British defense Minister accused Russia of attempts to split the NATO

Michael Fallon Russia is trying to destabilize the West and NATO, including through the media. This was stated in an interview with Sky News, the British defense Secretary Michael Fallon. “Russia is trying to destabilize the West is trying to divide the Alliance. One of the key points today is that the Alliance understands the need to unite in the fight against all these threats. Whether it’s terrorism, Russian aggression, cyber threats, the Alliance needs to stay one”, — said the Minister. Fallon again accused Russia of meddling in elections in France and Bulgaria, as well as the fact that Moscow is carrying out a “soft propaganda” in the United Kingdom through the “channel, which it has in the UK and through the news agencies, it has the impact on the UK”. On 15 February, the Pentagon chief James Mattis meeting with defense Ministers of countries-members of NATO declared that

The WSJ reported cover-up of U.S. intelligence from trump

Donald Trump A senior American intelligence officers concealed from the President of the United States Donald trump methods of gathering information and its sources. According to The Wall Street Journal. As writes the edition, in particular, refers to methods of spying on foreign heads of state. The practice of hiding the source existed before, this was done to protect it. However, in any case, until the leadership of the country had the content of the reports. As explained anonymous sources, now from the head of state was withholding “important information about threats in the sphere of security and potential conspiracies”. According to WSJ, it is unclear how many times U.S. intelligence agencies have held back important data intended for the first person of the state. February 14 the New York Times, citing sources wrote that “members of the presidential campaign of Donald trump and other people from his entourage repeatedly

Fox News reported on the visit to Moscow came under UN sanctions Iranian General

Qassem Soleimani (left) Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, commander of the special forces “Quds” as part of the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps, paid a visit to Russia in circumvention of the UN sanctions. With this statement made by Wednesday, February 15, Fox News, citing intelligence sources of the United States. According to the channel, Soleimani arrived in Moscow on Wednesday for meetings with “senior Russian officials” whose names are not given. During the talks, according to Fox News, General expressing his dissatisfaction with the strengthening of Russia’s relations with Saudi Arabia, which is hostile to Iran’s government. It supposedly will go on the economic contacts between Moscow and Riyadh and some arms deals. The resolution 1747 of the UN security Council from 2007, which imposed sanctions against Iran in response to its nuclear program, prohibits members of an international organization to take Soleimani or to allow him to transit. The visit

Arrested a second suspect in the murder of his brother, Kim Jong-UN

Malaysian police detained a second suspect in connection with the murder of Kim Jong-Nam’s — half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. About it reports on Thursday, February 16, the news Agency Bernama, citing local police. The inspector General of police of Malaysia Khalid Abu Bakar confirmed the arrest of a woman, presumably related to the crime. Other information he has provided. Earlier on the murder of Kim Jong Nam, was detained a citizen of Myanmar, Doan thi Huong (Huong Doan Thi). She was captured at the airport of Kuala Lumpur. As expected, on Thursday she will appear before the court. South Korean newspaper The Chosun Ilbo, meanwhile, reported that the autopsy of Kim Jong Nam has revealed evidence of poisoning by virulent poison. Presumably, the substance with which he was killed by the brother of the leader of North Korea, more toxic than potassium cyanide. Information about the murder

The WSJ learned about the US intention to create a coalition against Iran

The administration of U.S. President Donald trump discusses with the governments of several Arab States, the creation of a military Alliance directed against Iran. About it reports on Wednesday, February 15, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), citing sources in the middle East. According to the newspaper, the coalition can enter Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Jordan, and later several other States. The agreement will contain a provision stating that an attack on one member is considered as aggression against all other members of the Alliance (the provision on mutual defence, similar to what applies to NATO — approx. “Of the”). The United States and Israel, according to the WSJ, are members of the Union, but Washington is willing to give him weapons and intelligence information. Tel Aviv is also limited to intelligence, talking about his involvement in a possible ground operation is not. Saudi Arabia and the UAE,

California authorities called the cost of the emergency repair of the dam

Work to prevent the destruction of the emergency dam in Oroville (California, USA) will cost the state in 100-200 million dollars. On Wednesday, February 15, said Director of the California Department of water resources bill Crowley, the Associated Press reports. According to officials, emergency crews working around the clock, the operations involved heavy construction equipment and helicopters. In an emergency, the collector dropped 1200 tons of material — stones, gravel and soil to prevent erosion of the dam by flood waters. As explained by Crowley, the plan for repairs is being developed, but has to be started only after the spring floods. Earlier in the day, the President of the United States Donald trump has declared a state of emergency in California because of the threat of a dam break on lake Oroville. Trump also ordered the Department of homeland security and Federal emergency management USA (FEMA) to coordinate their

In Congress introduced prohibiting Trump to lift the sanctions bill

The bill, which would allow to veto the President’s decision of Donald trump to lift the sanctions against Russia, introduced in the house of representatives and the U.S. Senate. About it reports on Thursday, February 16, RIA Novosti. According to the document, for any lifting or easing of sanctions requires revision period lasting 120 days. The President will take steps only in the absence of prohibiting the resolution by the Congress. In addition, the document gives the force of law, decrees of the President Barack Obama to impose sanctions against Russia. To cancel the restrictions imposed by Congress, requires the consent of the legislators. For lifting or easing sanctions, the U.S. President must give Congress a written justification of such a step. In particular, we will need confirmation of the fact that “the government of Russia has stopped operations in Ukraine, and cyber attacks against the Americans.” The authors of

The state Department said that it was premature lifting of sanctions with Russia

Rex Tillerson and Donald trump To talk about lifting sanctions from Russia in the early United States are going to reach a unified position on this issue with the European Union. As reported RIA Novosti, said on Wednesday, February 15, U.S. state Department spokesman. “The President [Donald trump] said that it is too early to speak about lifting sanctions [against Russia], so we seek solidarity with Europe on a series of measures, which we have agreed,” — said the diplomat. The state Department spokesperson also confirmed that the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov and new US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson will hold full-fledged negotiations in Bonn during a meeting of foreign Ministers of countries participating in the G20, reports TASS. During the meeting, according to the diplomat, will discuss “the entire global agenda.” While Tillerson intends to seek “the path of pragmatic and constructive cooperation in

Date set for next round of the Geneva talks on Syria

Deraa, Syria The UN special envoy on Syria Staffan de Mistura officially confirmed the postponement of the start of inter-Syrian talks in Geneva from 20 to 23 February. This was stated by the special representative of the President of Russia SAR, Alexander Lavrentyev, reports “Interfax”. The head of the Russian delegation noted that the UN representatives participated in the consultations in Astana, and expressed full support to the talks. “They are considering “the format of the Astana” Astana process as a very important component of the inter-Syrian settlement and hope for good results that will help launch a political process in Geneva area”, — said the Lavrentiev. He also confirmed the readiness to provide full support for the talks in Geneva. 15-16 February in Astana there is another round of consultations and negotiations in the framework of the Astana process to resolve the situation in Syria. On 27 January Minister

The Pentagon chief called for a dialogue with Russia from a position of strength

James Mattis Negotiations with Russia must lead from a position of strength. As reported by CNN, said Wednesday, February 15, the Pentagon chief James Mattis meeting with defense Ministers of countries-members of NATO. “We remain open to opportunities to restore cooperation with Moscow, but at the same time, realistic in their expectations and recommendations of our diplomats to negotiate from a position of strength,” said Mattis. As noted by the head of the Pentagon, despite attempts to communicate with Moscow, NATO must be prepared to defend yourself in the case that “Russia wants to act contrary to international law”. At the same time, he added that, “like the darkest days of the cold war, the United States remains willing to maintain open channels for political cooperation and de-escalation of tension”. In mid-January Mattis, who was then the candidate for Minister of defense, called Russia the main threat to the United