Japanese journalist told about the identity of the murdered brother, Kim Jong-UN

Kim Jong Us Japanese journalist Yoji Gomi (Gomi Yoji) revealed details about the identity of the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, who was killed at the airport in Kuala Lumpur a few days ago. On Friday, February 17, writes The Telegraph. In 2012, Gomi published a book, which draws on personal interviews and electronic correspondence with victims, and fresh comments from the reporter publishes the Japanese newspaper Tokyo Shimbun. According to the journalist, Kim Jong Us even before departure from North Korea advocated reforms in the country. Later, he also repeatedly expressed confidence that the North Korean regime without change, will collapse, and Kim Jong-UN will not last long at the head of the Republic. At the same time, Gomi argues that Kim Jong Us has never seen with his younger brother, and during personal interviews, when it came to the DPRK leadership, “he was sweating and he

Spanish Princess Cristina acquitted in the case of financial fraud

Inaki Urdangarin Spanish Princess Cristina is justified in the case of financial fraud of the spouse. It is reported by El Mundo on Friday, February 17. Nevertheless, the Infanta Cristina, who was accused of aiding and abetting financial crimes of her husband, must pay a fine in the amount of 265 thousand Euro as its social commitments. This is the first case when a member of the Royal house of Spain has appeared on a dock. While Princess husband Inaki Urdangarin and his associate Diego Torres was found guilty on several counts: forgery, fraud and theft of public funds. According to the court, Urdangarin sentenced to six years and three months months in prison and a fine in the amount of 512 thousand euros, and Torres was sentenced to eight and a half years. According to prosecutors, the defendants urged the administration of various cities, as well as the authorities

Kiev has accused Russia of involvement in organized by veterans of the ATO the blockade of Donbass

Pavlo Rozenko The Deputy head of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Pavlo Rozenko saw the blockade of Donbass, organized by Ukrainian radicals, “a hand of Moscow”. About it reports TV channel “112 Ukraine”. “We need to talk to the people who organized the blockade. For I am convinced that most people blindly use (…). And today Russia is using them in the fight against the Ukrainian state,” — suggested the Deputy Prime Minister. From February 17 in Ukraine during the month there is a state of emergency in the energy sector. State company “Ukrenergo” received the right rolling blackouts and regulation of schedules of emergency shutdowns. A day earlier, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a decree on the decision of problems of the coal blockade. The government is instructed to take comprehensive measures to diversify sources of coal supplies and the creation of a reserve of

In Xinjiang held a parade to intimidate the separatists

Authorities the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region (XUAR) of China held a parade to intimidate the local terrorists and separatists. About it reports Reuters. The event was held in the city of Hotan in the southern region, which is one of the mainstays of the Uighur independence fighters. The parade was attended by thousands of armed policemen and men of the volunteer Pro-government groups. As explained by party leaders Xinjiang, the event is designed to demonstrate to separatists the strength of the Chinese law enforcement agencies. “With watchful vigilance, and the constant pressure on terrorists, we have them cornered, and now they’re desperate fighting without hope of salvation,” — described the situation of the Chairman of the local party Committee, Zhu Hailun. Xinjiang is located in Northwest of China. In the region there are Islamic radicals, mostly ethnic Uighurs fighting for an independent state of East Turkestan. As a result of

The Pakistani military conducted a campaign of retaliation after the terrorist attack in Sehwan-Sharif

The Pakistani military has conducted several large-scale counter-terrorism operations across the country. The raids were a response to the attack, which occurred on February 16 in Sehwan-Sharif in Sindh. It is reported Associated Press with reference to local police sources. The attack of special forces in the city of Karachi killed 11 suspected terrorists. During another operation, the military came under fire from militants and retaliatory fire killed seven of them. Representatives of the security service of Pakistan reported that total in different regions of the country were destroyed by terrorists 39, 47, was arrested. February 16, in the Pakistani city of Sehwan-Sharif attack occurred. During evening prayer in the main hall in the Shrine of Lal Shahbaz, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in which killed 75 people, injured dozens. Responsibility for the incident was assumed banned in the Russian terrorist group “Islamic state”. Three days earlier in

Kazakhstan’s foreign Ministry announced the postponement of the start date of talks on Syria in Astana

Negotiations on de-escalation of the conflict in Syria will begin in Astana on February 16. The message on Wednesday, February 15, posted on the Agency’s website. “The beginning of the next high-level meeting in the framework of the Astana process to resolve the situation in Syria is postponed to 12:00 hours February 16, 2017,” — says the publication. However, the head of the press service of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Anuar of Jainakov told RIA Novosti on is scheduled for February 15, the working meetings between the participants of the talks on Syria. “The bilateral meetings scheduled for today,” he explained, without specifying what the meeting is about. The next meeting in the framework of the Astana process on the situation in the Arab Republic planned to hold in the capital of Kazakhstan on 15-16 February. On the evening of 13 February, Syrian state television has informed

The Italian foreign Minister will discuss with Tillerson the U.S. position on anti-Russian sanctions

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Italy Angelino Alfano announced plans to discuss with Secretary Rex Tillerson, the U.S. position on the anti-Russian sanctions. On Thursday, February 16, reported the Agency ANSA. According to the head of the Ministry, during the talks with his us counterpart, he will try a more detailed insight in the matter. “It is too easy to say that the new US administration has changed the approach to the issue of sanctions, there were a lot of rash judgments about the foreign policy of the new President of the country (Donald trump — approx. “Of the tape.ru”), “—said the Minister. Meeting Alfano and Tillerson will be held on the sidelines of the two-day summit of foreign Ministers of G20 countries “Big twenty”, which began in the German city of Bonn on February 16. The same Alfano plans to hold talks with the foreign Minister of Russia

WikiLeaks reported about the spying the CIA for French politicians

WikiLeaks reported on the surveillance by the Central intelligence Agency (CIA) for the French politicians during the presidential election in a European country in 2012. The corresponding statement is available on the organization’s website. As indicated in the document, the collection of information was carried out against the leading political parties: Socialist, Party for national unity (now Republican party), National front, as well as the leaders of these associations and presidential candidates Francois Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy, marine Le Pen and other politicians. The Americans were interested in the mood within the party, relations with business circles, sources of financing, including from abroad. Also, according to WikiLeaks, CIA officers received the instruction to establish the content of private conversations of President Nicolas Sarkozy, his attitude towards other candidates and the contents of instructions to assistants and advisors. In addition, American intelligence agencies were interested in the electoral potential of those or

In the air strikes on suburbs of the capital of Yemen killed 9 women and a child

Archive photo In the heart of the capital of Yemen, Sana’a, in an attack by coalition aircraft, led by Saudi Arabia, killing nine women and a child, injured dozens. About it reports Reuters with reference to locals. The blow was struck on Wednesday evening, February 16, in the village of Ashira North of Sana’a home of tribal leader allied with the movement of the housetop. There were people at the memorial ceremony for the dead woman. As one of the witnesses, the people heard the sound of planes and started to run out of the house. The bomb hit directly in the building, the roof caved in. The coalition stated that it had begun investigating reports of casualties in the area. 8 October 2016, the coalition attacked a funeral procession in Sana’a, killing more than 200 people, more than 500 injured. Saudi Arabia informally acknowledged that the strike took part

Media in the United States have disagreed regarding a case against Flynn

Michael Flynn The American media have disagreed on the possibility of a case against former adviser to the U.S. President for national security Michael Flynn. Thus, the sources of The Washington Post (WP) allowed the prosecution, as during the FBI interrogation he gave a false testimony about the conversation with the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergei Kislyak. CNN interlocutors expressed doubt that the outcome of events. 16 Feb WP newspaper reported that in late January the Federal Bureau of investigation questioned Flynn about his conversation with Kislyak, who said that not talking with the Russian Ambassador about the sanctions, allegedly not true. The publication notes that perjury is a serious offense, however, the decision to prosecute will be taken by the Ministry of justice. According to sources of the newspaper, to prove the guilt would be relatively easy, because Flynn “might try to conduct a detailed analysis of the definition