The house of Commons of the British Parliament approved the analogue of “Magnitsky act”

The house of Commons of the British Parliament approved the amendments to the bill that expand the authority of the government against human rights violators and similar “Magnitsky act”, in force in the United States. About it reports The Independent. Amendments to the bill in which 50 MPs from eight political parties, allows the government to block the assets of those property owners in the UK who violates human rights in any country of the world. If the fault of the owner is proved, he may impose economic sanctions and a ban from entering the United Kingdom. In the case of approval of the bill by the house of lords, the UK will become the third country in the world to use the name of Magnitsky to the development and imposition of sanctions, said RIA Novosti. Besides the U.S., such a law will also apply from 2016 in Estonia. In

Independent American cinema planned “kinoprocess” against trump

Many independent American cinemas have decided to protest against the policies of President Donald trump resuming the screening of the film “1984” by George Orwell. About it reports The Independent. The reason for the dissatisfaction of owners of steel including projects to reduce funding of artistic creation and liquidation of the National endowment for the arts. Orwell’s novel “1984” was first published in 1949. The book is written in the genre of dystopia (considered to be one of the major works of the genre). The events unfold in 1984, after a nuclear war. The protagonist Winston Smith attempts to resist established totalitarian regime. Based on the novel was filmed movies, as well as two films in 1956 and 1984. It later will demonstrate American cinema. The beginning of shows scheduled for April. On 26 January it was reported that sales of Orwell’s books in the United States reached record levels.

Tillerson Lavrov expressed condolences in connection with death Churkin

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson expressed during a telephone conversation with Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov condolences following the passing away permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin. This was announced on Tuesday, February 21, the press service of the foreign Ministry. “On behalf of the U.S. Secretary of state expressed deep condolences over the untimely death of the permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin, who knew many of the Americans”, — is spoken in the message. In addition, the parties exchanged views “on topical issues of international agenda and bilateral relations.” The conversation, as noted in the foreign Ministry, was initiated by the USA. Earlier condolences on the passing Churkin expressed the United States Ambassador in Moscow John Tefft, US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley and her predecessor, Samantha Power. In particular, Haley noted

The US representative to the UN told about the fate of relations between Moscow and Washington

Nikki Haley The U.S. and Russia could improve relations, but this will not happen if the restoration of ties will hurt European allies of Washington. This was stated by the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley, her words RIA Novosti. “The United States believes that Russia can have the best relationship. We are, after all, are opposed by many common threats. But closer cooperation with Moscow can not be achieved at the expense of the security of our friends and allies from Europe,” she said, speaking at a meeting of the Security Council of an international organization. During his speech, Haley also urged Moscow to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and stressed that sanctions against Russia will not be lifted until the full implementation of the Minsk agreements. In her view, Russia’s decision on provisional recognition of documents issued on uncontrollable Kiev territories of Ukraine

Iran has banned private drones flying over Tehran

The Iranian authorities announced the use of private unmanned aerial vehicles in the territory of Tehran outside the law. From this point a license for the use of drones will only be issued to public authorities and not to individuals. About it reports The Independent. At least two drone was shot down after crossing the forbidden zone. “Quadcopters equipped with cameras and can fly over the city, filming everything on video and at any moment can be undermined by the enemy,” said Ali Reza Rabi, Deputy commander of the Islamic revolution guards Corps (IRGC). In December last year, the government shot down a drone belonging to Iranian state television, after he entered a no-fly zone near the office of Supreme leader Ali Khamenei. Unmanned aerial vehicles are widely used by the us military in the middle East. 4 Dec 2012 the revolutionary guard announced the interception of an unmanned device

The United States froze military aid to the Syrian opposition

The American authorities have ceased to provide aid money and weapons to the armed Syrian opposition. About it reports Reuters. Representatives of the rebels explained that the official reason was not made public, but in January the opposition forces suffered a large-scale attack by Islamists, who took control of a part delivered from the United States weapons and money. According to the commanders of the opposition forces in Washington fear that the jihadists will be able to take over with modern American weapons. Two sources in the ruling circles of the USA to the conversation with the Agency said that the suspension of aid is not associated with the coming to power of President Donald trump. Reuters notes that moderate rebels remain strong in military terms, a party to the conflict, however, supported by the Arab monarchies of the Islamists are still more powerful. This is because the assistance that

Le Pen refused to meet with the mufti of Lebanon because of the demand to throw the handkerchief

Marine Le Pen The leader of the National front (NF) and candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen refused a meeting with the Supreme mufti of Lebanon due to the requirement to cover with a handkerchief over the head. About it reports Reuters. “You may convey my respects to the Supreme mufti, but I’m not on ourselves to throw,” said Le Pen. The press service of the religious figure said that aides of the French policy was in advance informed of the need to wear a hat for the meeting. Le Pen is visiting Lebanon, where he held talks with local politicians. According to public opinion polls, the head NF the lead in the presidential race, picking up in the first round of 27 percent of the vote. However, during the second stage, Le Pen will lose one of the two candidates: Francois Fillon from the party the Republicans

On the coast of Libya found the bodies of 74 of migrants

On the beach near the Libyan city of Zawiya found the bodies of 74 of migrants. About it reports Reuters. By words a press-the Secretary of the local branch of the red Crescent Mohammed al-Misrati, all the victims are natives from African countries South of the Sahara. Of the cause of death not reported. The Libyan coast is the main starting point for most migrants trying to reach Europe via the Mediterranean sea. On 3 February between the EU and Libya signed an agreement under which the territory of the North African country will be created camps for refugees funded by the EU. As follows from the agreement, the migrant will stay in the camps until “until they are deported or voluntarily agree to return to the country from which the profit”. The transaction was approved by all European leaders: they hope that this will help stop the flow of

American diplomats expressed sorrow in connection with the death Churkin

John Tefft The U.S. Ambassador in Moscow John Tefft expressed his condolences in connection with death, permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin. “Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin”, — quotes RIA Novosti statement of the Embassy. “During my brief stay at the UN Ambassador Churkin has shown itself as a helpful colleague. We don’t always see things the same way, but it is certainly skillfully defended the position of his country. Our prayers and condolences we support his family and the people of Russia”, — said the U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley. Your condolences have been expressed by former U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power. “Devastated [by the news] death of the Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin. Maestro of diplomacy and deeply caring person, he did everything possible to overcome the differences between the US and

The Turkish military has reported the destruction of 44 militants

HOMS The Turkish military killed in Syria per day 44 militant terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported by the Anadolu news Agency, citing data from the General staff of the Turkish armed forces. The objects of the IG was applied 109 strikes from land and air. In which regions was carried out the bombing, not specified. The most fierce fighting for several months was near the town of al-Bab. 16 Feb Turkish media reported about the liberation of the village from the militants, but at the same time came the message about the continuation of the city street fighting. Turkey spends more than six months in Syria “operation Shield of the Euphrates”. The main goal of the mission — the destruction in the neighboring territories of the militants and the liberation of the occupied settlements. In addition, the military has been tasked to oust