The Russian foreign Ministry called for the creation of a single global database of terrorists

Oleg Syromolotov Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Oleg Syromolotov said there are three main areas of combating international terrorism. He told this in an interview with The Jerusalem Post. “First, you need to create a common international database with a list of foreign terrorists and militants. Secondly, you need to create a system of monitoring their movements. And, thirdly, it is necessary to simplify the issuance of foreign terrorists and fighters from one country to another because now this procedure is quite long,” — said the diplomat. According to him, there is a real threat of terrorist seizure of new territories in the so-called “zone of instability” stretching from Central Africa to South-East Asia. As an example, Syromolotov called Libya, where chaos reigns, and which became the center of attraction for a variety of terrorist elements. On 1 February the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov

A school friend spoke about the paranoia of Kim Jong-Nam

Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of the leader of North Korea, the last few years of his life spent in a paranoid state, avoiding the established Kim Jong-UN regime and struggling with a sense of powerlessness about the future of their country. As writes on Tuesday, February 21, the British newspaper the Guardiаn talk about it who knew his men. A close friend of Kim Jong-Nam believes that could destroy the independence of views. According to Anthony Sahakian, who studied with the deceased in a prestigious international school in Switzerland, over the past two years he always came to Geneva and friends regularly meet there. They last met about a month ago. During these visits former classmates almost every day together, drank coffee and walked around. According to Sahakyan, Kim Jong-Nam has lived with the assurance that after their father Kim Jong Il died in 2011, the younger brother may consider it

UNICEF has warned of the possible deaths of 1.4 million children from hunger

Saana, Yemen International emergency children’s Fund UN (UNICEF) warned about the possible death by starvation of 1.4 million children in four countries: South Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen. Data are published by BFMTV. According to conclusions of experts, in Yemen suffer from malnutrition 462 thousands of children in Nigeria, their number reached 450 thousand. Because of the drought in Somalia on the brink of starvation was 185 thousand babies in a few months the number could increase to 270 thousand. As many children are starving in South Sudan. UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lyke stated the need for rapid intervention to prevent tragedy. “We can still save many of them,” he said. On 27 January, the coordinator for emergency UN Stephen O’brien said that the ongoing military conflict in Yemen threatens to cause the largest scale in the modern world hunger. According to officials, about 10 million people in the country

In new York the Teens fell through the ice while trying to take a group selfie

In new York, at least seven teenagers fell through the ice as a result of attempts to share a selfie on a frozen pond. On Tuesday, February 21, reports the New York Post. The incident occurred on the evening of February 20 in Central Park at the pond, located near the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 59th street. “The guys played. Some insisted that it was dangerous, others were asked to step on the ice. In the end, they all got together and decided to do a selfie. But at this moment the ice broke and they fell into the water,” — said the publication of 15-year-old coming from Paraguay Maya Ramirez. According to eyewitnesses, in a dangerous undertaking participated teenagers from 10 to 15 years. To help them ran a few guys are older, but they eventually also had to save. “With the guys all right. They have hypothermia

UN Secretary-General expressed his condolences in connection with the death Churkin

António Guterres UN Secretary-General antónio Guterres expressed his condolences in connection with the death of the Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, according to RIA Novosti. “I have just returned to new York and was shocked and saddened to learn of the sudden death of Russia’s permanent representative Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin, the distinguished diplomat,” reads the statement of the Secretary General. “Despite the fact that we just served together, I greatly appreciated the opportunity to work with him and I will miss his understanding of the situation, skill and friendship,” he said. “I pay tribute to his contribution to the UN and offer our deepest condolences to his family, relatives, the government and people of Russia”, — said the Secretary General. Guterres arrived in new York from Germany, where he participated in Ministerial meetings in Bonn and the conference on security in Munich. Earlier, the UN Security Council adopted a statement in

In Rome, a street vendor has bitten a policeman in the confiscation of the goods

In Rome the police over the weekend conducted a series of activities, “tourist” orientation, whose task was to enforce laws in this area. About it reports on Tuesday, February 21, RIA Novosti with reference to the municipal police Department. During one of the raids near the Vatican city, a street vendor from Senegal, trying to prevent the confiscation of goods, has bitten a policeman. The militiaman was sent to the hospital, the assailant was arrested. All the sellers on the streets were seized about seven thousand items. In the North-East of Rome, two men dressed as centurions who earn at taking pictures with tourists, was fined 400 euros. In addition, the guards took them simulated armor. In addition, the police staged a RAID against illegal Parking attendants and gave them about 2 million of fines of approximately 82 thousand euros. In December 2016 the authority of Rome banned the activities

Trump’s lawyer has denied the fact of transfer to the White house “peace plan” for Ukraine

Michael Cohen The personal lawyer of the President of the United States Donald trump Michael Cohen has admitted in an interview with NBC News that he had met privately in new York with the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrey Artemenko. However, Cohen denied the allegations of the newspaper the New York Times that he was handed the plan of settlement of the Ukrainian conflict, which he had taken Michael Flynn, who was then an adviser to the President on issues of national security. Cohen said that a former associate of trump Felix Seyter asked him to come to a meeting in new York last month, which brought the Ukrainian parliamentarian. “I recognize that a brief meeting had taken place, but categorically denied that he had discussed this subject, or pass any documents to the White house and General Flynn,” said Cohen, adding that he had not seen

The UN security Council adopted a statement in connection with the death Churkin

The UN Security Council adopted a statement in connection with the death of Russia’s permanent representative at the world organization Vitaly Churkin. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “The members of the Security Council expressed deep condolences to the family of the permanent representative, the government and people of the Russian Federation”, — stated in the document approved on Monday evening, February 20. “Council members mourn after who spent over forty years in the diplomatic service of Russia, headed the mission of the country at the UN for more than ten years, and that February 21 would have turned 65 years”, — said in a statement. Churkin died in new York at the age of 64 years. According to the newspaper The New York Times, in the morning he felt unwell because of “heart problems”, the death was caused by a heart attack. Churkin held the post of Russia’s envoy

Dozens of young people staged riots in Stockholm

In Stockholm in the area Rinkeby several dozens of young people rioted, the newspaper Aftonbladet. Unknown on Monday evening, February 20, eight burned cars and smashed shops. Beaten two people, including the owner of one of the commercial establishments. When the police arrived, the rioters started throwing stones at them. Law enforcement officers were forced to fire warning shots. One of them was injured — he got a stone thrown by hand. According to the representative of the Metropolitan police Lars Postrema only had two episodes of unrest, they were both attended by about 30-40 people. The police did not detain anyone. Open an investigation under article “Riots” and “violence against officials”. As noted by RIA Novosti, in the center Rinkeby home to many immigrants. — Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) February 20, 2017, 23:29 On the night of 21 October in the Swedish capital burned down the refugee reception centre.

Died, Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vitaly Churkin

Vitaly Corkindale: media called the cause of death Churkin Permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin has died in new York at the age of 64 years. This February 20 reported the Russian foreign Ministry. “The Russian foreign Ministry with a deep regret informs that on 20 February, the day before your 65th birthday, in new York, died suddenly permanent representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vitaly Churkin, — said in a statement. — An outstanding Russian diplomat died in working post. We Express to the families and friends of Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin deep condolences.” Vitaly Churkin joined the diplomatic service in 1974 and in 1992 became Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia. From 1994 to 1998 he was Ambassador of Russia to Belgium, permanent representative to NATO. He subsequently held the post of Ambassador to Canada, Ambassador for special assignments. April 2006 — permanent