Fired on each other hunters from Texas to blame the migrants

In Texas, two men accidentally shot each other and blamed illegal immigrants. About it reports The Independent. The incident occurred in early January on a ranch in South Texas, near the Mexican border. The police arrived at the scene and found two men bleeding. The victims — Walker Daugherty and Edwin Roberts said the patrol, they fired the illegals they saw at the ranch some time ago. The story broke on social networks, after Commissioner of agriculture in Texas and an ardent supporter of current U.S. President Sid Miller posted it on his page in Facebook. However, the police did not believe the victims, and the court ruled that the hunters shooting each other. The Prosecutor in the case noted that Daugherty was obsessed with paranoia: he sincerely believed that Roberts and his wife were attacked by refugees and climbed into their car. This forced Roberts to open fire, his

Lavrov announced the beginning of a new round of talks on Syria in Geneva

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the next round of negotiations will begin in Geneva on 23 February. About it reports “Interfax”. According to the head of the foreign Ministry, the participants of the meeting generally can be considered acceptable, but the representation could be improved. He explained that meant the Kurds. As stressed by the foreign Minister, in Moscow have consistently advocated to carry out the decisions of the UN Security Council and to ensure representation of the entire spectrum of the opposition. “Without the Kurds, of course, do not provide. We also understand that there are certain difficulties in the position of the external players,” he said. Lavrov said that the talks in Geneva will be presented to the group, formed in my time at meetings in Cairo, Moscow and Riyadh, as well as armed opposition groups who participate in meetings

Iran threatened the United States a slap in the face

Mohammad Pakpour The commander of the Islamic revolutionary guard Corps (IRGC) threatened the US government a slap in the face if they continue to undermine defense capabilities of Iran. About it reports Reuters. “The enemy must not underestimate their opponents, and if he makes a mistake, you may be ready to get in the face”, — said the General of the ground forces Mohammad Pakpour. Took last month President Donald trump has promised to toughen policies against the Islamic Republic. The statement came after Iran tests ballistic missile on January 29. Wednesday, 22 February, the IRGC completed trendine exercises involving missile troops, artillery and armored units and helicopters. “Now everyone will see what we can do,”— said Pakpour. The Iranian authorities note that their missile program is defensive and has nothing to do with the nuclear deal they concluded in 2015 with the “six” of international mediators. During the presidential

Received a million pounds compensation, the fighter exploded in Mosul

Jamal al Harif Released by the British government and received compensation of a million pounds a terrorist was blown up in Iraq. About it reports The Independent. Jamal al Harif, the militant “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), staged the attack in a village South of Mosul. The bomber was in a car bomb. IG already confirmed civilian casualties and published a photograph of a smiling Islamist. The Iraqi authorities have not given official comments. 50-year-old al-Harif was arrested by the U.S. on suspicion of terrorism and was released in 2004 after an appeal by the UK government. In his statement, he accused British agents of mistreatment, and then he managed to get a payout from the authorities of the Kingdom. Tony Blair, the then Prime Minister, was heavily criticized for the prisoner’s release. “It is obvious that all this time he represented a threat to our security”,—said the

The high court of South Africa blocked the exit of the country from the international criminal court

The high court of South Africa ruled unconstitutional the intention of the authorities to withdraw from the International criminal court (ICC). About it reports Reuters. The head of the High court Mojapelo Phineas (Phineas Mojapelo) officially ordered by the South African government to revoke the relevant notice sent to the Hague. It is unclear whether the submit office to this order. Earlier, the High court has repeatedly demanded of the government to fulfill obligations to the ICC, but to no avail. However, the opposition party “Democratic Alliance” who filed the lawsuit, has called the decision of the court of his great victory. South Africa has officially announced the release of the ICC on 21 October 2016. The reason was the contradiction between obligations to the court and the domestic legislation of a country, that grants heads of state diplomatic immunity. After arriving in the country at the African Union summit

In Germany arrested a Russian citizen on suspicion of funding ISIS

German authorities arrested a Russian citizen on suspicion of funding terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Wednesday, February 22, RIA Novosti reported, citing a statement by the representative of the Prosecutor’s office of Munich. “He was arrested yesterday (February 21 — approx. “Of the”). We are talking about 35-year-old citizen of Russia”, — he said. According to a law enforcement officer, the same day the decision was made to arrest the suspect. The man is accused of funding ISIS through their own funds and money collected in social networks. On 25 October last year it was reported that the German authorities suspected 13 Russian citizens in the financing of terrorism. Police carried out searches in 12 apartments in Thuringia, Hamburg and North Rhine-Westphalia. The special operation was conducted in connection with the investigation against 28-year-old Chechen suspected of membership in ISIS.

US suspected China’s missile deployment on disputed Islands

Spratly American military experts suspected China in the placement of the missiles “ground-air” on the disputed Islands in the South China sea (SCS). About it reports Reuters with reference to sources in the Pentagon. US intelligence has documented the construction of nearly two dozen concrete objects with a retractable roof on the Islands of the Subie, Mischif, firi Cross and Spratly Islands. They also placed the runway for the Chinese air force. “The Chinese did not build just like that. It’s not like them. Structures resemble silos for anti-aircraft missiles, so it is likely that they are,” — said the representative of the security services. 19 Feb carrier group, the US Navy began patrolling in the South China sea amid growing tensions between Washington and Beijing over the disputed borders in the region. A month before that, the Chinese edition of Global Times has predicted the beginning of armed conflict

Zakharova accused the authorities of Montenegro to the promotion of anti-Russian campaign

Maria Zakharova The allegations of the involvement of the Russian authorities to the attempted coup in Montenegro cost of power of the Republic. This was at the briefing on Wednesday, February 22, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports TASS. According to her, “this is not a new campaign, she’s just going through a new phase of their promotion”. “Of course, for this campaign are Montenegrin government, as we understand,” she said. Zakharov said that “the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic did not resist the temptation to join in the use of widely used in USA and EU countries thesis” on the intervention of some Russian special services in electoral processes. Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that all such claims are unfounded. “Of course, no evidence that would be able to confirm these declarations, nor the Montenegrin officials, nor the Western media do not give”, —

The foreign Ministry was surprised by the leakage of information about the death Churkin

Vitaly Churkin In the Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs expressed surprise at the appearance in the American press leaks about the circumstances of the death of the representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Vitaly Churkin. This is the official representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova said at a briefing on Wednesday, February 22, her words leads RIA Novosti. “We believe that this information should be passed to the Russian side, primarily through official channels to be informed the family, his family should first be aware of the results of the examination”, — said Zakharov. She hoped that the us side will continue to inform Moscow via official channels and only then transfer the data to the media. Vitaly Churkin died in new York on Monday, February 20, the day before your 65th birthday. According to the newspaper The New York Post, in the morning, the diplomat felt

Spanish police fired at the truck with gas cylinders

Police in Barcelona used the weapon to stop moving at high speed, a truck with gas cylinders. Reported by ABC. The car was driving along one of the streets towards the city centre in the opposite lane. While moving the truck rammed several cars. On the demands of the police to stop the driver does not react, and the guards used their weapons. They managed to arrest sitting behind the wheel of a man who was a citizen of Sweden. Shortly before his arrest, he stole a truck, using the fact that the owner was unloading the containers with gas. According to the publication, the detainee, the Swede is suffering from a mental disorder. On 22 August last year suffering from mental disorder, a woman was attacked with a knife on bus passengers in Brussels. Wounds were received by three persons. Arrived at the scene, police opened fire on the