germany. Meeting of heads of governments of the two countries for the last several years are held annually, alternately in Berlin, then in Jerusalem. In the framework of meetings at the level of heads of government and Ministers, as well as one General meeting of Cabinet. The purpose of the summits is to emphasize

In Belgium for the first time condemned the executioner the “Islamic state”

A Belgian court sentenced to 28 years in prison have returned to the country of militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Monday, February 13, according to RTL. During the hearings it was established that 24-the summer native of the city of Vilvoorde E. Hakim was an active member of the IG and participated in the fighting in Syria. In 2014, the defendant was directly involved in the execution of the hostage, who beheaded. A video of the massacre a terrorist posted on the web. Later this recording helped to identify the perpetrator and bring him to justice after returning to Belgium. According to RTL, the court verdict was the first handed down in relation to the terrorist who committed the crime in the combat zone and returned to the country. Five other defendants in the case were acquitted for lack of evidence. On

In Mexico city spoke about being expelled from the United States Mexicans

Louis Videgaray The number deported from USA migrants, Mexicans in recent years has not increased. This was stated in a televised interview, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Mexico Luis Videgaray, reports Reuters Monday, February 13. At the same time the Minister has noticed that his fellow citizens were about three times more likely to call the Consulate after coming to power in the US President Donald trump. Videgaray noticed that the number of applicants for clarification “is growing exponentially”. The Minister also said that in recent years in the United States, law enforcement officers often conduct operations against illegal immigrants. In early February in Washington was scheduled to meet the presidents of the two countries, however, the Mexican leader has suddenly cancelled his visit to the United States. It happened after trump took the first steps to implement the plan of construction of a wall along the border with

Four people were killed in an avalanche in the French Alps

Nine people were under the rubble as a result of avalanches in the French Alps (Savoie region). It is reported BFMTV on Monday, February 13. The alarm came in at 11:00 local time (13:00 GMT). About an hour later at an altitude of 2100 meters, the rescuers managed to locate a group of four skiers. As noted, two of them were dead, the survivors were taken to the hospital, one of them is in intensive care. The TV station says that they went skiing outside of trails. At the same time, local newspaper Dauphiné Libéré reports at least four dead. Search another five people continue. The operation involved helicopters and the group of climbers-rescuers. 6 February it was reported that the victims of a descent of several avalanches in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan were more than 100 people. The largest number of deaths was noted in Nuristan

Sociologists predicted the defeat of marine Le Pen in the French presidential election

Marine Le Pen The presidential candidate of France’s far-right party “national front” marine Le Pen defeated in the second round. This is evidenced by the survey company Opinionway, which publishes Reuters. While Le Pen can garner the most votes in the first round. According to experts Opinionway, in the first round of voting, she will enlist the support of 26 percent of voters, centrist Emmanuel macron — 22, and the right politician françois Fillon — 21. In the second round are him and Le Pen. Then, as experts say, the Makron will pass his rival, gaining 68 percent of the vote. Makron has gained popularity amid a scandal involving the wife of françois Fillon — Penelope, and their children. It was noted that the family visit was a fictitious work, including as assistants during the work of the head of household in the Parliament. The total amount of illegally received

Russia called the rocket launch the DPRK’s flagrant disregard for the resolutions of the UN security Council

The Russian foreign Ministry described the missile launch, North Korea carried out on 12 February this year, as another “defiant disregard for the requirements of the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council”. This is stated in comments posted on the foreign Ministry website. As stated in the document, in this context, urge all parties concerned to stay calm, to refrain from actions leading to further escalation of tension. “Believe in the inevitability of resolving the problems of the Korean Peninsula, including nuclear, the only possible — the politico-diplomatic means,” — said in a statement. Earlier, on 13 February, the South Korean authorities have declared that do not exclude the possibility to hold their own launches of ballistic missiles with a range of 300 and 500 kilometers in response to the test Northern neighbors. A day earlier, North Korea had launched a ballistic missile Pukguksong-2 (“Pukhansan-2”, “Severnaya Zvezda-2”) medium-range class

The UK called for discussion of the Syrian Constitution in Geneva

In London believe that the Russian draft of a new Syrian Constitution should be discussed in the framework of the Geneva talks. This was stated by the special representative of great Britain on Syria Gareth Bailey in an interview with RIA Novosti. A British diplomat confirmed that you have read the Russian version of the document. “I believe that the Syrians themselves should decide against him in the course of negotiations in Geneva under the auspices of the UN,” added the special envoy. January 29, was disclosed the details of the Russian draft of the new Constitution of Syria. In particular, it States that the Syrian state should be based on the principles of democracy, rule of law and equality before him, and the only source of power must be the “multinational and multi-confessional Syrian people”. On 27 January it was reported that another round of consultations on the Syrian

In Moscow, outlined the purpose of new negotiations on Syria in Astana

Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhail Bogdanov has identified the main objective of new negotiations on the Syrian settlement, which will be held in Astana. About it reports “Interfax” . “The problem is still the same, to strengthen the cessation of hostilities on the basis of the provisions signed between the government of the Syrian Arab Republic and the armed opposition,” — said the diplomat. He also added that the upcoming meeting can take part of the Jordanian delegation and the UN and the us delegation in the new structure. Of new negotiations on Syria (will be the second round) scheduled for February 15-16. The first meeting in the capital of Kazakhstan was held on 23-24 January. As a result of the consultations, Russia, Iran and Turkey agreed to establish a tripartite mechanism for monitoring observance of the truce in Syria. The representative of the Syrian opposition Mohammed

North Korea announced the successful test of a ballistic missile

Pyongyang announced that it carried 12 Feb tests of new ballistic missiles were successful. On Monday, February 13, reports “Yonhap”, citing the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA). While North Korea claims that it has managed to test the possibility of equipping a projectile with a nuclear warhead and its ability to evade interception. On 12 February, the joint chiefs of staff of the Armed forces of South Korea reported the DPRK conducted from the ground in the province’s Do the start-up of ballistic missiles Pukguksong-2 (“Pukhansan-2”, “Severnaya Zvezda-2”) medium-range class “Musudan”. She flew about 500 kilometers and fell into the sea of Japan. In testing was attended by North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. In 2016, North Korea carried out more than 20 launches of ballistic missiles and two nuclear tests, which violate the resolutions of the UN security Council. Subsequently, the security Council imposed on Pyongyang sanctions.

Seoul is thinking about retaliatory missile after missile tests by Pyongyang

The Republic of Korea is studying the possibility of launching ballistic missiles as a retaliatory measure on the DPRK carried out the test. On Monday, February 13, reports “Yonhap”, citing sources in South Korean defense Ministry. According to them, Seoul is thinking about the launch of short-range missiles Hyunmoo-2A (capable of hitting targets at a distance of 300 kilometers) or Hyunmoo-2B extended range (500 kilometers). In addition, does not exclude the testing of new ballistic missiles with a range of up to 800 kilometers, it could launch pre-emptive strikes on any nuclear and missile facilities of North Korea. The development of such weapons reached its final stage, the army of the Republic of Korea it can do this year. On 12 February, the DPRK announced the successful launch of a ballistic medium-range missiles in the sea of Japan. In testing was attended by North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. In connection