In Bahrain, the bombing of the bus injured five police officers

As a result of the detonation of a bus in Bahrain injured five policemen. This is stated in the message of the interior Ministry, received by RIA Novosti. The incident occurred on Sunday evening, February 26. An improvised explosive device was blown up on the way to the South of the capital, Manama, at the time of travel of the bus with the police. Five police officers were taken to hospital, two of them were slightly injured, condition of three is stable. Law enforcement officers cordoned off the scene and commenced investigations.

In Damascus, terrorists fired mortars at the area near the Russian Embassy

In the Damascus district of Mazraa, where is the Russian Embassy, was subjected to mortar fire by militants. About it the correspondent of RIA Novosti. Near the territory of the diplomatic mission exploded two shells killed and wounded. According to the soldiers of the Syrian army, was fired from the district of Jobar, which is under the control of insurgents. The Embassy in Damascus was attacked several times. 29 Dec 2016 the mine fell into the territory of the diplomatic mission near the entrance to the consular section. She was released from the territory controlled by the militants. The explosion caused minor material damage, nobody was hurt. 2 and 3 February, the Embassy also came under fire. It was fired precisely from the area Dzhobar. One of the mines exploded in the Embassy complex between office and residential buildings, the other — 20 metres from the main entrance to the

The state Department accused the militia of Donbass in violation of the ceasefire

The United States accused the militias of Donbass that they do not abide by the ceasefire. A statement published on the Department’s website. “The United States is closely monitoring growing violence in Eastern Ukraine in recent weeks and the continuing failure of the Russian-separatist forces to observe a ceasefire, provided Minsk agreements”, — said in comments. The state Department condemned the incident on Friday, February 24, “the attack on the Special observation mission of the OSCE” and “capture the unmanned vehicle” owned by her. “It is imperative that these forces ceased its attacks on the civilian infrastructure, including at the Donetsk filter station. We call on Russia and the separatist forces it supports to cease immediately to violate the ceasefire, withdraw all heavy weapons and to provide OSCE monitors full and unimpeded access”, — underlined in the message of Department. At the end of January in the Donbass began a

The media learned on checking the mobile phones of employees of the White house due to leaks

Sean Spicer Mobile phones about ten employees of the press service of the White house have been checked with regard to leaks in the media from a closed meeting. On Sunday, February 26, the newspaper writes Politico, citing a source present at the conversation, the official White house spokesman Sean Spicer with his staff, Last week he found out that journalists got the information from closed meetings to the press service, and once again called those who attended to his office for a talk. During the Spicer expressed disappointment with a number of private conversations and meetings, the content of which was presented in the media in an unflattering light. Before the meeting subordinate Spicer were asked to leave their mobile phones on the table at the entrance to check in order to prove that they have nothing to hide. During the meeting, White house spokesman reminded the press office

The head of the UFC called the next opponent McGregor

Khabib Nurmagomedov The following opponent of the champion of the ultimate fighting championship (UFC), Conor McGregor will be the winner of the battle between Russian Habib Nurmagomedov and American Tony Ferguson. This was stated by the head of the UFC Dana white, as quoted by TMZ. “I expect the next fight Conor will be held under MMA rules and the UFC. It will be a fight with the winner of the match between Habib and Ferguson. Two hard athlete. The first and second fighters in the rankings. Couldn’t be better. These guys hate each other, the battle will be fierce,” said white. The head of the UFC has also assessed the possibility of the match McGregor with American boxer Floyd Mayweather. “Where are we talks about the battle McGregor and Mayweather? I don’t know. We are nowhere,” said white. The fight with Nurmagomedov Ferguson will be held March 4 at

Moldovan President advised the ambassadors of the United States and Romania not to meddle in its Affairs

Igor Dodon The President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, wrote a letter to the ambassadors of the United States and Romania James D. Pettit and Daniela Ionita, in which he demanded that they stop interfering in his activities. Excerpts of messages at the disposal of the media, Sunday, February 26, leads “Interfax”. The head of state reminded the diplomats that Moldova is an independent and sovereign Republic, and therefore “the President’s office does not accept comments and sermons from the outside about its activities and decisions”. The Moldovan leader also doubted that in Romania or the US ambassadors can comment on the actions of presidents, “particularly in terms of deployment of the Armed forces.” The Agency notes that the letter was a reaction Dodon on a joint appeal Pettit and Ionita, in which they expressed regret in connection with the ban on the participation of Moldovan military in joint exercises, the

Ahmadinejad wrote Trump

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad wrote a letter to the American leader Donald Trump, informs the American TV channel ABC News. The message in particular addresses the issues of immigration policy of the United States, as well as evaluation of Washington’s actions in the middle East. Ahmadinejad said that sent a message to Trump the Swiss Embassy in Tehran, which represents the interests of Washington. In the letter he condemned the prevailing influence of the US in the UN, as well as interference in the Affairs of foreign States. According to him, these actions brought “instability, war, disorder, murder and displacement of peoples”. Commenting on the policy of trump against immigrants, the former Iranian leader said: the modern United States “belong to all peoples”, therefore, nobody has the right to consider themselves the owner of this country and others — “guests or immigrants.” In this regard, Ahmadinejad stressed

Ukrainian nationalists began a blockade of Donbass Mariupol direction

The city of Bakhmut Participants of the trade blockade of Donbass established the first redoubt on the Mariupol direction. This was reported on the page of its headquarters in Facebook. The fortification, which was called “the Nightingale”, is located in the village of Novotroitsk in the Kiev-controlled part of Donetsk region. “The garrison of redoubt — the veterans of the battalion “Donbass”, “Aidar” volunteer movement, the OUN (Organization of Ukrainian nationalists, banned in Russia), UNSO (Ukrainian national self-defence, is prohibited in Russia) and social activists,” reads the post. It also specifies that the tasks of the garrison — the overlap of trade and the flow of contraband in the direction Donetsk — Mariupol. The headquarters added that plans to expand the network of redoubts. Earlier in February, the blockade blocked the railway Yasinovataya (under the control of militias), Kostiantynivka (under the control of the Armed forces of Ukraine). Before that,

Russian foreign Ministry condemns terrorist attack in HOMS and urged to punish those responsible

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova Moscow strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in HOMS. This is stated in the statement of the Ministry of foreign Affairs released on Sunday, February 26. The text of the message published on the website of the Department. “Such acts should receive a strict rating, and their customers, the organizers and sponsors to incur the deserved punishment”, — is spoken in the message. The foreign Ministry also stressed that we cannot allow terrorists to disrupt the plans of the international community for a ceasefire in Syria and promote a political settlement. 25 February in HOMS, which is under the control of government troops, was made a double attack. Suicide bombers (according to various estimates, from two to six people) was blown up near the military institutions. The victims were, at last count, at least 34 people. The responsibility assumed, “Heat Tahrir al-sham”

The car drove into a crowd of people in the South-East of London

In South-East London the car crashed into the fence, pre-rammed crowd of pedestrians. According to The Telegraph, the incident occurred on Sunday, February 26, in the heart of Bellingham. The accident injured five people, all of them hospitalized. Twitter account @Kent_999s, which publishes information on the state of emergency in the city said that three injured (two men and a woman) are in critical condition. Daily Star notes that was driving the man arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving. According to @Kent_999s, the driver was drunk. — Kent 999s (@Kent_999s) On 26 February 2017, 11:12 On 25 February, a similar incident occurred in the German city of Heidelberg. The driver of the car had run into a group of pedestrians, injuring three people. The man tried to flee the scene, but was detained by the police. According to preliminary data, the incident is not a terrorist attack.